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Status Updates posted by AnnaMarie

  1. ohhow fun! That's right outside of La! I once gave a fake number to a Marine that I met at a club off hollywood Blvd, he was much older than me, have you ever done the fake number gig?

  2. hello sasquatch, soooo since you are my sasquatch buddie, and you are marrying fellow muser ryno116, i just wanted I would like to be at the wedding, I', just throwing it out there

  3. yay! Law school and Muse Buddies what a combo! oh and starwars can't forget, that's cool, I wish I went to a smaller school, they seem to give more guidance, but I caouldn't afford anything private, I'm assuming it's private:$

  4. *receives claritin and takes* oh thanks that did the trick! lol did you see any musers on Muse day?

  5. *receives claritin and takes* oh thanks that did the trick! lol did you see any musers on Muse day?

  6. haha no I just got really bad allergies from them they were about 20 miles west of me so it was alright

  7. yes things are good in cali, how is Illinois? Never been there

  8. really? wow that's so weird! lol

  9. 11:40 pm here in california

  10. Hello Mr. Guy! so what time is it in NZ?

  11. Just wanted to say your tat kicks ass

  12. oh nos! :( how di you aquire holes? :( that's alright though, I rock stuff with holes in it,, and you can too! just as long as the holes aren't gigantic or anything, I haven't seen any Musers today :( have you?

  13. I'm savong to purchase purple. red, and green pants, has to wait ciz i've got a car payment to take care of lol, but I saw your outfit for Muse day, and we have the same shirt with the green and pink, i love that shirt! I'll be wearing it after work, :) you have to tell me if you see anyone!

  14. Matt and Dom for halloween???? what a fantastic idea! i DON'T HAVE ANYONE WHO WOULD BE WILLING TO DO THAT, BUT LOOKS LIKE WE'LL BE TWINS FOR HALLOWEEN THE LOL

    opps sorry i hit caps lock :(

  15. yea definately! my brother has a rather high pitched squeal :) lol oh and I thought it was funny you posted about the batman and robin song, I'm gonna be batgirl for halloween a rather sexy version though, lol

  16. aww *warm fuzzy feelings commence* i just meant I'm still getting used to all the gadgets ont he board lol hahahah sit the fuck down! or whenever sit down is mentioned lol

  17. Ohhhhh lol I'm slightly stupid haha didn't realize it had posted oppsies yes i would say the boardies are in the weirdies category in comparison to normal folks lol, but they really won't talk to you because of Muse? that's dumb of them. Random Muse moments are the best, they make me giggle to myself :)

  18. I wrote you back yesterday, seems i did it wrong though, I said you must stick to the weirdes! they will stick with you! and that college is easier, your aren't forcesd to socialize like you are in middle/high school, I was shy when i was youger, ut broke out of my shell in high school,

  19. I used to be shay when i was younger, i can relate, broke out of my shell in high school though, lbut your right no one ever understands my muse references, it's kinda funny sometimes, like when you throw a lyric into a convo and no one notices, and it's good to keep to the wierdies! they will keep to you if that makes sense lol, theres no hope for the nimrods that peak in high school, they all just end up losers afterwards, seen it done a couple times, it's easier in college, you aren't forces to socialize as much go wierdies!

  20. lol well everyone is making me feel welcome, it's like a family on here, I;m sure you must fit in elsewhere, you seem awfully nice

  21. yay! so happy to have a Muse friend!

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