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Everything posted by xxATLowxx

  1. :LOL: smiley ftw! :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:

    and i'll just give a friend's adress and have them give it to me :ninja:

  2. do you want me to lie and say that i'm super interested? :LOL:

  3. :LOL: i don't have the abso dvd :supersad: you should let me borrow it haha :D
  4. well, today's thursday, i've got school, then most likely nothing else :LOL: *is boring*

    what about you?

  5. *needs to get a red wig and jump out of a tree*
  6. :LOL: my brother had a bass, i googled a tab to a song, and just started playing :ninja:

    i really wish i could play piano though. my dad is like in love with piano, and he'd love to have a pianist in the house to just play. but i'm far from being coordinated enough to play :LOL:

  7. :LOL: this song will not grow on me no matter how much i listen to it. :stunned:
  8. bass ftw! :happy:

    i taught myself bass & guitar, no lessons :yesey: i tried piano, and that was such a fail :facepalm: and drums, i've played before, i just don't have any to practice on but at a friend's house

  9. :LOL: that always happens to me... got no homework tonight though :D

    i do actually, i play the bass and guitar on the side. do you?

  10. hi! as of right now i'm looking through the cydia store, how about yourself? :)

  11. i kinda expected more out of it, but i read somewhere that there would be a non-soundtrack version on the US single comming out next month-ish :ninja: it's probably not true though, but if it is, it'll probably be better, (take ibty regular and new moon remix for example) :happy:

    the piano is pretty awesome at the end :awesome:

    but i was happier with just the 30sec preview than the whole song. :facepalm:

  12. media fire or something like that i guess would be fine @liz
  13. i wanna go throw up.

    just kidding, it's not that bad

    not wonderful, either :erm:

  14. :LOL: i seee


    i get metric :shifty:

  15. cheesy song is cheesy it better not be played live that much
  16. it is :awesome:*cough* 162 :ninja:

    how about you?

  17. that's awesome! :awesome: i hope you have fun :D

  18. i still want to believe that it's "LIE! ASS ENDEAVORRRR!" instead of lie, i say never. :LOL:

  19. :awesome:! 163 now :ninja:

    gah i can't wait :dance:

  20. :awesome:! get clips of yourself singing into a fan or something and your hair all blowing everywhere
  21. IT'S SO HOOOTOTTTTTTT it's 90 edit: i should go to the pool and jump off the diving board for bliss mv
  22. dudy! :dance: hello! :awesome:

    i'm doing fantastic :awesome: seeing muse in 164 days :dance:

    how aboutt you? :)

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