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Everything posted by Maa.

  1. HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIII!:awesome: Andrada im soo bored i cant believe its true:LOL:

  2. haha:LOL:brilliant!no i have to go now:kiss:see ya tomorrow:awesome:

  3. Are you still poing your way through omegle??

  4. :LOL:Thats not me!!!:eek::LOL:

  5. Im goonna say 1

  6. Stil havent found you!

  7. OMAGAD!

    Soo ill disconnet until ill find you!

  8. OMAGAWDSSKADKÖD!:LOL: Youre the only one that can make me laugh like that:LOL: HOLY CRAP:LOL: OMagawds-,dföl!!!!!!Im in omegle and im posting that!!!!

  9. :LOL:EHWTA:LOL: THAT BASTARD!!!You should arrest her for being a twatlight:LOL::facepalm:See ?:eek:

  10. Hejsananan:awesome:

  11. OHNOO! im soo bitchslap-worthy!!:facepalm:NO FACEPALM IS ENOUGH!!! it was good THE SNOOW IS GOOOOOONE AND IT WAS SUNNY"

    AND YOU?

  12. :LOL: Whre's that from?...:shifty:
  13. :LOL: Yes I listened to that but still:LOL:
  14. OMAGAWD!:awesome:Congratz!!!!!!!:dance: "Hi I'm Chris from Muse. Have you heard our latest album? It's called the Resistance. You can listen to it right here on Spotify! Enjoy!"

    I've been listening to that commercial over and over again! Just to hear Chris's voice:LOL: It's the first time in ages I hear his voice:LOL::facepalm:


    :LOL: Too much:LOL::facepalm:

  15. Maa.

    Haha:LOL: Ja clowner är läskiga:eek: eller roliga vilket dem sälla är!:shifty:Mest läskiga:fear: Jag mår bra tar en paus från all plugg:happy:

  16. Maa.

    Hej hej:happy:

  17. I dont remember what I did yesterday:LOL: How are you?When your logging in that is:LOL: So right now Im just chatting with myself:facepalm:

  18. A bit fun to be honest:awesome: I've hade the time to watch some documentaries:ninja: wich is good. But now I have to go back stu-dying, so see ya soon:kiss: And you?:happy:

  19. Im fine:awesome: Thats :awesome: Better than 4? or 5?or 3?or2?:LOL:

  20. Haha:LOL: Det var exakt vad mina föräldrar och kompisar sa:LOL: hellre Wembley än Stockholm. Men helst båda:yesey:Du går ju 4 ggr:eek: FUSSSSSK!:phu:

  21. Ja det skulle vara lite speciellt med den biljetten men det är ju upplevelsen som räknas:awesome:Hoppas vi inte är utomlands då:(:LOL: Aja jag kommer ändå se dem i wembley, men men:facepalm:

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