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Everything posted by •am•

  1. awww yes i'm gonna get to one later tonight. i have some pics from the recent gigs i've been to that i need to share. holy crap!!! pedro is making a comeback!!!!!! beautiful i love his mole even blurry the man is hot!
  2. can't wait ....and i'm dead. yeah i know what you mean. i took my personal lap top to work today because i needed to get some files from it for one of my students. i pulled it out during a short break and somehow got pulled into my muse pic folder and before i knew it, i had been going through chris pics for a good 30 mins and was totally oblivious to the fact that my staff development session had started up again.
  3. I was watching this tonight and i swear that harmonica just does things to me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NL1wqc9rGE btw... if you list with head phones you can hear Chris' background vocals VERY clearly I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVEN'T POSTED IN HERE IN ALMOST A MONTH!!!! I've been neglectful Actually, I've just been super busy. your sig! Chris makes stripes looks which is quite a feat. Ooooooh nice! love the smiley
  4. Awww s'ok. Try to add me if you can. I'd love to try and meet up with y'all at some point. I get into Heathrow at 7:50am on Friday (10th) and I leave at 10:15am on Sunday (12th). Short trip :supersad:

  5. awesome! i'm about to go on vacation. i'm leaving tomorrow. very excited :) oooh awesome. i can't wait until i get to see them this fall.

  6. i'm doing well. :) how've you been?

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