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Everything posted by Mizutsu

  1. A Muse themed avvy perhaps? :D

  2. It's so cute. :D I died when I saw it :LOL:

  3. OMG, pretty Matteh and nice username change. :dance: Merrrrrrry Cwistmas!

  4. Yup you too! New Year full of Musey greatness and hotty Maffoos! :D

  5. :chuckle: ehhehee, I know. :LOL:
  6. Yup! Have a good one! :happy:

  7. Yeah! :dance: Have a happy Chrismatt (oh that was lame) :LOL:

  8. cwis.png

    :happy: Have a good one, Kriista!

  9. Just seeing that class name made me yawn...:eek::LOL:

    Might go upstate to uAlbany or possibly University of Boston, so it's going to be a bit of a drive to go here and back home. :p Where's your school at?

  10. 12th, almost there to college. :eek: At least I got most of the worst high school tests over with. :LOL:

    What's your test on?

  11. :dance: You'll like it, it's addictive and downright hilarious. Oh, and good luck on your finals, you'll do great! :happy:
  12. Me neither! :eek: I'm doooooomed. :noey:

    Unless I get everyone Muse items and Snuggies :LOL: I would definitely do that, and they would definitely ask for the gift receipts... :LOL:

  13. Yah I wish I could go...:( I have like -$10 after buying the tickets so I have to first get my friends and family presents before I can think about any more concerts :LOL:

    I would have loved to go and meet all my English Muser friends! :D:(

  14. Well, it's about a school for these filthy rich kids and a middle class girl (who looks like a boy because of a hair cutting accident) gets accepted and is totally lost until she breaks a vase belonging to the Host Club, a bunch of cute men whos ultimate goal is to make every girl happy. :LOL: So she becomes a slave to the hosts to pay back for the vase until they realize how cute she is and makes her a host (they think she's a guy), but then the main Host finds out that she's a girl and falls in love with her.

    It's breathtakingly hilarious and the story is both sad and happy, mostly happy though :D

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