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Everything posted by absolutionamethyst

  1. Righto then. I don't really listen to jazz...:erm:


    Haha I reckon! Obviously it's the most fun you could ever have!:D


    Okey dokey, then. Night.

    Nice meeting you, too. :)

  2. :awesome:(Wait, you bought jmag so you must be!:facepalm:)

    Ahhh, Melbourne! That weather is ridiculous!:chuckle:

    Oh, awesome! I'm not a large fan of studying...:erm:Museing is more fun, clearly!

    That's good.:happy:


    Ermmm, well my name is Amethyst. I live in Townsville (far north Queensland). And I am 14. Oooh, and I just go ton holidays today!! :awesome: And I also love Muse!


    Are you a fulltime JJJer or just like jmag?:happy:

  3. Oh ok then! Haha, so it wouldn't be too likely for me to run into Matt one day if I moved there, I gather? :LOL::supersad: Haha.:facepalm:


    Haha, good point!:chuckle: It is an island... But still they need to come here more often!!:( Haha, yeah it does mean something!:awesome:


    Oh awesome! Yeah, I guess it's a good thing to know English! :D

    What the?! You're so good! I did Italian last year in grade 8 and I was alright, but I have a shit memory!:noey::facepalm: I wouldn't have guessed you were Italian though - you're English in brilliant! Haha I'm crap at languages! :LOL:


    :erm:Ermm, I don't know, maybe since 2002-2003... Just a little tacker! But erm my family listens to good museic! :D The best museic! And if my family listened to bad museic... Then I wouldn't know Muse!:ohmy: No, I reckon I would have found them anyway!:p

    What about yourself?:)

  4. :(Aww, it's ok! Haha, well usually when I send my requests for Muse into the radio during a particular segment, the host love Muse so she plays my requests!:D You just need to get a good radio station with a good host!:awesome::happy:

  5. :D Good then!

    Where are you from? How old are you?:happy:

  6. :happy:Yeah! Do that!:D:)

    It's so great!:awesome:

  7. Okay! Will do! :D *Muset find teddy bears ASAP*:chuckle:

    :awesome:I know we would!:happy:

    HAHAHAH! I fully LOLled at that red wine thing! :LOL::chuckle: High 5 for that one, my friend! :chuckle:

  8. (I've tried to send a comment back so many times! Stupid computers and phones!)

    Haha, I couldn't agree more as to the hometown of the Jonas Brothers! (Such an original name...:rolleyes::mad:) They make me angry with their inability to sing!!:chuckle:


    :stunned:Yeah, I need to be 18 here, too.:rolleyes: But I think I should get used to the taste of red wine now, though!:LOL: Jokes. :stunned:Maybe...:happy:


    LOL, it took me a while to understand what "Matters" meant! :erm: Then I finally got it! I thought you meant the word matter...:chuckle: We can also be "Dommers" and "Chrissers"!


    :unsure:Haha, I don't know! You said that you were a pirate??!:erm:


    Haha, why yes I am going to bed with them as well!:awesome: How did you guess??! You can, too... But you can be on the other side of the bed, with the order being; Chris, you, Matt, me, Dom!:D I dunno, something like that! We have to be in between at least two Muse members! Hahaha, we are too weird!


    Gotta loooooooooove these smileyes!:kiss:

  9. Is Lake Como an actual lake, then?

    Haha I know what you mean! I grow some more love for them everyday as well!


    Yeah, Australia's the best! But we're a bit... Isolated from the rest of the world!


    Woah! Lucky, lucky you! I'm so jealous of you Europeans!


    Oh awesome! Do you have to learn English at school? Haha otherwise, how can you understand me??!:LOL:


    Well I'm Aussie and 14.:D

  10. Awwww, you should move to Lake Como then! :D I hear Naples is really pretty! Italy is the country on top of my list to visit!!! Haha, yes I guess you're right!


    Haha yeah basically the same reason as me as to why you haven't seen them yet... Except I've been a fan for a loooooong time! Haha. WOAH YOU ARE SO LUCKY!!! I WISH I LIVED IN EUROPE!! Hope you have fun! :D Are you standing then?


    Also, are you actually Italian or just live there? And how old are you? :)

  11. :LOL::chuckle: It was an awesome interview! It's on the Muse in Australia - MEDIA WATCH !!! forum if you wanna see/read it! :awesome: Someone scanned it!:D How lovely!
  12. :erm::indiff:Ermmm, there's no such thing of a "too obsessed" Muser!;):rolleyes::LOL:

    You know that!:happy: If I knew where mine were, I'd name them that, too!:stongue:


    I think we win BIGGEST, COOLEST AND MOST OBSESSIVE MUSERS AWARD!!!;) Yep, we definitely do!! :D:D:D:):happy::p

  13. Jacob's a wanker! He's so mean!:mad: And selfish!

    But I refuse to talk about Twilight! Spesh on a Muse forum!!!:chuckle:

    :erm:Jonas Brothers are shit. But yes, that would ruin the movie... Though it did have Paramore... :unsure::LOL:

    Well I don't know. I don't drink wine haha. :shifty: But when I'm older, I will make red wine my favourite! :happy: Just to be like Matt!

    :stunned: You're a pirate??!


    :ohmy::shifty:I'm not letting go of them for their showers!


    But they will get used to my constant sharing of love!:chuckle:When, not if I move in!:D


    Hahahaha, she muse be!!!


  14. Woo for Musers! I didn't go to sleep till like 3:00am and I had school today! :stunned:

    I love the hardcore Musers somewhat more! :D

    Muse are getting heaps of air-time and air-talkabout on the good Aus radio station lately!

    It makes my day everyday they mention them! :awesome:

  15. That's good.

    Haha righto. Did you buy Rule By Secrecy? :chuckle: (Don't worry about me!)

    LOL, what you up to?

  16. :D It's well worth it!

    It is definitely going on my wall! I will probably buy another copy of jmag so I can have two! :awesome:

  17. Oooooh, Italy!! :D

    Ran into Matt yet? :chuckle: Or have you found their secret underground bunker where they're recording The Resistance??! :p

    Ahhh, lucky! Tomorrow's my last day! Woohoo. Cannot wait.

    Well I try to go on this forum as much as I can when I'm at school!:D

    Just on my phone. I can't live without some Museing everyday! :erm: I have a life. :unsure::LOL:


    I'm from Australia.. :D

    Muse better come here soon! Jeez... Everytime they've been here, I've been too young!:mad::supersad: Have you seen them live yet?

  18. Haha same!

    Anything to do with Muse, I am drawn to instantly! :D:chuckle:

    Oh true! That would suck! Well I'm not that tan, but I do burn sorta quick - in the Tropics, the sun's extreme!

    amusement parks!

    HAD TO!!!!!!!!!!!!! :chuckle:

  19. :D Sure is! ;)


    I'm very good, thank you!

    I am in Graphics... I don't think we are meant to be doing anything.. :unsure::erm:

    :LOL: Ah well! How are you? :)

  20. Yeah, well usually if someone just SAYS a lyric, it'll take a few seconds... I absolutely LOVE the b-sides.:D I can usually remember lyrics if they're just normally said, but yes it takes a bit longer. If they're sung it's too easy!


    Haha I did have fun. :happy: I read it like 16 000 times at school!:awesome: The picture is Dom and Bells, one where Matt's holding Eurasia museic...! Wicked interview!!

  21. Hey! Why, that's ok!

    I'm very good, thank you! Though I'm really really tired! It is 2.33am and I have school tomorrow! I've been on the forum for hours on my phone... So obsessed!


    How are you? Where are you from?

  22. :D Sorry I've taken ages to reply! I didn't realise you'd commented back!

    Ahhh, awesome - 6 week break!! I go on holidays in two days! It's only 2 weeks, though. Or two and a half, I think my school gets like a bit more off... I actually don't know at all!


    How's Uni treatinG you, anyway?

    I'm alright, thanks. Pretty tired, I had a shitty and tiring day and it's 12.30am, last few nights I haven't been going to sleep till like 2.30am... Good sleeping pattern for me!!:p jmag interview with Matt was great!:D

  23. :eek:jmag - Australia's good radio station's magazine July issue is coming out today!!!


    I am gonna be so early to school, I'm ready like an hour before I need to be!! I'M GOING TO THE NEWSAGENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    (I'm very happy.:happy:)

  24. Haha, I'm hopeless! Sometimes I can't even remember how a Muse song goes! :stunned:

    Haha gammin. Well I forget for like0.25 of a second. :chuckle:But yes, it's horrible!


    :eek:jmag - Australia's good radio station's magazine July issue is coming out today!!!


    I am gonna be so early to school, I'm ready like an hour before I need to be!! I'M GOING TO THE NEWSAGENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    (I'm very happy.:happy:)

  25. This is what I had to do for a Religion assignment... Well I just had to make a news program and couldn't help myself to mention Muse... :erm:


    Up next, we cross live to Milan, Italy where Muse has just recorded their next album. We’ll speak to the very lovely Matthew Bellamy, Muse’s frontman.

    Our top stories tonight: Muse announce that they’ll be touring Australia in January next year, following the release of their new album titled, The Resistance. More news on that story, and others, later.


    So very obsessed...:LOL::chuckle:

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