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Status Updates posted by Mariaq27

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmQ_4k4YQ_I this is like one of my fav Russell Peters joke xDD. and Geogre Lopez is epic!! There was another one...I forgot his name though. I know like his last name is Iglasias or however its spelled xDD
  2. Hahahaha, no offense taken :). Besides, I'm Pakistani, not Indian, but Paki's and Indians are very alike xDD. And I love the one where he talks about New York Italians :LOL:

  3. hahahaha yeah that one is so true! I showed my Asian friend and shes like "WHAT! DDR is good! Its epic!!!" and I'm just like "Okay, dude, chill xD". My fav one was when he was in Madison Square Garden xDD. Idk if you heard his joke on how brown people are cheap. Its true...I am cheap xDD.

  4. Hahahaha I love what he said in the in vid you sent me "Hot potatoe...a really hard game when everyones starving" xD. My favorite comedian of all time is Russel Peters. I don't know if you know him, but he's epic xDD. He's an Indian comedian and most jokes he says is about desi people like Indians and Pakistanis(me) hahahahah they're so funny and true :LOL:

  5. OMG! Demetri Martin :D:D. I really haven't watched a lot of his shows, but he's epic :D:D:D

  6. Oh you paranoid little child xDD. Yeah I get really paranoid too :( but yeah NO SCHOOL WHOO! :D


    Yeah, wasn't it like Ash Wednesday? I'm not Christian so I really wouldn't know, :LOL:

  7. ohh alright. I'll do that xDD. Why'd you delete it anyways? Anyways, hows life? haha

  8. lol yeah my post may have been random, but whatever. There's nothing to do and I'm on Winter Recess so yeah. Stuck at home :(

  9. yayayayaya! No school tomorrow :D my school just called. Do you have school tomorrow?

  10. hahaha I love that one :) i was playing it on the piano today :D. I always do xD. Gah Spies got annoying so now I'm listening to Unnatural Selection xD

  11. Haha, I just finished Fury. Coldplay just came up.I think I might change the some...Hmmmm...*shuffles through* I'm now listening to Spies by Coldplay :D. Right after, its Unnatural Selection xD.

  12. lol yeah same. I was in my pajamas all day doing nothing xD. But right now I'm listening to Help! By The Beatles :D:D:D. Put my iPod on shuffle so yeah xD

  13. lol nice. Right now my head hurts >.< and I'm hoping it'll snow a lot so theres no school tomorrow.

  14. Hahahaha I fail at drawing things like animals and such. I'm only good at drawing people and clothes. Oh and weapons when I really need to draw them xD. Well right now I'm not focusing on drawing. I'm writing a Muse fan fiction that my friend and I came up with. I hope it comes out good, I might put it up on quizilla :D

  15. Haha, well what do you think of it? I posted it on facebook and most of m friends said it's really good, but compared to your drawings, mine are nothing. Your drawings are amazing!!

  16. Nope, this is something i drew that was inspired by my friend :D. Yes it has Kingdom Hearts. :D:D:D:D

  17. Alrighty then. What are you changing your username to? I'm changing my profile pic to maybe my fat cat or something xD

  18. O hai mizz jamie! Yup, once again late response xD. I'm sad...it's my last day with Kingdom Hearts :(. I have to return it to my friend tomorrow. But it's so damn addicting!!!!!!!!! She said I could borrow it longer, but I'm borrowing my best friends DS and I have to give it tomorrow to :p. Ehh. Well good night now xD. Yeah all this is what has been on my mind all day! BTW I beat the really annoying boss in Kingdom Hearts :D:D:D:D

  19. Haha yeah I agree xD. Hmmm as for the rest, it's hard to decide >.<

  20. Hahaha, well I'll talk to you tomorrow. After i nomnomnom on my food, I'm gonna go take a shower then take my medicine then go to sleep. Good Night Jamie! :D

  21. No, don't be :( well sick person is hungry. Sick person shall eat some ramen noodles :D. Hungry person is hungry.

  22. xD yeah. Ehhhhh I'm losing my voice :(. Sick person is sick.

  23. Indeed she is. My black cat is a guy, yet he sounds like a girl xD. I think he's gay.

  24. Indeed. She bit me again. Wait, she always does! And scratches me too. BLAH.

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