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Everything posted by absolutionamethyst

  1. Nike. ;)

    Phew, so it's not just me that can't spell ridiculously easy words sometimes!:LOL:

    I'm watching the Sing For Absolution filmclip, I reallylike it, it's amazing! You like?

    Ayeeeeeee, Matt also loves Tool, in particular, a song called Lateralus! I love that song! Coincidence...? I think not!!! :LOL:

    And thank you, I'm missing out on school, so that's a bonus! Just Muse forum it up alllllllllll day!


    i only dream of you, and you never knew

  2. Haha, well I bet I was. Mostly when I remember my dreams, a large number of them are Muse related! :LOL: My last one was that I saw them live and then, well... Let's just say... Things got weird.:confused:

    Hahaha. :LOL::happy: I won't go into too much detail; so I'll leave it at "weird" for now. ;)

  3. Righto then.. Koala's, not Koala Bears, silly. Ahaha, heaps of people from other places say Koala Bears, not sure why. :LOL: They are soooooo cute, aye. There's this place like half hour drive from my city and it's like an Australian wildlife thing, there are like Kangaroos just hopping around everywhere and you can feed them and that. I held my first Koala there. :happy:

    Ahhhhh.. SO LUCKY! Hope ya have fun! Which you obviously will. :D

  4. :confused::eek: Where have I been??!

    Is it still available places if you order it, or would I have to hunt people down for it? :LOL:

  5. Dreamin' about Muse, are you? :LOL:

  6. Dreamin' about Matt, are you? :LOL:

  7. Nothing more than an obsessevi freak then, aye? :LOL:

    Yeah, Megalomania was wan (I just went to spell "one" "wan"... Haha; mental blank:LOL:) of the "NO WAY!!!" ones! :happy:

    I hope I don't get over any Muse songs. :)

    Rightio then.

    Hmm... Just went to the doctor; seems I have a respiratory infection. WOO!!! Haha


    i don't want another map of your head

  8. Well, you muse be a professional, then! :LOL:

    Ahhhk then. I shall look at that thread tonight.

    Aight. Haha, my heart dropped everytime I saw those names! Haha, I'm like, "what??! I LOVE that song! What?! That one's sooooooo good!"

    Haha, well I guess you're entitled to your own opinion... I don't know, most supermassive Muse fans dislike a few of their songs but I seriously cannot think of one! But I don't reckon that if you don't like a few songs, you're not a big fan! Yeah, in Supermassive - HAARP version - I love the part at the start with the guitar that Matt does, and it's like.. I dunno how to explain or whatever, but it's just before like Chris starts and that.. He does some thing; it sounds cool! :LOL:

    Anyway, I'll talk to ya later, I'm off to watch Hullabaloo again and have a little sleepy sleep, not feeling the best! Will reply to you later. See ya for now. :happy:


    erase all the memories, they'll only bring us pain

  9. It's not!

    Haha, well I'm off for a couple of hours to rest and watch Hullabaloo again and again and again!

    bye for now. (:


    i know that underneath it's meeeeeeee


  10. Haha, yeah. It's just complicated (for me:LOL:) and just freaking annoying and I hate it, and I hate it, and uhhhhh I HATE IT!!!

    That reviewer is a jerkwad!

    The Unintended filmclip is soooooo cute! When you see the Muse boys, they all look so cute and innocent! And at the end Matthew looks reaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllyyyy skinny!

    What ya making for Matt?

    HUH??! Haha. Which ones don't you like?

    i didn't realise i was talking to the living dead

  11. Rightio. I have a serious hatred from iTunes; iPods in general actually! I think I need to see someone before I destroy their whole organistation thing they've got going on! ARGHHHHHHHHH! It is sooooo so so so stupid! Gargh, I will not take out my hatred for iTunes to someone else, I will not take out my hatred for iTunes to someone else...

    Haha. :LOL:

    What ya making?


    you could be the one i'll always love

    (can't believe some Muse fans hate Unintended! It's such a beautiful song! And I don't say beautiful for many songs! Except for every Muse song. :happy:)

  12. :LOL:'Sall good. :)

    Yeah, when they were just starting out when they were teenagers, some people said that they were trying to be Radiohead or something, following them.. I read something like that somewhere! :p

    What you up to?

    our lives at stake, i just wanna give it away

  13. Haha righto then. :LOL:

    Lolcat; I don't even know what Radiohead sounds like... They're on my computer. But.......... I'm in Muse mode (as usual). Are Radiohead shit and Muse fans get angry when they mention them being similiar or...? What's all the hate for? :LOL:

    this time she won't understand

  14. Nah, I was just putting Muse in everything, but tell me more about this whole Manic Depression fiasco? Sounds promising. :happy:

  15. It's heaps good; you can like go down to the beach and have a barbie or something! Not spend it rugged up in like 3 00 layers next to a fire! Haha, jokes. Is Winter Christmas good?

    Actually Christmas lunch is quite the occasion! :LOL: You get soooooooooo hot when you eat! Cos essentially everything's hot. SHIT! lol

    Oh, well that's still good/ Better than only two weeks in the middle of the whole year! :happy:


    Weidr that we both love Muse, considering we're on a Muse forum! :LOL::D

    "your time is nowwwwwwww"

  16. Pfft, two weeks, that's gay. :LOL:

    But a 3month break in the middle of the year would be sooooooooo good!

    Yeah, that's what I said to my dad! I'm like, "I don't need a strepsil (throat thing that sorta hurts my tongue:LOL:), Muse will cheer me up easy!" I ended up having a strepsil. :|

    The good thing about being sick; I'm missing out on my school camp! :D I think being sick beats this whole "spend-ten-hours-in-a-bus-to-get-to-some-place-where-you-still-have-to-see-teachers-you-dislike-a-lot-and-possibly-freeze-to-death-at-night-and-when-they-force-you-to-swim-in-like-1876385676-degree-water" thing! Doesn't sound like a good thing to me. :LOL:

  17. Awwww lucky! It's winter here; stupid world always at different times and seasons!

    Haha, it's about like 30degrees celsius (CBF converting that!) here, though! Tropical Queensland basically doesn't have a Winter! :LOL:

    How long do those holidays go for?


  18. whattttttttt?

    So you get like 3months off in the middle of the year?!

    How long do you get off at Christmas time?

    SUPERMASSIVE FAN! :LOL::):happy::D

    I just came home from school sick (i sound like a freaking dog; I keep coughing haha) and I'm just watching Hullabaloo:D The second discccc. (:

    soooo good. What you up to?

  19. Ohhhhk. So what time is it now then?

    Australia's awesomeeeee; but we don't get enough Muse gigs; ridiculous!

    I'm hoping they come to the Big Day Out music festival in January next year... They'll be in the tour mode. (:

    I'm watching Hullabaloo as I came home sick from school! Am partying by myself at home. :LOL:

    Well I'll post again in another half hour! Haha, so you're off to bed then, if it muse be 11.30pm on the 8th June? :happy:

  20. Well then good morning/night? :|

    I be from Australia. :happy:

    Coolest place everrrrrr. (:

    In terms of people not weather (that was sooooooo lame:LOL:)

    GUESS WHAT??! IT'S MATT'S BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I've been partying alllllll day!

  21. Oh true, lol how long do you have off then?

    Oh ok, sweeeeet. Well it's 5:35pm here. Sorry I took so long to reply... My computer is soooooo so so spastic! Computer's are good for Muse-ing. :LOL:

    Yeah, they are... And Matt like them, so that's goooooood. :happy:

    They also like The Strokes, and The Strokes are in my top 10 fave bands. :D woooo... Muse will love me when they meet me one day! Ahahaa, just being a dickhead agin.

  22. God, my stupid comp is SO slow!

    Haha, ummm well I don't know, I thinkI have about 2weeks until the june/july holidays which go for 2weeks... Not too sure! When do you finish? Ok, seeing as I think you're online now, what time is it in Arizona? Haha, so confused!

    Haha, really?! So.... what do you do for fun then? Build sand castles? :happy:

    We do, we do! Not fair. Oooh, do you know Rage Against The Machine (RATM)?

    I think my brother is listening to them right now (I'm listening to Muse and watching the footy) and Matt likes RATM :D:LOL: So do I!!!!! Me and Matt have soooooo much in common! Ahaa, just being an idiot!

    What's up?

  23. LOL!!!

    Righto then!

    I be goooooooood. (:

    HOW'RE YOU??!

    Where you from?

  24. NOPE! AUSTRALIA AND AUSTRALIANS, LIKE ALL PEOPLE THAT come here are like, "Woah, I love Australia, and Australians, it's so pretty and they're all so laid back!"

    Heehee. (: XD :D:happy::LOL::)

    Weeeellllllllll... I duuunno when you sent this, it says TODAY; 07:01am but the tiiiiime is alwaysss different when i talkk to people!!!!!!!

    As in "The Clash"? WELL! I've heard of them, haven't HEARD 'em!

    Muse-ing should be a sport! I WOULD WIN THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP! And you just have to go for a full on Muse night/day/night/day until you have found every bit of info and eventually........... HAVEEEE TO SLEEP!

    Thanks for the HIGH 5 well deserved aye! i am soooooooo tired now, though! heeheeeee I'LL DO ANYTHING FOR MUSE! :LOL::D:happy:

    Yessss.. That is a gooooooooooooooooooood SWEAT FACE HE HAS GOIN ON THERE! I like what he wears. (: AHHHHHH I ALWAYS LOVE WHAT THEY WEAR! SMBH has like 10million hits on youtube nowWww! Hmmmmmmmmmmmm... not a fan of all the 12year old girls saying Muse is their FAVOURITE BAND BECAUSE OF SUPERMASSIVE IN TWILIGHT! sureee, it's getting them more publicity, butttttttt, they have BETTER SONGS! Us REAL fans know that! And we know EVERYTHINGGGG about Muse.

    KAY! thissss has been a largeee comment. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

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