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Status Updates posted by •am•

  1. OMG!!!!!!!!! That is the BEST mug EVAR! That's so awesome!!!!


    Awww too bad on the zebra :(


    a kitty one would have been awesome! :)

  2. doesn't matter when... as long as you do it :)

  3. ah ok.


    well you should do it! it's taken me long enough to get the money and the time. i wish i would have done this a lot sooner.

  4. ouray? never heard of it.


    manchester and london :)

  5. for sure :)


    where are you going in CO?

  6. i've always wanted to go, so this year i'm making it happen :)


    ooooh colorado. i've been once. it was nice. it snowed :)

  7. hmmmm not really.... most of the summer i'm just going to school and working. at the end of the summe ri'll be taking a trip to england. i'm looking forward to that... but everything else is just... meh

  8. ehhh i can deal with that. my face can get pretty oily... which i hate :chuckle:


    i'll take dry over humid anyday

  9. ooooh damn... your state can MOST DEFINITELY compete with mine for heat. you're lucky though... you have dry heat.

  10. hmmmmm where are you from?


    i'm from texas... you want oven?.... we've got oven.

  11. :awesome: that's what I wanna be next halloween! i'll make it happen somehow.
  12. ah yes. i'm in summer mode too... unfortunately i have summer class... so needless to say... i ahven't been in the mood to study or do any work :indiff:


    hahaha thanks :) a friend of mine was a cow for halloween. we were at a party at his house and he brought down the costume to show everyone and the rest is history :happy::chuckle:

  13. a nothing much... just same old stuff... work, school, and the like. how're you? what's going on in your world?


    hahaha yeah i remember that. as you can see, my avatar is still alive and well :happy:

  14. well it's about damn time.

  15. i LOVE your signature!!! Garbage is :awesome:

  16. :eek: Wow! Really? It's just you? That's even more impressive. No wonder it takes time. No worries though, attention to detail is important. Looking forward to hearing more :happy:


    You're welcome ;)

  17. Hey there. Just wanted to say that I heard the first track on you band's website thingy. I liked it. Do you have any other songs up? I tried clicking around, but I only found that one.


    Good stuff, though :happy:

  18. my wife is sexy and has awesome hair.

  19. Happy birthday Mr. Muse Game Man :)


    Hope you have a great day!

  20. HEY! I got the posters! Thanks so much! :kiss:

  21. ooooh yay! thanks :kiss:

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