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Everything posted by xxATLowxx

  1. o: you gonna go?

  2. :awesome: you get me anything? :chuckle:
  3. i'm the opposite @allison - don't like macs
  4. @kirby you finally got your ipod did you sell your old one? kitteh
  5. i caught a bunch of pwopa fish :happy:

    they were all brim like that one V but i did catch one crappy. :awesome: they've got giant mouths so they're really hard to catch

    dad caught a little bass but i didn't get to see it cause he was on the other side of the pond :(

  6. i just took a very very very long nap... :sleepy::LOL:





  7. *doesn't care at aaaalllllll*

    he even admits thet NSC is cheesy there. :LOL:

  8. :LOL: i'd probably be the person to film somebody falling, rather than falling myself

    i'm off to go fishing now :happy: talk to you later! :kiss:

  9. i don't quite enjoy crashing into things // falling over :chuckle:

    :LOL: ouchies i hope that didn't hurt too bad :chuckle:

  10. :yesey: victor is such a beast!

    i wanna snowboard :awesome: but everyone says skiing is easier for someone who's never tried either before so i dunno. :LOL:

  11. never been snowboarding either :noey: i was meaning to go over winterbreak last year but never got to, hopefully i will this winter :awesome:

  12. fishing is so much fun :dance: i'll take pictures of my pwopah fishies :happy: and i just drive around and stop at any pond usually :chuckle:

    ouch :eek: i've never been surfing or broken any bones before. :LOL: surfing seems so much fun though

  13. i'm hoping to go out on the lake & go tubing tomorrow with friends, but who knows what'll happen, i know i'm going fishing in the morning though :facepalm:

    i'd love to go to the beach :happy: i went 2 days in spring break with friends and a week last summer with family but i would totally go again :awesome:

  14. :awesome: i only get a 3 day weekend (monday off) and i've got testing all next week :shifty: and i got 13 hours of sleep last night... that has NEVER happened to me before. :LOL:

    this summer... hmm july 5-10 i'm going to a camp with my youth group :dance: it's gonna be super amazing as always

    and july 12-? i'm going to the mountains with my family... there i know there should be a water park, caves, and hiking. :happy: what about yourself?

  15. :LOL: if you listen to the interview before they premired nsc on the radio he talks about gaia. but the 'he wants her back' THAT I DON'T CARE ABOUT someone posted somewhere so it might not be all true
  16. :supersad: i don't have a larger version of my picture, but here are some bigger ones that are very similar:





  17. :LOL: you're fine :yesey:

    it's like, 92348901 different songs mashed up into one and written in about a week or so

    :facepalm: he wrote it for gaia, but i would think their relationship would of been not so cheesy. :LOL: maybe he'll write a song to get her back or something... i read somewhere that he's gonna do everything in his power to get her back NOT LIKE IT'S ANY OF MY BUSINESS OR ANYTHING :ninja:

  18. where is it now? :LOL:

  19. :LOL: i stayed up to watch SNL one night (the night muse were on it) and by the time they played starlight at the ending, my brother came home and saw my face just inches infront of the tv :facepalm::LOL:
  20. matt's voice > sex

    but that's the case in all of their songs :happy:

    i've grown to like everything but the overall style of the song, it just changed too much

  21. :LOL: yeah i was only up till 11.30 when it ended but then i texted someone special till about 1 :$ i was misreable in the morning lmao

    and before it came on (couple hours before) they showed a recap of every episode up til this point it was awesome :awesome:

  22. it really was an amazing ending :awesome: i haven't watched all 6 seasons but i plan on doing so soon :yesey:

  23. it's been a pretty normal monday, consisting of me dozing off during my classes :LOL: stayed up watching the last episode of lost :'( i almost cried :$

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