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Everything posted by absolutionamethyst

  1. I hate Jacob with a deep passion, so yes. And I will bawl my eyes out when Edward leaves! I already do when I watch the trailer! :$

    Yeah, well you can't ruin The Jonas Brothers further, so that would be perfect!:LOL:

    Bloody hell! Why do they keep trying to put Muse and Twilight in the same category??! Gargh!:facepalm:

    Yeah, I've seen tha one;:awesome: he has a glass of red wine in his hand... :happy:Muset have been after the gig!:D (Glass of red wine after every/a lot of their shows!):LOL:


    I know! :facepalm: Why do these people believe they have a good taste in museic??! Garghhhh.


    Oh ok. THEY ARE F**KING BRILLIANT!!!:\mm/:


    ;)I will also kiss them lots and never let go when I meet them backstage and out and about!:musesign:


    Gargh! Your friend is silly!

    But also very funny!!:chuckle:


    Gargh, I know! :cool:Musers are the best!

    We just know everythingggggggg about Muse!

    :shifty: <- That is pretty cool, I gotta admit! :LOL:


    (I may have had 32 smileys...)

  2. :D... Or me! ;):happy:

    Haha.:LOL: Phew, it's not only me with the shitty memory...:$:unsure:

    Hell yes! SHE IS SO F**KING ANNOYING!!!:mad:

    She can't sing, either!:rolleyes::LOL:

    Yeah, that's what I thought, too. Plus Supermassive is on it, so more reason for her to buy it. :D

    I have to do some news program for school for Religion and I may have called my program MuseNews and had these sentences in it: "Out top stories tonight: Muse announce that they’ll be touring Australia in January next year, following the release of their new album titled, The Resistance. More news on that story, and others, later." And also, "Up next, we cross live to Milan, Italy where Muse has just recorded their next album. We’ll speak to the very lovely Matthew Bellamy, Muse’s frontman."

    :chuckle:Hahaha, so obsessed!

  3. :DOne last thing! Hahaha, that's so funny! :LOL:That doesn't make any sense! How can patients melt in America? :unsure: Okay, well I'm sure it could happen :chuckle:, but how does that tie into the song in any way??! :facepalm::LOL:

    What ceases to amaze me is the arrogance of the people who try to argue the lyrics of Muse!! :erm::mad::facepalm: They think they can beat me in Muse lyrics! :LOL: I'm just like, "Mate, it's me! You know you're gonna lose in this! Don't even question my Muse knowledge!":chuckle:

  4. :LOL:Sorry, ran out of room! Stupid phone internet!:chuckle:

    :unsure:Well not really the same - unless you're talking about how good they are! :) All three - Sunburn, Showbiz and Showbiz album :awesome:


    :supersad:I want to hug them, too! :( One day. ;) One day when I finally see them! :yesey: Hopefully that's soon!


    :happy: We sure are! Haha I liked the mission, 'cause I realised smileys are mad! :dance:

    This would have to be my favourite: :erm: It sorta reminds me of Matt - cute and innocent! :LOL:

  5. :unsure:I guess they could have made it better... But I think I actually like/love Twilight! I don't know! I can't decide. :facepalm::rolleyes: But yes, it's complicated! :chuckle: If Stephenie hadn't made SMBH sorta sellout, then all would be fine! :p


    Which Twilight videos? Just random ones with Muse in the background? A compilation type thing? :stunned:


    Great plan, indeed! Obsession is healthy! :D

    Well I try to avoid shitty mainstream museic but when I have to listen to it, it all sounds the same -shit

  6. Ps, that would hurt so much; the rain on the rollercoaster!. Ouch.:unsure:

  7. Awwwwww... I feel so sorry for you! Come for a holiday to Australia!! We have awesome amusement parks in Brisbane. :awesome:

    Although you'd probably burn to a crisp as soon as the sun hits you judging from the weather you're used to!


    Someone should make a reality show called Muse Swap (rendition of Wife Swap) and musers from the Muse forum should swap countries and see how different the weather and Muse culture would be. :erm: Probably only musers would watch it, but oh well!:LOL:

  8. Sorry, ran outta room! :facepalm: Stupid phone internet!

    Just have to let you know that I hate what most of my friends listen to! It's embarrassing to call them my friends when they listen to their excuse for museic which is; Lady Gaga, ermmm.. Umm... :erm: Well I don't actually know "what's hot" in shithouse museic world, but it's not good! I have converted another of my friends to Muse! Sorta... I'm trying to make her buy BHaR (she's only heard Supermassive Black Hole - Twilighter:facepalm:) It's a start!

  9. Yeah; it's good that there are a few of us - spread the Muse love around! :awesome: Yeah, none of my family's as obsessed with Muse as me! :rolleyes::chuckle:

    Sorry, I talk to a few Musers, gotta remember Arizona!


    :O GUESS WHAT AGAIN??! Actually, I'm on my phone and at the moment I'm very lazy(:p), so you should go to the Messageboard -> News or Media Topics (whatever it's called) -> then to MUSE MEDIA WATCH AUSTRALIA. Then go to the last page and read first coment about Assassin and triple j by me.

  10. :LOL:


    Hmm, well yeah but not a LOT. :erm::unsure: Not as many as Europe... But yeah I know like 3 people that know and like them. Then all my brothers and sisters (there're 6 of us), so that's 9, then my Mum... So that's 10. So I guess there are a few. :awesome:

    My Dad absolutely hates Muse. :facepalm::rolleyes::mad:

    He always disses them just to annoy me, as well. :(

    So annoying!

    Many people in Arizona listen to Muse? :) You're from Arizon, right?

    Hopefully I got the right person!:chuckle:

  11. Ahahahahhahahhahaha!:LOL: Not mean, not mean! Just extraordinarily funny!:chuckle:

    You're awesome!:yesey: I would be crackin' up, as well!:p:):LOL::facepalm::rolleyes:

  12. Yeah, I don't know what to think. Like, I don't know if I love, like or hate Twilight.:unsure: The books make me cry and I love or like the movie but the Twilight - Muse hullabaloo(:chuckle:) annoys me!

    Okay, well you can quickly get to know him and make him love you.:eyebrows: Then he'll come over here/be kicked over here and he'll love me, as well. :facepalm:So obsessed...:LOL:

    Ugh, Lady Gaga. :facepalm: She doesn't deserve the title of "Lady"... She never wears pants. :erm::vomit:


    Oh, I meant Showbiz, not Sunburn, BTW. And I don't think I can sing! Hahaha.:$


    Oh, shit, yeah. They're honey-flavoured sweetened sugar-coated sugar balls that have just eaten honey-sugar flavoured chocolate..... That wouldn't taste so good... But needless to say - Muse are hot.:happy::rolleyes:


    Hahaha, you just throw it. :pHeehee. Ya don't need a manual!:chuckle: Haha, nah it is pretty hard.


    :awesome:Yes, we're the coolest! And that's ok, smileys are awesome! Good mission.;)

  13. Ohh ok then. That's gay.

    Haha thanks lol. VERY unique!:LOL::happy:

    I know! I was so happy to hear it! Even though I could have just played it on my phone anyway/one of the Muse CDs in the car anyway.:rolleyes: It's good to be sharing Muse with the whole of Australia and the whole of Australia knowing I have the best taste in music!!! :awesome::happy:

  14. BTW, f**king :LOL: at your friend for thinking Supermassive's lyrics were "Patients melting in america"! :facepalm: Some people... Good that Muse have us obsessive fans. :cool: And fans that actually know the god damn lyrics! :chuckle:

  15. Agreed.:happy: I'm happy to talk about Twilight 'cause I like it. But when they start with SMBH and say it's the only good "Moose" song. I start to throw solid objects into their lower backs.:indiff: :LOL:JOKING! I just get angry/annoyed!:mad:

    Yeah he would be very greatful. But he might think I am a bit psycho. :erm: But that's ok 'cause he'll love me.:rolleyes:


    Garghh I get the first 3 answers, too! Hahaha.

    But number 5: "Yeah oi I know they're so awesome, aye. You should let me borrow Sunburn!" (She's never borrowing it; it could get hurt!) Yeah, my friend likes Muse. She hasn't heard all of their songs though!:facepalm: So I always have to sing to her. *I don't sing, I more say the lyrics - too shy to sing! Haha*


    (: Muse are more like honey-flavoured sweetened sugar-coated sugar balls.:rolleyes::chuckle:


    Heehee; a manual! LOL!


    :musesign:I love this forum and the people in it and Muse!:D Obsessive fans ruleeeeeee!:party:


    Woah! 23 haha. You're the one who got me addicted to smileys.:phu:LOL

  16. **I actually couldn't post that comment without editing it 'cause I had too many smileys.. You've gotten me in a habit!:stunned::LOL:

  17. Our pets.:indiff: Those Twilight based Muse fans can't try to clain ownership! We own them because we have been Muse fans for ages!:happy: Yes they are very good for their health! Plus they're yummy.:cool: You don't know how seriously I am considering buying a bike and just when you kick Muse over here just handing Matt a bike.:LOL: He'd be confused:confused:, but greatful!:happy::rolleyes:


    Yeah, aren't many Musers here, either.:( But I'm turning heaps of people/making them more well known 'cause everyone knows of my obsession!:rolleyes:


    I know you knew they're babes.:eyebrows: Juse had to point it out:LOL:.


    Naww awesome! I remember my PE teachers trying to teach us how to throw a boomerang one day in grade 7. It's heaps fun!:yesey:


    *Shit, haha just realised that when I went to spell "just" before, I said "juse"...:$ Too used to after "u"s and "s"s, there comes and "e"...Just like in Muse...:facepalm::rolleyes: So obsessed*

    Sorry if that didn't make too much sense!

  18. So only the private schools have to wear uniforms?:stunned:


    Cool as. Mine's Amethyst.:happy: I'm so bored! I haven't eaten in 25hours!:erm::unsure::rolleyes:


    :awesome::eek:GUESS WHAT??! Wooo, on Triple J, Australia's like good radio station.. Doesn't play mainstream shit, they play like Muse, Nirvana, Hilltop Hoods, NIN, The Strokes, etc... All the good music.:happy: Yeah, they have this segment thing called Super Request and it's at night from 6 - 10pm or something and you just call or text in what song you wanna hear. And I text in, "Hey, it would be great if you could play anything by Muse. Can't wait for their new album. Favourite band forever!" Something like that, and the host loves Muse so she played Starlight for me and I was in the car and I started crying I was that happy!!!:$:rolleyes::LOL::D

  19. Awesome. What's AustralASIA?!


    Yeah I'm from Australia. What's up?:)

  20. :LOL:I thought it could never get any colder.:ninja: Haha, anyway, I thought it was awesome!:happy: Woah, so do you actually get a Summer, then??!

    Wouldn't closed roads be a good thing? ... no way to get to school.:awesome: Yeah that'd be shithouse if you were snowed in or whatever! I'd just try to make the journey on foot!:stongue: Seriously, though. I would.:)

  21. :LOL:Ahhh ok then. Fair enough.


    Ahh true, I thought none of America had to wear them... Yeah I do, I think all Australian schools have them!:ninja:


    What's your name, BTW?:happy:

  22. :facepalm::rolleyes:Arghh. You rebel, you! Well sport is awesomeeee! Why don't you like it?:) We're doing athletics at the moment, but my being sick is forcing me to sit out. Ah well.:p Does your school have uniforms?
  23. :facepalm:Gargh, we say it like they are our pets! "You have to keep an eye on them!" :chuckle: Well yes, but pasta has carbs that Matt would use for getting energy to ride his bike! :D Heeheehee. Yes! Carrots;) So great talking to other Musers!!!:rolleyes: YES! I love Italian food!:awesome: It's so yummy and pasta is bangin'! :happy:


    Well I just know that they are legends and will bring something extraordinary to the plate!:D:happy::musesign:


    Muse boys are babes.:eyebrows:

  24. Heyhey!:D That's a good thing! They're staying here.;) Hahaha no, :rolleyes: we can share them. :D They could never get fat! :awesome:I have a photo of Matt on a bike; well fit! I made some GLORIOUS pasta the other day:LOL:. It was so good!


    :happy:I love the name. Matt's always going on about a "syphonic monster"!:chuckle: Hope it's still rocky and Musey!:D Which it will be because they are gods! :stongue:

  25. Ahhh... Maths.:happy: Not a large fan of it. Grade 9 maths over here; they add all this irrelevant shit that we're never gonna use in our life!!:chuckle: Grade 8 was fine but grade 9 is gay!:D

    English and Sport are definitely the best subjects!! (Got a fucking babe of a sport teach!):LOL::rolleyes:

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