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Status Updates posted by Luigi.

  1. Hopefully he does become less serious later on. Haha nice.:chuckle:

    Have you seen this?




    He sounds familiar but I have no idea what films he's directed. -Googles-

  2. Happy birthday :party:

  3. Happy birthday :party:

  4. Happy birthday :party:

  5. Happy birthday :party:


    They probably will lose their powers slowly.



    One thing that I've noticed is that new Spock is more serious than old Spock. Old Spock was serious in a laid back kind of way. Not sure if that makes sense.:chuckle:



    I think that they looked okay. It was badass seeing Khan taking them out.



    Abrams will be too busy with Star Wars to direct the third Star Trek. They need to get someone great to replace him.

  7. Happy birthday! :party:

  8. Happy birthday! :party:


    It's going to be interesting to see more of Metatron next year.


    I have no idea if the angels are going to be completely human. It was tragic seeing Cas looking at the sky like that. We probably will see Abaddon again next season in a different vessel. Hopefully Crowley stays as a semi demon since it'll be funny to see a sensitive side to him. Then again, I don't want him to be a weak ally. They did do a lot of work for the trials to not go through with it.:chuckle:



    Star Trek 2 was awesome. Still have trouble getting used to the new, more emotional Spock. Benedict was fantastic as you know who.


    Klingons are definitely going to be the villains for the third one.


    Apparently they want to release the third one in 2016 since it's the 50 year anniversary. I wonder who they're going to get to direct it.

  10. It was great.


    Damn Metatron.:indiff: The final shot was great with all of the angels falling. Crowley will probably become an ally again next season.



    That sucks. I'm surprised that I've managed to avoid spoilers about the villain. The Iron Man 3 was spoiled for me a week before I saw it.

  11. Happy birthday! :party:

  12. Happy Birthday! :party:

  13. Happy Birthday! :party:


    I hadn't thought about that. Naomi could be manipulating him. That would make a great twist.


    Yeah, they should have kept an eye on her. It was pretty funny seeing him shop for Dean.:chuckle:


    Two more days.:awesome:


    Ah I see.:chuckle: Yeah it would have been a bit awkward too.



    I liked the subplot with the kid more than I thought I would.

    The first one is still my favorite one but it was a great film. Haha I see, that's okay. I'm a big movie geek.:chuckle: Hearing great things about the new Star Trek film. Also have to say that Bones is my favorite character.

  15. You're welcome.:happy:

  16. Happy Birthday! :party:

  17. Happy Birthday! :party:

  18. Happy Birthday! :party:

  19. Happy birthday! :party:

  20. Today's episode was awesome. Wish I hadn't seen the promo for the season finale. It spoiled too many things for me. I can already tell that this season finale will be a lot better than the last one. I like how they've raised the stakes now.


    I liked the angel gun that Crowley created. Crowley's speech gave a great speech. Didn't expect Cas to be tasked with closing heaven. Felt bad for the women who died. They also missed a huge opportunity to reference Monty Python's Black Knight with the armless demon.:chuckle:


    Yeah that was Cas story arc in season four and five. Crowley was great with his directing.:chuckle:



    That's awesome, you got to meet someone who was on Supernatural. Did you get an autograph or take a picture with him?


    I'm planning on seeing Iron Man 3 tomorrow or someday this week. Elysium and Man Of Steel look amazing. Also planning on seeing The Wolverine, Pacific Rim, Only God Forgives, Star Trek 2, The World's End and You're Next.

  21. Haven't seen it yet actually, I've been busy.:chuckle: Definitely watching it tomorrow.

  22. Hopefully it is great.:yesey:


    It's the beginning of the summer movie season.:awesome:

  23. I know, I know. Watching Iron Man 3 on Friday.:awesome:

  24. It did ruin a lot of things.:noey: Hopefully everyone will forget about that episode and what it caused. Best to pretend that it doesn't exist.:chuckle:

  25. Well you pretty much said most of the things that I wanted to say. I'm still going to discuss the episode. Also it was a lot of lazy writing.



    How did Crowley kill a reaper? I don't remember anyone saying that the angel blades can kill everything, including the reapers. Also I agree that they shouldn't be able to see the reapers. Also don't like hearing about the rogue reapers. It was terrible.


    I agree that they made it way too easy to get into hell and purgatory now. Cas should have basically searched for a rogue reaper in season six and it would have been a lot shorter. It was way too easy for Sam to find Bobby after only a couple of turns. Hell does look like a joke now. Crowley's long line hell from season six was way better than this hell.


    The time difference was annoying too. I hate that they got rid of Benny. They are getting rid of my favorite side characters. He was a cool guy and it's a shame that they got rid of him now. I don't think he's dead but it's probably a while before we see him again. Good point that Dean could have cured himself with Benny's blood.


    Well that's a lot shorter than yours.:$ You said most of the things that I wanted to say.:chuckle:

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