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Butterflies and Hurricanes

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Status Updates posted by Butterflies and Hurricanes

  1. Hi! Ah ok mate, I understand :). I haven't been on in ages :p. How you doing lately?

  2. Why are you doing your GCSEs now?!?! That isn't right. Damn lucky! My school is rubbish and won't let us :( I want to mosh around to my music :p

  3. Hey!!! Oh thanks mate, I'm still sorry :( I'm been great, thanks :) how have you been. Heh heh "long time noe speak" I like it :p Speak later :)

  4. Hey!!! Yeah, I keep forgeting about this website :p X Factor, lol. I'm not fond of it myself :) How's your school life been? Agrh, Year 10 is nothing but work, so annoying. Wish we could listen to our iPod's :(

    Speak later :)

  5. Hey!!! Oh that's a bit tight! I went to see Muse last month, but I wont say incase I will make you upset. Anyway, yeah I'm good thanks, got a boyfriend! :) He's so nice and funny. Better than my last one, by a long shot! Heh heh, how are you? Speak later :)

  6. I've been good thanks. How have you been? Sorry I toke so long to reply, GCSEs and all that :p

  7. Hello! Wow you went to Wembley! I went to Lanchashire, it's amazing isn't it? You had the spaceship as well where the band was on? I got some pictures of that, I must upload them! How you been lately?

  8. Omg I'm so sorry, I didn't know it was your birthday! Please, do forgive me. I should really go on this website more! If I could I would send you a very late preasent. I'm so sorry :(

  9. Hello there! How are you today?

  10. No problem mate! :) Oh I've been great thanks! Sorry I toke AGES I was busy with new school year that's GCSE etc. Well today I've just woken up :p Going to watch the football on TV later. What about you, how are you and what are you doing today?

  11. Oh I know! Haha, think that's the best one! Aww I see you have no comments. So Hello there how are you?

  12. hey thanks for sending a friend request! Of course I'll be your friend! Haha, I love your interest! xD

  13. Haha I wish! :LOL: Wow Florida! I wish I could go there. Not been on holiday yet. I'm taking my laptop so I can still muse about! ;) I'm off to Creete...boring! xD Jokes, nah I'm looking forward to it really! So, what have you got planned for the rest of the holidays?

  14. Hi! Oh I'm good, thanks! How's you? Just one little floor, I like this guy but he lives like 4 hours away from me :( All well! :LOL: What you been up to lately?

  15. Oh well done on getting a job! I'm not old enough (I don't think) to get a job! :LOL: I've been great thanks mate! (Oh and thanks for the messages on my pictures. I'm sure you can draw better than a 6yr old!) Just a bit of ups and downs, but apart form that fantastic! Oh I really want to see The Hangover! Is it funny?

  16. I'm ok with it now, thanks! Yeah, he's on nob-cheese! :LOL: Aww poor you! You'll get one, one day! I know you will! :) Anyway, did you see the last 2 episodes of Doctor Who? I would of cried if Matt left! :p Can't wait for the Christmas specail!

  17. Hi mate! Wow Gears was really fun today! 20x is crazy! Ha I hope you liked Callum, he's a good friend of mine! And so are you! Anyway, how you been lately?

  18. Oh I've been great! Just one bad thing, my boyfriend dumped me on MSN. :( Anyway, how are you???

  19. Not bad thanks! Ho have you been?

  20. For me, I love Gears of War. Love it so much, I can't stop playing it! Lol, I like Final Fantasy as well. I'm only on disc 2 for FFXIII. I don't like COD. And (no offence) I don't like MM2. But all well we all have different taste. What Level are you on Gears 2? I'm 67 with over 32,200 kills! <3 (Keen! xD)

  21. hey, thanks for joining my game console group! I see you like xbox's as well. what's your fave game?

  22. Hey m8! For some reason, I left a comment but it didn't show up! It said you are amazing at Gears!!! Your skills are awesome. Very unique to most I have seen. You have a rare skill :)

  23. Yeah I did see it, I left a comment! I hope you had a great birthday! What did you get? Sorry, if I'm being a bit nosey

  24. Oh it's ok mate! I haven't had my GCSE's, I was ment to put next year in yr 10. I'm still in yr 9. Lol! Thanks mate, yeah I was lucky to get a song name, but your name is cool! I like it! :)

  25. Hahahaha! I do that anyway ;) I got some of my exam results back today. Lol I was well upset with my History one. I got 68% out of 100! :( Sad face! Lol, but for my French (I don't care about my french lessons) I got 14 out of 30! :LOL: When I saw it I was like :eek: but someone else in my class got 6 out of 30!!! He was loling :D

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