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Everything posted by •am•

  1. :(


    I'm on my way.

  2. Was it only 20? Wow! We ended up being #9 and #10 so I had no idea how many people got in behind us. See you at the next show! :)

  3. Hey... I can't see the attachment that you posted on my profile :( do you have facebook? If you do, just add me on there and message me or tag me or something if its a pic.


    Amethyst Thorman

  4. I will be!!!! I was gonna save it for Houston... but I'm gonna take Klock's advice and just wash it and wear it to both gigs
  5. Does anyone have any problem with The Flying Saucer? I'm definitely over 21... so i'm not worried about that... but maybe others might be?
  6. I'm hoping to get there in the morning.... not EXACTLY sure what time yet though.
  7. you model yourself on the epitome of the word "manly", on a man who is simply sex ensconced in velvet... to say you were just "hot" would be an insult to your greatness.

  8. :chuckle: Why would you have ever wanted to?! He is the ultimate in :awesome:



  9. Coming again to save the mother fucking day, yeah!

  10. Hey Miss Lily! Yes, I'm doing fine..... Having a bit of a rough time at work and stuff, so I've been here and there. I'll be back soon! I promise! Take care of Chris for me! :)

  11. Where has my little tiger been? :supersad:

  12. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Epic amounts of awesome! :D


    Thanks! :awesome:



    :erm: very creepy Matt thumb :erm:

  13. Now I just go by Amethyst. I still get the occasional Amie though (which is pronouced Ay-me not am-ee btw so it doesn't sound like it comes from Amethyst but eh... i don't mind.) Yeah I haven't had anyone go the "thyst" route... and I gotta say I'm glad for that... I dunno if that would fit me. :chuckle:

  14. Hahaha yeah I bet it was. I know It catches my attention if I ever hear/see someone else mention an Amethyst.


    When I was in middle school I went by Amie (pronounced just like Amy) for short. How about you?

  15. I think someone was referring to me in a thread and you asked if they were talking to you.

  16. Yup! We're totally awesome :awesome:

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