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Status Updates posted by Mariaq27

  1. Haha I bet u feel really happy inside :D. Have I ever told you that my cat has anger issues and is bipolar? Well it's true. I pick her up she's purring and I move her around to hold her more comfertable and she slaps me. /facepalm. Anyways good night! Ehhh stupid school :(

  2. xD I am defenitly quoting that and adding it in my sig! :D. I'm still laughing.


    And yes, bowtie pasta is the shiz :D

  3. Hahahaha. Even online, I type with pwoper grammar. You know I'm getting into the habit of writing "pwoper" and now "pwetty" :LOL:. I wonder what'll happen if I use it at school...hmmm. :D. Oh and the pasta is bow tie pasta its freakin amazing!

  4. Ehh no, we're not having fried chicken :(. But my aunt made pasta! It's yummy :D

  5. I hate going back to school after a long break too. Especially since my handwriting magically becomes all weird and messy.


    I drank some green tea and listened to Glorious and started magically feeling better :D:D. And once again my mom made no dinner, but we're having friend chicken from one of the best places ever! And thanks for the whole update on the sig pic. It just makes me laugh too much :LOL:

  6. Wait wait, ignore the last 2 sentences of my last message xD. I'm cool I dont want the pic cause I just realized you has it and I don't wanna steal.

  7. Trust me. Pwoper British cousins are awesome! What's better is they live 10 minutes away from London and Wembley! :D.


    Wow that story is intense O.o. I mean you pushed that little kid out of the way to save him/her. I realize now that my family/friends don't care if I get hurt, but they only care if I get hit on the head since I had surgery there when I was a baby. Otherwise if I take the pain for someone else, I don't get any...emphasis on the any...attention wether I'm hurt or not...


    Pushing that aside, how's your day going? I feel sick and terrible really I feel like throwing up :(. Oh yeah and I couldn't help but notice your signature album and I most defenitly love the pic that has: Hello. Well I'm Matthew Bellamy and you're not a friend of me xD. I can...has? :ninja:

  8. Exactly! Actually I don't think my family cares about my pain. I mean once when my cousins from England visited here in New York (Yes I have British cousins Pwoper British cousins!) and we went to Pier 1 to look for furniture and what not and I was looking after my 1 year old niece so she won't break anything. And this one stupid worker had like a cart full of things to put of shelves and it accidentally fell and almost landed on my niece but I pushed her out of the way and I took the pain from the stuff. Everyone was like, "Maryam! (nieces name) are you okay!?" and she was crying like hell and no one asked if I was okay. *sigh*.


    I shall cut out a cutout of them too! :D

  9. I was home alone once listening to the song in my room on blast and i decided to fix my hair, and I suspiciously looked in the mirror and got depressed that they weren't there :(. I AM NOT INSANE! I WILL AVENGE!


    Moving on...I never actually had spaghetti tacos...I want one though xD. I had Mcdonalds today cause my mom made like no food. What a nice way of feeding the family, Mom.

  10. OMG I love that episode. It's made of epic win :D:D. I watched a little bit of the episode with Spongebob and the Tatle-Tail Strangler. Now I'm on the computer. Forced to listen to my sisters weird version of New Born on the piano...


    Lol that episode was funny of iCarly. And when you mentioned spaghetti it reminded me of spaghetti tacos xD.


    Ohh and in other news, so I'm slow and I found out that there is a video for Sunburn like 2 weeks ago :LOL: so I watched it, now everytime I look at myself in the mirror, I half expect Matt, Chris, and Dom to be there! AHH ! I am insane xD

  11. I agree completely! It's too good though. My favorite spongebob episode was when spongebob and patrick kept saying those bad words :LOL:. And I just finished watching iCarly when they do a cook off with this famous chef. Good episode :)

  12. :LOL: It's made of awesomeness. oh oh guess what!? We got a brand new HD tv! :D. Now I can watch my Spongebob Sqaurepants in HD:$...don't deny it, that show is made of awesomeness.
  13. Haha, I'm more of a Paul Mcartney fan...btw mind my spelling I'm on my iPod touch lol. I also like Ringo. Well I'm gonna go fall back to sleep. My sister woke me up cause she was getting ready for work and I hate sharing a room...bleh. Ttyl!

  14. Nm, talking to some friends, listening to some music...the usual. Even though I wasted most of my vacation doing this even if I have homework xD. Btw, I too like The Beatles. The song that kept getting stuck in my head today was Strawberry Fields Forever :LOL:

  15. Yay! You accepted me! Well hello once again fellow 27-er, Muser, and personal stalker xD.

  16. :xmas::rudolph:Merry Chwismas to you too!!!!!:rudolph::xmas:
  17. haha thanks! Hope you have a good holiday too :D

  18. YES I AM!! Except...I don't celebrate Christmas. I'm Muslim so we already celebrated a holiday BUT my friends and I are exchanging gifts after the holiday break AND my bff might get me H.A.A.R.P! Can't wait!! :D

  19. I lost my Pokemon video game :$ but I was 7 and I did tend to lose a lot of stuff. Besides it was bootlegged from Pakistan when I went there on vacation :LOL:. I think it was Pokemon Ruby for the Gameboy. Good times.

  20. Haha Pokemon is beast. Me, my sister, and brother used to watch it like everyday when it came on back in the day. I was 5, but I still remember the awesomness :)

  21. So I heard you liek Mudkipz? Haha. :D

  22. Yes it is a picture of a pokemon because this month is National Pokemon Profile Picture Month :D:D:D:D

  23. Yeah, I don't celebrate Christmas. lol.

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