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Everything posted by absolutionamethyst

  1. :LOL:



    :erm:It would be my fave 'cause, a.) anti-whale eating (:mad::noey:) and, b.) MUSE!:D:dance::LOL::chuckle:

  2. :D


    Pretty name! My name's Amethyst - very unusual/unique!:chuckle:


    Oh true, haha why be that?


    Shhh, I don't really watch it, either! I've watched it maybe three times? :chuckle::$

    I got sick of it, it was shit!:LOL: The Brits win for that show!

  3. :awesome:Ahhh, all beautiful songs!:D

    I don't have any favourites.:erm: My song of the day today is Dead Star!:yesey: I've been watching Hullabaloo a lot today and the start of DS live is just immense!


    :D They just played B&H on the new 24hour Sport Channel!:awesome::dance:

  4. :LOL:Haha, it is like just a nickname. My name is Amethyst. So they're saying "Tyst", which comes from "Thyst" which is obviously from "Amethyst"!:rolleyes: That was a lot of explaining...:happy:


    :mad:Grrr, your brother is mean!:noey:

    LOL, does he say it just to piss you off, or...?:unsure::erm:


    Ahahahaha!:LOL: That's awesome!:dance: Haha, just make sure she doesn't find out, or else ya might get into shit from her!:chuckle::facepalm:


    :DThat's great! Oh awesome! Sounds fun! My life's pretty boring right now!:( It's good that I have dancing! But all day for like six hours every day...:noey: Not so fun!:p

  5. Yeah, I always read on this forum and places where they compare them to Radiohead. I actually gave them a listen to the other day. I listened to one song for about 15 seconds and then listened to another song (Paranoid Android, I believe) and I listened to that one for like 30 seconds and got impatient for Muse! I hadn't listened to the for a good 4hours and wasn't even listening to Radiohead 'cause I wanted Muse love!:chuckle::happy:

  6. Please!:chuckle::LOL::D


    What's your favourite Muse song?:) Or do you have anything Muse related to talk about? I LOVE MUSE SO FOOKIN' MUCH!!:dance::happy::yesey::D:D:D:)

  7. :eek::D:dance: TALENT!!:happy:

    How many people were in the competition?:)


    :eek::(I have like 16, 000 blisters on my toes from dancing for about 4-5hours straight and spending about 1 and a half of those hours on pointe!:eek::( Haha and my teacher was very annoying, too!:LOL: Our nice teacher was doing something else so we had to have the other one!:mad: Hmm, she was trying to make us do shit when we clearly were tired and pissed off!:facepalm::chuckle: Ah well, haha.


    :happy:I'm watching Letterman!:dance:

  8. :eek:I know!:noey: She's a bitch!:chuckle::LOL: She also looks like a cane toad!:confused:... :D:LOL::chuckle:

  9. :D Yeah, we're not mental!:happy: Just addictively obsessed with Muse!:awesome::chuckle: Heehee, my ears just pricked up 'cause on Sports Tonight (30min show about sport news just after the regular news) they played Supermassive!:kiss::happy::yesey::D:D:D I did my usual of getting emotional and jumping around and ranting on about it to my friends and family!:p Just from a snippet of the song!:LOL:
  10. Oh, and Top Gear, as well! The British version owns the Aussie one! But the Aus one's not too bad though.:happy:

  11. Aussie Muser!:awesome::kiss::happy:


    What's your name? Where you from?


    :eek:Lucky! You saw Muse in '07! Feck, I wish I was older and lived in a more main city!:chuckle:

    You're cool for loving JJJ and jTV, as well.

  12. :D


    It does suck! Trust me!:mad: Hahaha.:D

    And LOL!:LOL::chuckle::happy: You know he is! And you know you want him!:awesome:

  13. :wtf::ninja::chuckle::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL: :erm::happy::happy:
  14. :awesome:Oh, that's wicked!:D


    Do you like it?:chuckle: (Smart question, I know!:facepalm:)

    More sensibly, how long have you been doing it for?:happy::yesey:

  15. :eek:You can sew?:) Sweet as!:D I had to do sewing last year for school...:erm: I finished making my boxers first!:awesome::chuckle: ... But in cooking for the same subject-y thing (we did sewing and cooking for Home Economics at school) I had the same teacher who didn't believe I was vegetarian and tried to make me either eat cage eggs or show her a note from parents saying I was vego!:mad::(:noey: She pissed me off and I didn't wanna risk having her as my teacher again this year... So I don't do sewing!:D

  16. :awesome:


    Haha, sweet!:chuckle: Both of our brothers think we're mental!!!:D:):LOL:

  17. Yeah, you assumed correctly!:chuckle: Haha yeah it was good anyway. :LOL:

    I'm getting pretty pissed off 'cause I have to wake up every morning for dancing instead of sleeping in till like 3-4pm everyday. It's the hoidays! I shouldn't have to bloody wake up! I'm watching NCIS. (: (Michael Weatherly is such a fucking babe!)

  18. Inorite? :chuckle:



    I KNOW!!!:D:D:awesome: Oh ok, mornin'! How are you?

    I have to go to dancing from 9am - 4:30pm tomorrow. And I only get a half hour break...:(

    What you up to lately?

  19. :erm:What was the :ninja: for?:chuckle: Hahaha, what're you doing?


    :erm: :erm: :erm: :erm: :erm: :erm: :erm: :erm: :erm: :erm: :erm:



  20. :stunned::eek:That's a lot of dancing! :p Are they all separate classes or some mixed?:wtf::confused::happy: She's actually not my normal teacher.:erm: I'm doing my exam this year and we have to have these extra classes.:happy:


    So she's awesome for saying that, anyway!:D

  21. :awesome:Oh cool as! Did you paint it or print the pic onto it?:D

  22. :LOL::chuckle::LOL::chuckle::LOL::chuckle::LOL::chuckle::LOL::chuckle::LOL::chuckle::LOL::chuckle:


    (Is that enough once again?:confused: Hahahaha)

  23. :LOL:Haha.


    :awesome:Haha yerp that's basically my brother!:chuckle::happy: Ooh, wait you also have to add the, "I think my sister is a pychopath" smiley to make my brother complete!:D




    (Is that enough laughing? Hahaha.)

  24. Ooooh, classy!:chuckle:


    What's going on? I'm pree bored, I'm aboutto go on the computer for some more Muse time today! Always makes me happy!:happy:


    Simply cannot wait for THE FOURTEENTH OF SEPTEMBER, TWO THOUSAND AND NINE!!! I'm lining up for hours! What about yourself?:awesome:

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