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Status Updates posted by Alies

  1. Thank you so much for your nice comment on my Muse drawing and your friendship request. :D

  2. Hi, thanks for the request ^_^

  3. Well, I don't mind either, and i always say yes. (Just like I always tend to say yes to people when they ask me if I could work for them instead <_<) and when you're doing what you've promissed, you sometimes question if it was okay to do it, since you have so little time and have to do so much, while helping those people takes lots of time of that precious time. But I don't really mind it afterwards, cuz when they are happy, so am I ^_^

    I remember quite a lot to of the lectures given. But not all of it. And I tend to learn all of it the day before, while the teachers told us to learn it straight away :LOL: And sometimes, like now, i wonder if I'm learning well enough. Some points I refuse to really learn (sothat i can spitt it out on paper when needed), because it's an ABCD test and because I do understand what is said in the text completely, I think I will recognise the right answer. Therefore I only learn the hard parts of it. Words that are new for me, or get a new explaination. But things like what Generative Grammatics are, want and how they get there I don't really learn. I just read it a few times and hope it somehow sticks in my mind. I hope that that is good enough.

    Yeah I do understand him. It would be like RATM indeed having kept the same bandname with Chris Cornell (which they indeed first intended to do). But happily they didn't And now I can just say: I prefere RATM above Audioslave. Audioslave is good, but RATM is better ^_^ In my opinion at least.

    BTW, on this dutch DW fanforum we have this topic called: you know when you've been too much into Doctor Who when... And I said: when you close your conversations with one particular person with: May the master be with you and behave himself. (I bed you're having a Déja Vu :LOL: ) And they thought it to be very funny. :p

  4. Ooooh, that sounds like quite a lot. I remember having to send my summaries of Chemics towards a friend of mine before the finals. It's so much work! Well, syntaxis was the only thing I skipped. The teacher-talks hours could more easily done with the book. And the other hours were checking homework. And the last two times I hadn't make it. I was about to make it in the two hours we have between one subject and the syntaxishomework hour. But i got influenced by this mate I hang around with around that time, and didn't do my homework then and so we didn't went.

    I still have to go shopping for clothes! My grandma had given my mom some money for us to get clothes (because my mom helps a lot around her appartement, showers her and stuff). But everytime my friend and I plan to go shopping in my town of University, we are unable because of show and stuff.

    Popcorn is cool too! A former 'friend' and I bought popcorn and a freeticket to the cinema once for a girl in our class.

    Well, let's say it IS canon... but take the fact that Time is not linear and pretty good changable. It wasn't the Master who made the doctor regenerate. So thinking about that, there wouldn't really be a paradox if he somehow ceased to exist in that point. But let's hope for the best. And since John Simm talked about maybe coming back in order to regenerate... (he doesn't want to play the master for Matt Smith as the whole character, cuz Tennant is HIS doctor. and with the tennant era finished he thinks his era of the master has finished as well. I like how he joked: 'Most people can't change their Doctor (like 9 is mine, since it's the first I saw), but I can!'

    Long life the master :LOL:

  5. I've been at Uni today. The way from the busses towards the Complex was kind of slippery. Had some moments I almost fell. But I still live! And I made the deadline (to be honest, I was the first to hand it over :LOL: My mom kept pushing me to be early <_< How annoying. I'm a student and my mom keeps on pushing me like I'm one of those secondairyschool people, who go there because they have to by law. I'm 18 now, I'm on a school that don't care if you show up or not. And I only skipped Syntaxis a few times :LOL:)

    I had a brilliant thought about the Mini master when I drove back to my place... but I forgot <_<

    And my mom just said: Oh! I had bought a present for you and your brother for the christmas! something to eat... Totally forgot. We'll let's get it form upstairs, before it's to late to even eat it. :LOL: Yeah, mom. Totally not forgetting stuff do ya? :LOL: It's nice though.But my christmas was already briliant without it.


    Oh the thought about the master was: he can't have died! Because he returns in the McGann era, where he lost all his regenerations... soo.... the Master can't be dead!


    My mom's funny and original. She stole the paper I had to cover my books with last year on secondairy from my room and used it for the 'christmas present' :LOL: Chocolaaaatte!!!!

  6. Maybe Moffat asked them to put that woman there in order to have some links with RTDs show and what he's going to make of it. And this might be one of the robes to tie them together. I guess we'll find out who she is later in Matt's era.

    Yeah I hope that's true. But more people start to think it's just really Rassilon being 'reborn' and being not so nice. (Though it would be a too large step in evilness... but so have all the other timelord in their time of their final war). Probably making the 'old' and/or the to much reading fans crazy. Those people start theorising about Rassilon like maniacs on board (me is guilty) and therefor inform other fans about Rassilons existance to.... *here come the drums!*... to make his/Rassilon's introduction into the Matt Smith series better? You never know. It doesn't even havee to be Rassilon in fless, but maybe Matt is going to refere to him in his series? I'm just thinking up things again though. :LOL:

    Yeah that's true. But the master was closerby. (did he walk towards them while firing?) I heard he came into the Void, but that's not where the Timelord went right? Cuz they came into a Timelockbubble, therefor not really a void. So I hope he escapes. but question is: Why did he end up in the Void in the first place? Didn't the Timebubble think the Master belonged there and bounced him off into a void or something?

  7. I really have no clue! My best friend claims it's his mother. But others claim it's Donna or Susan, since he nodded towards Donna while Wilf asked him who she was. The Susan thing could be it, if the Doctor wanted to make clear that Wilf's relation towards Donna was equal to the relation between the Doctor and that woman (Susan is his granddaughter). Somehow still hoping it's Romana or something. And btw, I didn't get how Dalton/Lord President is called Rassilon, since he's stuff of legends and probably long gone. Some guy and I had the theory that it's a nickname for someone having the position of LP. But on Tardis Wiki they don't seem to share it. But they don't explain, or even think it's odd that Dalton was called Rassilon.

    And I want the Master back! Pretty please!

  8. Oh, I totally don't like Spongebob Squarepants. But I have to confess that I do look those shows when I'm bored. Yes, I want to be challenged too. That's what I like about DW, it's unpredictable and you can fire some awesome theories to it. Most of the time wrong ofcourse (like mine, who seemed not to have to do with the story at all :LOL: I guess David just made a small counting mistake :LOL:)


    Oh, I need to learn again.. argh.. I hate it XD It's not fair!!! I want holiday xD

  9. Softer, you mean things you don't have to fully interact by thinking about it? :p Or those romantic comedies? Sometimes I just can't stand comedies, because the maincharacter is put through those painful moments, where people laugh about, but then I feel sorry for the character :LOL: I know it's lame, but I do. And most of the time I just know something stupid is going to happen and then the moment is ruined. Predictability isn't a pro for comedies, in my case at least.

    Well, I'm playing music while being busy with Unistuff. And I have to read atm, but the thing I read are a) books of theories for Uni tests b) Old dutch stories/poems, I find very hard to read.


    Yay! Can't wait! And have fun with crying your eyes out, my mom and I did too :LOL:

  10. I like some dept in things I watch/read. Some new theories or some amazin character developement (are just good characters on its own, played by brilliant actors). I love new ideas I can get my teeth into. I love shows where I can think up my own theories and then to be eager to find out if I'm right about it.

    *sorry pressed enter and it suddenly started posting. W8 a sec!*


    I can't wait to discuss the final episode with you! :D

  11. Hahaha, bad bad bad scifi show :LOL: The Trade of The Brain :LOL:

    Yay, we found our solution :D :D

    hahaha, sorry I just misspelled I guess :LOL:

    man, I feel... empty. I cried so much. I feel so dull now :LOL: So many questions... Argh

  12. I totally lost my concentration for any schoolwork after a while. Especially when I started getting excited about DW and MUSE. That's pretty sad too :LOL:

    Well, Bertha Mason was to blame for Jane Eyre and Rochester not getting married the first time around, since he was legally married to another woman (who was insane in fact), but Jane was to focused on her Christian beliefs that she got away from him in order to stay pure or something.

    Hahaha, and people start killing in order to store more information right? People start stealing brains with valueable information. Gawd, that would be a good plot for an aweful movie :LOL:

    Our beloved Muse rocked our house. My dad ran to his laptop after an hour, cuz he couldn't stand it. My mom was next to me all hour, but thougt that I had the volume too loud :LOL:

  13. Yeah, I though so :p But I was patheticly quick with watching those series, but he's even worse! I am a little jealous of that, since he probably has the time to afford to do that, and I have not. I even have to kill the brilliant urge to draw >_>

    Oh Oh Oh! I'm sorry, I just came uup with a Theory :LOL: but they indeed called Bertha to be the cause of the failure XD I suddenly had to think of Bertha Mason, the wicked wife of Edward Fairfax Rochester in Jane Eyre. And since it's typical British literature...

    Aah, probably way to farfetched.

    Maybe in the future they can retreive more information than just the electrodes they gave that brain. Maybe they can solve crimes by the memories of a death victum... There goees my Science Fiction.


    I think Simm played the bad cop at times too in LoM. Where he's betraying Hunt, however not volutairy. I just hated that final episode because of his betrayal, until he got back in 2007. Or no... not hating. It's not the right word. I felt really bad, as if I was there and I felt sorry for the Gene Hunt team... I think it's called compassion while watching the show. Maybe that's a good thing.

  14. To restart our nice messages, since we had to share them via MSN cuz of the sad failure of this board. Of which we are incredible happy that he's on his fittest again :D

    Well. I told you my brother is being influenced by me right :LOL: Last Monday I bought the first season of Life on Mars. My brother wanted to watch episode 7, cuze that's where he stopped at that moment. Guess what... Yesterday I came to my parents room (where 'his' computer is located). And he was watching episode 1 of Ashes To Ashes! I asked him if he liked the show, but he didn't want to answer (cuz my mom was sleeping in the same room, being half awake btw. Sometimes I ask myself if he is embarrased to show that he likes the things I suggest him to watch :LOL:) A few minutes later, I was almost ready to drift away in a sweet dream, he came in my room to tell me he liked LOM better, because it was more like: crack the door and arrest, hit and insult the bugger! instead of A2A's more 'we have a warrant' approach. But he's now watching A2A at the very moment, so I think he kind of likes it anyway ^_^

    Me is Prouwd of him!

  15. :D i hope I will, I hope I will. Planning to do so. How did that guy do that? i can't reallly visualise really. What kind of info?

    Oh yeah, the Gene Genie with Sammyboy, or the Gene Genie with Bolly (Alex Drake). Totally awesomeness :awesome: What do you exactly mean with that? Simm being the 'bad' copper of the team in one new show, or making the Master the good one and The doctor mad for a while? We might see that in Part 2, you never know :LOL:


    No, I'm not an illusion of the MiniMaster! I AM NOT! NoNoNo! Never question me! Do I make myself clear!!!


    I'm confincing right? No? Damn. Mission pretent to be Alies in order to annoy/drive Morinphen insane fail... <_< MiniMaster isnt'happy, but he's happy to know that you are on his side. And he's happy to know what you think of the part 2!

    (BTW, I heard Simm talking about, maybe to return to regenerate in the new Matt Smith series! so I guess he'll survive in his John Simmness form!)

  16. Haha, I hope I will come up with something cool :awesome: But I'll try not to have my creativity creep into my mind the following Decemberdays and the weeks I must spend learning for my tests. Afterwards, I hope to annoy you all with the large quantity of drawings/stories and poems (just looked at a story I wrote last year. Might work on that one again, since I have a new idea for one of the baddies. Didn't know why he should be bad, but now I have an idea! He's a teenager and he's being influenced/threatened by the government. The main character is kind of supernatural, and so is the teenage boy I guess. He's having visions, and the government threatens/pressures him ^_^ So I made him not so bad afterall)

    The master and the Doctor would make such a good team :awesome: Two sides of one coin, that should make it briliant. :p


    Well, maybe as you have noticed... I'm not at the campside.

    Turns out that your little masterly person materialised into our chalet and damaged the waterpipes in such a way that it now leaks on 3 different places. AKA we have no water at all overthere (except snow, but that won't be our saviour).

    The Master wanted me to see his victory on the 1th of January I guess :LOL:

  17. That's pretty cool you know! I was planning to fill only one straight line with those pictures. But if I like it and still want to try something new, I could for words or whatever with it :p Maybe later.


    You know, I really really really hope that the Master and the Doctor will team up1 :D That would make my bloody day :LOL:

    BTW, on the dutch board people guess that the doctor really DIES before regeneration :o They claim that matt smith is the younger version of 'william hartnell' that's what i call a weird but brilliant twist. I don't know if I would support it though. I'll prefere the doctor living at any time.


    Yeah Ive seen it already. Two vietnow.org friends on MSN had the official url in their nickname.


    BTW, we're going to the campside today (<_<) so I won't speak to you any earlier than saturday or something

  18. ASCII? That's what its called then? I have no clue about what that should mean.

    yeah kind of a storyboard, with displaying diffrent expressions.

    well, to save him from himself.... He;s IS driving nuts isn't he? So maybe he's going so far that he IS a danger to himself or something. Maybe in order to prefent himself from dieing he's pushing himself towards the edge of dieing?

  19. Yeah, I thought about that too. Those four heartbeats, It could be himself :LOL: but I don't see the doctor doing attempt of suicide though :LOL:

    BTW I'm now collecting screencaps. Those aren't really HQ, but I was thinking to make a project out of them.

    The thing I made below represents my A3 paper. the first 'line' stays white. the one in the middle I will fill with drawings of one scene next to eachother. the line below will be white again. And I will do that with different subjects. Like 'the master being reborn close up' ect.



    I I


    I I


    I I


  20. I reread the poem and I was thinking... what if I deleted that part. ATM I'm still thinking I shouldn't until thinking otherwise. :p

    Yeah but what kind of key? To the Doctor's saviour, as she claims? Or to the Doctor's destruction? Maybe she's the one that knocks four times :o

  21. Well, to be honest my poem is theory into an extreme. That just happens along the writing proces, laying an loop above the first thought. My idea when I started this poem, was just to point out that they were friends when they were kids on Gallifrey. (Cuz the master mentioned them running over the land of his father, the land with the red grass).

    And I thought that the poem was going to the wrong direction. At some point I almost had the feeling that I was writing a loverevelation instead of a poem about a lost friendship :LOL: That wasn't what I wanted at all! I think the me went insane, because of my loneliness caused that. So I had to add the two last lines telling that he loved him as a friend :LOL:

    Oh well, even John Simm joked him to be the Emo-master :LOL:


    To be honest I'm not sure if I would like it to be the Doctor's mother really. I'd rather want her to be Romana, but I don't think that would be logical. Ah heck, let her be who she is supposed to be, as long as it's not Rose :LOL:

    Well, that's indeed the question, why does Wilf have to keep her secret so badly?

  22. in the poem I tried to write the things the Master couldn't really say. Call it the man's pride or something. In every corner of the galaxy they are the same *sigh* :LOL: Totally insane or not ;)


    Well, I've rewatched the confidentional, and that's where I got that thing of four people being there on earth. It was David who said it, somewhere in the end. So that's where I got it, I suppose.

    Oh yeah. Some say that the woman in the television is really a Timelady. Some say it's Romana. Others even think its the doctor's mother :LOL: And the question who and what Wilf is. But since he WAS effected by the master at first (until the doctor saved him by making the 'room' radiation free) tells that he's human. Cuz that thing only effected the Human race/template.

    It would be cool to have some Torchwood sneakpeeks!

  23. Hahaha, well. I'm excited to find out if he's now planning to materialise in my chamber. :LOL:



    Here comes the poem, here comes the poem!


    I lost you along the way.


    Could you, lonely Timelord?

    O, Tell me pretty please!

    How it somehow came to be.

    That our friendship started to cease?


    O, how I remember those silly walks.

    Under the moons, with grasses red.

    Where we shared those hopefull thoughts.

    About the beautiful times ahead.


    How did that come to vanish.

    When we started growing old.

    I took it for granted but now I wish.

    For you not to think of me so cold.


    Your love goes to this rotten earth.

    Where you have all forgotten me.

    Forgetting what we shared from birth.

    Timelord, are you unable to see?


    To see what you have done.

    You were gone and I was there.

    Singing the lonely man's song.

    For you to answer my prayer.


    Timelord, you were my friend!

    You were the only I ever had.

    And this lonely time I've spend.

    Turned on me to drive me mad.


    Timelord, its not that I hate you.

    Really, it's the other way around.

    Don't you have the dearest clue.

    About the offspring of the sounds?


    Timelord, I'm nearly on my end.

    I really don't know what to do.

    I need you to love me as a friend.

    Because that's how I love you.

  24. Today some people bought stuff called Amuse :awesome: I think i've been treathened today too :O I couldn't really follow what the guy was saying to me (it's this kind of man that is addicted to beer and such like). But I managed to hear something like: I'm watching you :'( Haven't seen him later on though :LOL: If he wants to make a point he should have talked more clearly :LOL:

    You should leave a note next to the Oreo envelope telling him to stop taking your cookies! And treath him with the fact that you know who he is! BTW, don't forget to mention I said hi :D *simmgrin*

    Oh that's cool :p I have such a dingbats of Pirates I thought. On the other computer that I hardly used. You could see Jack in diffrent fightingposes and stuff.


    Oh, that's what I though that would be more sensmaking indeed :p

    Haha, we don't have dressed up santa's here. We do have dressed up Sinterklaas (Santa is probably the Sinterklaastradition that people from the Netherlands took with them too the USA so many years ago. ) Sinterklaas goes through town every year with his horse and Pieten (black guys with a weird hat). Never was a familymember who dressed up like him overhere, but some familys do.

  25. Ooooooh, thats is an awesome chapter of the series :p It happens to me a lot too. :awesome: In this computer magazine they show free downloadable softwares. And suddenly I read the title 'Dokter Wie?" Which is the direct translation of Doctor Who? So I got insane. And i read it futher. Turns out that they chose that title to describe teh free game, because they robots looked like Daleks :awesome: Yay, for the computer magazine who knows of awesomeness!

    I'll be doing: work, learn for tests, eat and watch Doctor Who special(s) Evil me still hopes that that we will be unable to go to the campside and makes me watch the second part live as well (a)


    That's a weird question for mathematics? :p Oh, I used to be okay, good in maths, untill it got seperated in two ways. I had to choose the algabra side for my profile on school. And to be honest, I never did a thing untill there was a test. 'But I had a 6,2 on the endlist, so I'm happy :D


    Dom, Matt and Chris are on the background. Dom wearing this elfhat, Matt the santaclaus hat and beard, and chris the horns of the rendier.

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