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Status Updates posted by •am•

  1. i think the angry tiger should be your avatar :chuckle:

  2. Woo! Yay for Christmas! Family stuff yea yea... really I can't wait for some time off from work! lol

  3. Happy Turkey Day to you too!!!

  4. Hey! Sorry I didn't get a chance to reply! Hope you had a great thanksgiving!

  5. concert was awesome for me as well! i've gotta see them soon! i'm having withdrawls! lol

  6. Ack!!!!!!! Today's the day!

  7. UM YEAH!!!!! Ha! I can't wait! Wednesday can't get here fast enough!

  8. awwww..... happy birthday. no worries i'll be your age in a few more months. you'll have some company in the "late twenties"

  9. it was good times! how was yours?

  10. I know!!!! I can't believe it's almost here! I'm crazy excited! I'm gonna go get some glow sticks this weekend! :D

  11. I know!!!! It's gonna be here before we know it! It'll be me and 2 other friends for sure.... possibly a 3rd

  12. life is great! how're things over in your world?

  13. My name is Amethyst (that's what my avatar is). I'm from San Antonio. Yup, I've definitely heard of blue bell and I know where Brenham is. I went to Texas A&M and it's not too far from there. I've got GA "seats" for the concert. What about you?

  14. yay for texas! thanks!

  15. nice to meet you too!

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