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Status Updates posted by AnnaMarie

  1. some got RBS??? lucky awwwww, wow and bliss???? jealousy has grown immensly

  2. I went! last night, it was awesome! I want more too! ;( I'm so glad you were able to go! And no, no MK Ulta, i'm slighty jealous lol, we got unnatural selection which was damn good, buttttt i would have loved MK live, you lucky bear.

  3. I'm gooood! Plug in Baby has lodged itself in my head and keeps repeating itself.

  4. no you did....... on the thing it showed you as a contact so i checked the friend box.... idk my bad, just saw the vegs show last night. wonderful. how are you?

  5. I'm still around! I just started school back in october and it's been hard to popp in. How are you/. I just went to the show in vegas last night..... it was amazing.

  6. hi

    we talked like once what's up muser

  7. I know life gets so busy doesn't it? I'm good just balancing work, school and fun lol my birthdays on friday! yay!

  8. well I dropped in to check on my fellow sasquatch mate, see how your doing and such and such. Must say the the sexosaurus remark is brilliant and I'll be using it, and that you and Ryan are adorabibbe!!!!! you two are too sweet! but reallys how is you?

  9. yes yes he was happy and swimming in the pond unlike a dead dukeh lol just made me laugh, I'm here so much but i loves it sews

  10. *peeks out from behind corner* hello! I just wanted to tell you a super random story that involved you, so i was at disneyland yesterday and I saw a duck in the pond they have there and I said aloud "oh look it's the dukeh!' and your avatar popped into my head:erm::unsure::stunned::$

  11. i've never had theology, only philosiphy, and that was alright

  12. what does he teach?

  13. that's good, so do you think you may still go into the marines? i always like talking to professors, unless I don't like them very much,

  14. oh ok, haha isn't that what offie hours are for, no but that's cool, did you ask him the questions about the military?

  15. what? an interview? why? and that would be kind of awkward, were you just getting advising or ?

  16. and school's alright, one interesting Brit Lit class, everything else blows, just super boring and blaahhhh

  17. :eek::eek::eek::eek:

    did you just boo me? and yes I heard you all the way from New Jersey right then, off to go cry in a corner of my lecture hall

  18. :$oh yea i've been working a lot and then school started too so I haven't been on aim very much:$

  19. well hello ther Mister! how've you been?

  20. no Ryno1116 :( I do not know where she has gone, perhaps she got on computer restriction? that used to happen to me when i got in trouble as a youngster, but i am sorry you miss her :( I miss her too I'm sure she'll be back soon though,

  21. hello! I know this is random, but in your sig, the clip where matt is singing, what is that from? he just looks so beautiful and in love with whatever he's singing I would like to veiw it if possible, and your sig is awesome by the way

  22. oh yes! I had a great day! hope yours was the same?

  23. hahaha they sure do! let the warm fuzzy feelings commence! so do you guys live by eachother at all?

  24. I will remember! pwomise! and I have read some of them teh comments are rther adorable! teh makes me sayz dawwwwww

  25. :eek: you mean it? how touching! umm well then I'll go with preist
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