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Everything posted by absolutionamethyst

  1. :erm:Haha, yeah I feel bad!:unsure: But I'm now back from watching Absolution and some eps of The Office (British verson, of course:awesome::chuckle:)

    Why, yes. There IS a tweasure hunt!:dance: Matt thinks he's all cryptic!:p (He's not!:facepalm:)


    The thing with 42 *whispers; it's not actually the answer..:eek:I know! I know! Keep it down, we can't let Muse see this post:stunned:*

    Another Muser made it up and I've just gone with it!:D

    :wtf:Apparently it is off a movie, but I haven't seen it.:erm:

  2. I shall reply tomorrow, just got this sudden supermassive urge to watch Absolution!:) THAT SEXY LAB COAT!:awesome: You now understand why I shall reply later...:happy: Mattgasmic sexy lab coat and Muse makin' their sexy museic!:yesey:


    And I MIGHT get that pic tomorrow. MAYBE!:p

  3. I shall reply later, sorry! I have this sudden supermassive urge to watch Absolution! THE LAB COAT!!!:awesome: You now understand why I shall reply later.;) Mattgasmic lab coat! Ooft.:yesey:

  4. WHAAAAAAHH??! YOU DON'T LIKE DOM??!:supersad::mad::(


    Haha, naw I couldn't murder Muse! What?:p


    Hmmm, I was in grade 7 so I was about 12! Haha, I'm not too sure if you want to! *I look soooo hideous, but Chaser lads look fookin' fine!;):eyebrows:

  5. Ooh, shit sorry I told you numero 89 before I read that!:supersad:

    Do you live in a remote place in Aus or seomthing?:confused: Is that why you have to stream off internet?


    Yeah, I voted lots on my different emails for Muse! ;) I also did a pwoper vote with like Nirvana and Tom Waits (What's He Building - of course!:LOL:) and that.:happy:


    Haha, aww I'm sorry I don't like James Blunt. :(


    :awesome:Turned 14 on 14th April!:D

  6. :awesome:Of course! 'Cause anything Muse related is sooooo much fun!:D:yesey:


    Now answer me this; who's more sexy, Bells/Dom/Chris or Blandy? BLUNT**


    Ohhhh, yes! Muse BETTER be going to BDO and doing our own "The Resistance" tour, or else...:mad: d :chuckle:


    I wanna get wood from Andrew!!:eyebrows::dance: Reowww! I have a few photos wiht his arm around me and mine around him!:eyebrows::indiff: I actually have one of those photos with all of The Chaser!:yesey::D



  7. By the way; YOU'RE AWESOME!!! You listen to triple j AND you're a Muser AND you love The Chaser!!:kiss:;)


    How old are you, by the way?


    Oh my Howard! Are you listening to Dools on JJJ right now? Haha so funny!:LOL: Did you vote in the Hottest 100 Of All Time?:)

  8. :awesome:Heehee, mine just answers Muse to basically everything!:D


    Haha, well I'll l et you be with the ermmmm,"s.....". No I can't even bring myself to be nice about James Bland. Oh, sorry! Blunt**:LOL:(I can't help it:p)

    Huh?? What, what about the BDO?:erm: *I'm very slow right now!:stunned:*


    You got wood from Andrew Hanson?:eek: Lucky you!:happy: Heehee, I'm just so classy right now!:yesey:;)

    Some other Muser is supposed to be literally kicking Muse to my house one day (:chuckle:), so I'll get Matt's!

  9. Ps, I've always wanted to be Matt's Manson...:awesome::happy::musesign:

  10. :awesome:PLUG IN BABYYYYYYY!:kiss: Yeah, haha I was wondering if it was some sort of innuendo!:LOL::p


    :D Ahhh, it is one of my favourite past-times! I always hope so much that he's done a new blog but hardly ever does!:supersad: Haha I try to comment everyday even though I know he doesn't read them!:awesome::LOL:


    OH, I'M SOOOOO ADDICTED TO MUSEWIRE! My heart and stomach go mental whenever the boys post something new!:yesey: I keep tweeting "42" related subjects to them!:happy:

  11. Yeah, "oh my god" is stupid and means NOTHING!:awesome: "Oh my Bellamy" means so much more to me and everything!:yesey:


    Bono doesn't deserve to be mentioned on a Muse forum... Or anywhere for the matter!:rolleyes::mad: Arrogant bastard!:chuckle::p


    :awesome:Oh my Howard! It so should be!:musesign: Know anyone who knows how to make them?:)

    Haha, nah it's just a written quote on MuseWiki!:chuckle: He says stuff like you just use lots of toys and tickling! Oh Wolsty! We've gone into the porny side of Muse!:D

  12. :chuckle:Haha, that's ok! I have to reply to a lot of other Musers, anyway! Heehee, LOVED!:happy::kiss:


    :supersad:Awww, I want a big bear hug from Chrisseh!:D Aww, I can just imagine how each of their hugs would be, judging from personality! :yesey:


    Yee, yee-yeah! He'll listen! I'll make him...:shifty::indiff: Haha, yeah I'd make 42 000 more Twitters!:p And at least we'd know they were reading SOMETHING WE WROTE! ATTENTION FROM MUSE!:awesome:

    Naww, Morgeh!:kiss:

  13. :eek:CHRISSSSS! HAS A HOT BOD BOD! HAHAHA, did you make that?:LOL:

  14. Contd... I'm never saying boring old "oh my god" anymore when I've got endless(ly) Muse ones! "Oh my Dan the Trumpet Man!" It really rolls off the tongue, doesn't it!:LOL::p


    Eugh! Bono deserves to be... *Won't go into detail 'cause it will get very aggressive!:mad::chuckle:*


    In reply to your warning about the Muse dreams; I REALLY NEED TO FUCKING SEE IT, NOW!:eek::musesign:(<replace "MUSE" with "KINKY DOM"!) Hahaha. Ooh, I do love these beautiful boys! Have you read that"speech" by Matt about orgies?:wtf:

  15. :awesome:Chris the cute little teddy bear with awwwllllll his little teddy bear children!:happy:

    Haha, I left a couple of comments on Dom's MySpace today involving our 42 theories!:yesey: I muse say it was a prettyu convincing speach! I was giving references from the book "1984". I mean, I made it up but it was pretty convinving!:LOL::p


    Heehee, yep, keep pestering 'till they crack and possibly block us from following them!:awesome::)


    Haha, yeah sure you can (m)use it!:happy: Morgan!:kiss:



    I DO! I DO! I DO! I DO! I DO! I DO! I DO! I DO! I DO!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D KINKY DOMMEHHHHHH! Ooft, fuck I'm drooling!:erm: *takes (a bow) a breath*

    I DO! I DO! I DO! I DO! I DO! etch

  17. Ooh, ooh!:awesome: Or better yet, I can get Andrew's fingerprint's separated from Jules' and Rosie Beaton's on this signed triple j poster I have!:happy::yesey: But we'd still need to get Matt's fingerprints...:erm: You think you can handle getting a hold of his fingerprints?:indiff::shifty::LOL:


    Do you listen to the J's?

  18. :awesome:Awww, well I'm very nice like that! (Especially to fellow Musers!) I find those "About Me"'s very interesting.:yesey:


    James Blunt deserves no nickname! Vomit:vomit::vomit::vomit:! Heehee, he is one of the many singer's I hate with a passion! Most of my most hatred are the latest shitty popstars from America...:noey: BLEUGH! :chuckle:


    Aww, we need Matteh and Hanso at the same place at the same time!:shifty:

  19. :LOL::p That's exactly how it would have gone! If only I was on the same continent at the time of the Muse visit...:erm::chuckle:


    :chuckle:Haha, well erm, good luck with growing that moustache!:erm::LOL::LOL: 'Specially seeing as you're a girl (you are, right? I'm sorry if you're not!:$ Unless you're a guy with a man-crush on Bells... Which is natural 'cause Bells is a beautiful and talented man!:yesey:)! But yes...:) Oh, Muse are so attractive...;):musesign:

  20. :D Haha, yeah I always know it's 'cause of the name!:happy: Speaking of which... Socket? Is that something to do with a guitar? Oh Bellamy, it's probably something so simple!:p I'm pree slow at the moment.:facepalm::rolleyes:


    Nice to meet you again, too! I'm "Amethyst. MUSE" on MySpace and I just sent Dom a comment that he will defo not understand!:awesome:

    Yeah, I'm pretty grouce too, thanks. Am just about to "42" and leave some cryptic messages for Muse on Twitter!:happy::yesey:

  21. Hey!:happy:

    I have you as a friend on Bebo *shudders:vomit:* and I always see your comments on Dom's profile on MySpace!:yesey:

    And now I see you on the brilliant Muse Messageboard!:D How're you, then?:kiss:

  22. :eek:OH MY BELLAMY! I HAVEN'T TALKED TO YOU IN WHAT SEEMS LIKE AGES!!!:eek::noey: I'm sorry, I got sidetracked with The Resistance (*tries to hide excited squeal, it ESCAPEs my mouth, people look at me like I'm a psychopath!:dance::yesey:*)! The answer to the treasure hunt is 42.:):yesey:Trust me.:shifty:


    Yes, ugh! THE TWO CAN TOAD TEACHERS!:vomit: I sure do hope you're not serious about cane toad eating!:eek: :erm:They're poisonous! Haha, it's okay, I know you wouldn't eat them!:p


    :facepalm:ME TOO!:noey:

  23. :p


    Oh, that's annoying! Bloody New York City!:chuckle: Hahahaha, I can just see everyone (including the beautiful Muse boys) looking at some el-weirdo obvious Muser walking around with an eager smile, the whole Muse outfit (Muse cap, Muse shirt, Dom coloured skinnies, Matt gold striped shoes and fake Pedro facial hair) and everyone would think you were mental!:noey: :erm:THE THING IS; I would have run up and joined you and hugged you and continued on the hunt for Muse!:kiss: Muse; "SHE'S GOTTEN MORE!"

  24. :awesome:Aww yeah!:yesey: Well Chris looks like such a sweety in that photo, if only his beautiful beard was a *little* shorter! But at least we know he can grow one!:p And I thank you for adding me!:awesome::kiss:


    FOUR-FOUR-F-FOUR-FOUR-F-FOUR-FORTY-TWO!:LOL: Can't wait for them to see the replies on Twitter!;):shifty:


    :) Haha, aww well "oh my Wolstenholme/Chris" doesn't particularly roll off the tongue! :erm:Ooh, I'll make one "oh my Wolsty"!:awesome::yesey: Heehee, U2 = :vomit:! COME ON MUSE TOURS

  25. After reading the "About Megglen" thing, I've realised you're hilarious, random and love a lot of the same stuff I love!:awesome:


    Except... Am considering a possible fight to the death about this whol e James Blunt fiasco... *Shudders at the thought of his name*:LOL:


    Oh my Bellamy! Did you see the Chaser last week?! Hanso looked so much like Bells! And at the end he did this really cute thing!:happy: Anyway, his hair looked exactly like Bells'! But Matt is hotter!:yesey:

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