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Everything posted by absolutionamethyst

  1. OMG!!!:LOL: THAT'S SO F***ING AWESOME! I wanna see snow. :supersad: Ahh yeah, Australia must just be weird no, wait. ALL the OTHER continents are weird; we're normal. :happy: Hmm, sorry, never heard of Wyoming... I actually can't stand the slightest chill in the air - probs from living in the heat all my life - so I would not do too well in the snow. Probably the coldest I've gotten is when I breathed out, you could like see your breath. But that was in a cold state in Aus, never gotten it where I live:LOL:

  2. Tell me about it, siztahhhh! :LOL::chuckle: What's your fave subject?:happy:

  3. :awesome:And I'll make a banner for them::musesign: Heehee. Plenty of bananas and pasta! :chuckle:


    Heehee, I actually have to but some bananas first.:happy: Can't wait!


    I also can't wait for The Resistance!! 3months!!! Woooooo.:D

  4. Haha righto. Yeah, they are so great!:happy:

    :LOL:I was so busy on my phone I didn't hand in my Graphics test thingo!:ninja: Ahh well. Actually... The teacher goes pretty psycho sometimes... :rolleyes:

  5. I LOVE Nirvana, Foo Fighters and NIN. Rage Against The Machine are immense! Ermmm, well there are a FEW bands that I like in that About Me thing. I'm on my phone at school so I can't really copy and paste.:chuckle:

  6. Hahaha awesome!!! Plus that'll involve you meeting them when you kick their arses over here!:chuckle: So it's a win win situation for both of us! :happy: And Muse will be happy to be in Australia!!!:LOL:


    Ahhhh yumy ok. Well I do deserve one, then!!! They have these ready-made ones in supermarkets over here. But I'll make a fresh one today after school!!! :chuckle:

  7. :awesome:Matt is delectable! :eyebrows: Mmmmmm... I wish they would come to Australia... We have bananas!!!


    Mmmmm, banana smoothie/milkshake! Lucky you! I haven't had one of those in ages. :supersad:

  8. Ahhhh yes I love nectarines! White flesh ones are the best, I'd say! Then the normal ones are next. (:

    But bananas are the best fruit. Matt thinks so! (;


    :awesome:Do you mean, like, make a milkshake? Yummy! :happy:

  9. Hey where are you from?

  10. :happy: And wonderful people in the band! :D What other music do you like? Like, which bands?
  11. Hahaha, it does not!


    But, really, how could you not be obsessed? They're gods!!!

  12. Hahaha "brain fart"??! Nice...


    Ermm yeah, haha summer Christmas for us. (:

    How do you listen to a white Christmas?! :LOL: Yeah, well a white Christmas sounds really weird to me, too! Plus I've only ever seen snow on a mountain when I was in Victoria. So yes, that would be different!

    Does Europe have it in the Winter, as well?

  13. Hmm... I'm gonna have to go with red. I would usually say pink, purple, green, you know? But Matt and his red suit are Mattgasmic! :LOL:


    Or I'll go with yellow, lime green, pink (many various colours of skinnies that Dom wears)!

  14. Hahaha :LOL: *high fives back*

    *thinks of a topic of conversation. can't think of an interesting one, but she goes with whatever question pops into her head*

    What's your favourite colour? :happy:

  15. :LOL:Yeah, we'll get onto doing that one day. :)

    Ahahaha, nice. Jesus, I thought you just meant they told you when to get on and off... I didn't know you could fully put time slots on it! Hahaha, but nice work on finding out how to turn them off or whatever. :ninja::happy:

    Ahhhh, true. Well we had the biggest wet season in over 40years at the start of the year... Right at our 2month or whatever Christmas holidays! 'Twas pretty fun, but it was Summer, we were meant to be at the beach, like, everyday! Haha.

    Hope ya holidays are all goooood. :D

    Mine start... Umm, next week I think is our last week! :happy:

    Not too positive about that, though. :chuckle:

  16. :LOL::rolleyes:

    Ahhh.;) I can't get past that furry skin, so I usually stick to the other fruit. :ninja: But I like them without the skin! :chuckle:

    Ahhhh, lucky you, then! :awesome:

    And I got out of school again today! :awesome::dance:

    What's on the agenda for today? :happy::eyebrows:

  17. Heehee. :LOL: Same. ;)

    Yeah, tourists are weird. :stunned::D

    Umm, yeah no. :)

    Not at school again today, mainly 'cause I feel shit and also 'cause I have a Business assignment due today and, well errrr, I haven't started. :stongue:

  18. Betty? WTF? Haha, poor dog, now it probably doesn't know if it's a girl or boy..! Haha, but Bellamy is defs the coolest out of Bellamy, Bellman and Betty. Heehee


    Are peaches the fruit with like a furry skin?


    Yeah hopefully I can get out of going to school... :happy: But I doubt it:(


    I'll reply tomorrow, anyway; my phone's about to die... :stongue:

  19. :LOL: Sounds/looks like Bellamy!! I would just secretely call him Bellamy if I were you! :happy: Heehee. What kinda jokes? Haha.


    Yeah, when Mum gets back, we're gonna go and visit them (;


    Hmm, it's 1.04am here, I can't sleep! Pounding headache, sore chest. This is horrible!!!


    I'll try to get outta school again tomorrow; feel shithouse and have a Business assignment due that I haven't started... :LOL:

  20. Haha rightio then. :LOL:

    Ahhhh, quiet, BONUS! Nawwww I love patting fluffy dogs and cats! It feels so nice!

    Oh ok, I woul

    d've been like, "Noooo, you know where I stand with little dogs. We're getting a small one." :happy: Ahhh, so what's this little doggies' name?


    Ermm well I recently moved in with my dad cos Mum went to Belgium, and Dad lives in an apartment thingo so we had to get rid of my two dogs. Cinnamon and Peach - Golden Retrievers. Cinnamon is Peach's mum. I miss them.:supersad:

  21. Ahhhh ok then, sweet. Haha well when you live somewhere hot, you get used to it, I guess. Haha yeah it is classified as hot where I live, but when it's winter and we're all rugged up, the psycho herds of tourists are like, "oh my god, it's so hot/warm today. Let's go to the beach!" Us non-tourists (:LOL:) are just like, "haha, f*** off!"


    Ahhh anyway, anything important going on of late?

  22. Ahhh, ok. Well I'll leave that subject now, not get too personal... :chuckle::stongue:

    Yerp, exactly how it is! But I still want to like it, cos it's good. But if these gay little 12year old girls don't stop with the, "I love that song by 'Moose' in Twilight, they're my favourite band!" shit, I will have to start a very not nice at all group! Oh, oh, I went there! :LOL: Don't worry about me, I'm a bit tired. :)

    How are you? What's the weather like in your part of town? :happy:

  23. Ahh, "she'll be right."


    Yerrppppp, Sport is my favourite subject!! Well, it was my favourite in the first place, before I found out I had him, and it makes it even more fun when I have it with him! :awesome:

    How are you? How's Arizona weather going? Hot? :chuckle:

  24. 'Tis! :LOL:

    Ahhh, I feel so sorry for your brother... But that's really funny!

    Heehee, photographic evidence that you can use to bribe him to do stuff for you. :dance::stongue:

    Yeah, sisters are good. (:

    But so are brothers... :awesome:

    Ahhhh, righto then, I just Googled it. Pretty cute! I like big dogs the best though. (I actually secretely *not that secret, but anyway* hate small dogs, everyone thinks they're cute, and all they do is rip stuff up and look innocent afterwards. And they're constantly yapping. Not barking, yapping! :wtf::LOL: But yours is cute!:happy:

    Golden Retrievers are my favourite breed, I've had them all my life... Different ones though when they die... :supersad::'(

    But yeah, they're loyal and pretty :eyebrows: and fun. Heehee. Ah, I shall shut up now! :rolleyes:

  25. Oh, ok! I bet that's not the best thing to be woken up by! Eughh, the first thing you see at the start of a bright, dainty day; some good ol' feet in your mouth!


    BTW, sisters are cool, what you rolling the emoticons eyes for?:p



    Haha, rightio then! :LOL: What type of dog do you have?:)

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