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Status Updates posted by Mariaq27

  1. Life's good I guess. I'm just procrastinating on studying...which I really should be doing. I mean I have to study for the Spanish midterm tomorrow, but the only part thats gonna freak me out a bit is have like a conversation with the teacher by speaking. Ehhhhh. Oh and I have science homework...i'll do that later xD. I'm also on Aim, but no ones on...:(

  2. O hai there! Haven't talked to you in a while and I have no one to talk to right now because my best friend signed off on Aim before I was able to finish my sentence *sigh* xD. How's life? I ask that too much...

  3. Tahahaha. Well obviously you and I cannot go on Aim right now cause we has to go to school! Oh noes :(. Oh well ttyl then after 4:00pm EST.

  4. A message from me and Jamie...even though i posted this on twitter too xD. GO ON AIM NOW! Even if you're offline or pretending to be a ninja :D

  5. I don't have the game anymore since it was for the ps2 and we got the ps3 now...sigh :(. Well imma go to sleep now. Good night :)

  6. I knew that quote sounded corny xD


    And yes guitar players are the best! Especially Matt :D. I'm only good on Guitar Hero...but I beat Plug In Baby on expert!!!

  7. Hahaha, I don't really like play actual piano off the sheet music. I've been just listening and playing along ever since I was 6 and I kinda got it off my dad because he does that a lot with classical Pakistani songs...my culture. It's quite fun, although I really would like to have actual piano lessons and everything. I'm also trying to save up for a guitar and learn it. I wanna try something new, so imma follow what I think is right in my heart :D...even though that may have sounded like those corny movie quotes :LOL:

  8. Same! I like pitsacattoing (or however you spell it) their music on my violin during mini lectures from my teacher in Orchestra. I somewhat mastered the pitz in Undisclosed Desires...


    Oh and we have a keyboard so I learned the New Born intro, Sunburn, that mini piano part in Starlight, that mini piano part in Sing For Absolution, Oh and that keyboard part for Uprising...I found the setting its on and its amazing! :D

  9. Hmmm I wonder xD. Oooo then place him next to my full size mirror in my room even though I share a room with my older sister! YEAH! :D. Oh, oh, do you ever get the urge to look at yourself in the mirror then expect Matt, Chris, or Dom to be inside the mirror like in the Sunburn video? :LOL:. It may sound insane...but I tend to do that!

  10. xD oh my. My parents know that I have an obsession for Muse, but they don't know that I just obsess over Matt like wayyyyyyyyy to much! My dad is probably ashamed of me for liking their music a lot...Oh, but daddy, I love them sooo much! And trust me, I am not a daddys little spoiled girl xD. I overuse the xD smiley a lot...

  11. I wanna meet him so bad too! It'll freak out my parents for sure xD :LOL:. Watching their youngest child obsess over someone who is about 17 or 18 years older than her. How great xD

  12. Haha, I prefer obsessing over him privately to only me, myself, and I :D. Other than that, I'm just glad that 2 of my friends find him amazingly hot in a couple of pictures.

  13. Wow! Obviously your friends don't see the amazingly awesome talent and beauty of Matt!

    To my friends he looks like our dean of the school :LOL:.

  14. xD my life is basically the same! Excluding the piano...and guitar. Just replace that with violin :) Oh and hanging with friends and spamming them with Muse :D. I did that today whilst on a field trip with everyone and they got annoyed :LOL:

  15. Haha, its okay. I had to go to sleep anyways. I'm always forced to get off the computer cause apparently I'm on the computer a lot :LOL:. I just can't help it! Theres nothing to do...

  16. Well hello there! How's life?

  17. Ang! GET ON AIM NOW! xD. Theres no one to talk to :(. And now I have to edit my essay! Gah.

  18. And once again, another late response i give you xD. I'm on aim too and writing an essay for a project due this monday! Oh what fun :p. Yay for procrasination! :D:D:D xD

  19. Hello there! Sorry for a late response I've been doing random stuff today xD. And soon once my mom and dad are back, we're going shopping :D. Sooo hows it going?

  20. I wonder what channel it is on Dish Network...you know I could just look up the vids on youtube too hahaha.

  21. hahahahahaha. I don't wanna say this in front of my Adam Lambert obsessed friend, but I don't like him...


    Hahaha nice, hopefully you guys will end up together :D


    And what channel is it on? I has to watch it! Oh and my friend IMed me on facebook saying she was going through whats gonna be on MTV and theres something to do with Muse on MTV tonight or something...Hmmm...I should check the TV *walks to TV room and checks* Ehhhhh nvm I can't seem to find anything. Let me know if you find anything...

  22. Yeah I agree his FG was...ugh.


    It would be sweet if you 2 ended up together. Nothing to be embarrassed by :)


    And yeah it was short...but it was awesome :D

  23. Lol I don't even like Adam Lambert. I listened to his cover of Feeling Good and I'm just like...wow this sucks. Muse is better :D.


    And awwwwww. Maybe you'll end up together :D. That would be sweet.


    About 2 more hours!!!!!!

  24. Hahahahahaha. My friend is obsessed with Adam Lambert! Its annoying cause in class she kept saying: Adam. Adam. Adam. Adam. Adam. Then I joined in saying: Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt xD.


    Do you even like him? :LOL: this idiotic kids like: Maria! I love you! and I'm like: .... Then my friend Sam's like: You should tell them that you're already taken by Muse xD.


    I can't wait for 11pm!!! :D MUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEE!

  25. Hahahaha. Well it would be nice to have a boyfriend who loves Muse as much as you :). I'm also in the process of converting my best friend into a Muser :D. Hopefully she'll be like a fan big...but not so crazy like me xD

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