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Everything posted by xxATLowxx

  1. i can't tell :supersad:

  2. see you! and i will! :)

  3. ah, i thought it was Bliss Mee that did the name changes though. :LOL:

  4. yes it is. :yesey: in his sexyness. :LOL: how are you forgy? :awesome:

  5. sound from my computer is still not working... fml. I CAN'T LISTEENNNN. ;_;
  6. cortinaaaa o: cause the mountains are awesome

  7. @liz it has been a while since this has happened, hasn't it?
  8. demon child? :LOL:

    i hate that too :shifty:

    i'll put what i want :p

  9. @kirby this is the best thing ever. omg. *puts on ipod*
  10. i can't listen :$my computer is stoopid. but those lyrics are so epic.
  11. i just got home o:

  12. i could try guitar too. it doesn't sound that hard.
  13. i can try bass... if not i'll do nothing. i haven't tried bass yet but i won't have the bass for about a week for my brother's taking it to play at a camp in south carolina, and i'll be on vacation for another week as well
  14. hah i thought that small 150 people thing i played at the other week was a gig :LOL:

    i played guitar with james & blakeman sang in front of 700 people at camp

    it was completely amazing with everyone screaming and cheering every 15 seconds :D

    when are you comming home?

  15. i thought i had the bass part, but whatever i've been away the entire week so i haven't had any time at all lately to record.
  16. :chuckle:

    114 till mine! :D

    and i'm leaving for camp in the morning! :D

  17. haha n'aw i found dr tran more than a year ago. and potter puppet pals are legends
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