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Everything posted by Vader

  1. Yeah, it tries to be like maths but it fails :noey:

    It's a difficult decision, I'm glad I have a while before I need to make that kind of decision.


    Another testament of how much better British television is.

    I rarely watch TV and when I do I usually watch it on the computer, like I did yesterday.

  2. That's the reason I like science overall too. I've always found it great that you get to understand how the world works, and it can be really interesting to discuss. Getting a bit more boring now though, physics used to be my favourite science subject, now we only do calculations and stuff.

    I'm going to miss music when the course is over :( I'll still be able to sing at home of course :happy:


    I have maths for tomorrow but instead I have watched the second series of Being Human and am currently watching TV. I'll leave maths for some other day.

  3. :LOL:


    Biology can be fun, when you dissect or work with evolution :awesome: Not something I can see myself doing though, I'm more a maths kind of person. What do you like about biology?

    I think it would be a bit of a shame about art though, your stuff was really awesome.


    I'm fine, maybe a bit tired. I don't sleep enough anymore, I really should. And I've been putting off some of my school work for far too long. At least I don't have anything important this week.

    How are you?

  4. :LOL: Yeah, it would


    Interpretations are much better, I've always preferred abstract and surrealistic art :yesey:

    In a way, but there's a difference between copying the real world and copying a photo.


    I like that our school system is quite simple in that way, we only get in based on grades, with a sort of point system thing. Then there are of course some other things that are way too complicated :noey:

  5. Yeah, that's what I thought. I thought he'd gotten normal eyes all of a sudden.


    I'm a mean copier :cool: But when I try to draw normally, with a pencil, I'm not that good. It's not shit, but not great either. Then again, I don't draw much. Maybe I'd get better with some practise.


    We don't have interviews, which is good for me cause I'd ruin everything if we did. I'd get nervous and just fuck everything up. I'm hopeless when it comes to that kind of thing.

  6. What, 2D has eyes?


    Cool, if I could draw, I'd definitely get one.


    I remember the stress of applying to high school last winter, I can only imagine uni applications. Luckily I have two years left until that.

    Did you guys have interviews too?

    Innit? I go to the bus stop and the sun in shining straight in my face, I can't help but smile a little.

  7. Well, hello! :D

    Again, thank you for the Christmas present. The sweets were yummy.

  8. :LOL: :LOL: Although, why do Space Ghost and other dude have no eyes? It's creepy :stunned:


    Graphics tablets seem so cool. Wouldn't help me though, I can't draw at all :( Not realistically anyway.


    It's good, scarily good. Everything seems to be going my way, and I haven't been this cheery in a long time. I have only been listening to pop and electronica this last week :stunned: This whole winter it's basically been RATM and Audioslave on repeat.

    It's probably because the sun is finally starting to show.


  9. I assume Zorack is that... bird? Where is it from?


    You have to be super careful, and be sure not to draw long lines. It's so annoying when you've drawn the perfect line and then you slip with your finger and everything is ruined :facepalm:


    Yeah, and I always stay up too, to avoid going to bed, so the day of the test won't come so fast. I think the worst part is right before, both the test and the results. My thought's always go: I'm going to throw up. Kill me, kill me.

    But I didn't have to worry this time, I can't not be pleased with the results.

  10. It's been fine. School and all that, you know.

  11. I'd like to do one of the theme avatar things sometime, but I don't keep up with the thread, plus I am shit at coming up with those things.


    It was actually easier than I thought it would be. Still, it took quite some time. I don't think a touchpad is the best tool for drawing :chuckle:


    I get really bad anxiety right before the test. Then I relax until we get it back, when I get anxious again. I'm usually pleased with the result and relax again. The few times that I'm not pleased I get anxious that I will affect the final grade I get. The thing is that I wasn't pleased with the last chemistry test, and then it felt like I didn't do my best on this test either :( Cue anxiety

  12. Swift av change there :LOL:

  13. It's actually not as impressive as it may seem. I used a real pic for reference and I even copied/sketched some basic outlines for guidance (nose, mouth, hair, etc.)

    But I'm still learning, this was my first full colour drawing and my second in total :LOL:

    It took about 24 hours on the laptop. I do feel a bit proud :happy:


    I really don't want to go to school tomorrow. I have a test first thing in the morning, but the worst part is that I might get another test back, and I don't think it went as well as I would have wanted it to :(

  14. I'd have to get children's glasses or something :LOL:


    Okay: http://twitpic.com/14xvnm

  15. Forgy! I haven't seen you in forever!

    How have you been?

  16. Who knows? Maybe I will, maybe I won't. We'll see.


    I am now brace free! :awesome: Actually doesn't feel too weird, it felt strangely smooth for a while but not anymore. I keep thinking it's there when I eat though, running my tongue along my teeth to get the stuck food off :LOL:

    Glasses can be cool :nerd: I'd look like a dork though, cause my head's so small.


    Robot Unicorn Attack :awesome:

    The Lady Gaga picture?

  17. You're welcome :D


    :LOL: I'll probably watch it sometime, just maybe not at the cinema. I don't have anyone to go with anyway, everyone else has already seen it.


    Yeah well, it's been a year and a half. My mouth will probably feel really weird.


    Yeah :happy: Best game ever :awesome:

    I actually had a drawing I'd made of Lady Gaga for a short while in between. Then I put it as my profile picture for about two seconds. Then I removed it :LOL: Just didn't work.

  18. Yeah, cause it's mostly my family and friends who've heard me sing. Your paintings/drawings really were awesome though.


    :LOL: That's exactly what my sister is saying, well, really what everyone is saying. But I just don't feel like it. I suppose it's stupid that I often start "disliking" hyped up things but... meh.


    I'm getting more and more excited about the braces coming out tomorrow :D Not looking forward to going back to school :(

  19. I get really nervous when I sing in front of people, people have said I have a good voice, but I keep thinking they've lied to me, like those people on American Idol who have been told they can sing, but really can't.



    Cool. My sister keeps telling me I should see it while it's still shown at the cinema. But I just feel like I can't be arsed.

    The title is somewhat misleading :LOL: I think he designs microchips for mobile phone masts. I think it seems boring, but he likes it.

  20. I sang in front of people right before Christmas, those of us who take music had a sort of concert/recital, where we were divided into groups and each group played one song.


    The old one was... old, I think it came right when colour screens started coming. It had an awesome miniature golf game. I don't remember much about it.

    I'm definitely doing some maths today, otherwise I'm screwed.

    My dad's a master of science in engineering :LOL: The title is far too long, much simpler in Swedish. What does your father do?

    Ooo, those look yummy.

  21. :LOL: I'll sing anything, singing is one of the few things I actually like doing, it's my only hobby.


    Aw, that's a shame :(

    The phone I had before my current one, was just a year old, but it was an old model (It was cheap :awesome:). The one before that was from 2003.


    Life's good, but I really should have studied more this week. I haven't done anything :facepalm: Looking forward to going to my dad this Sunday. He went to NY on business, hopefully he bought something for me :D Plus it's going to be nice to see him :LOL:

    How's your life?

  22. The Rah-rah... part is really catchy, the whole song is. Great to sing as well.


    Your probably the first person I've ever heard talking about getting a cow skull :LOL: Could be quite cool though, I guess.

    I want something with a touch screen so badly. But I got a new mobile phone with Walkman for my last birthday, so there's not much I could get.


    :LOL: I couldn't really see what it was at first, but now I see it.

  23. They definitely are, but there are better songs on the album. I really like Paparazzi and Bad Romance though.


    :eek: I've never been able to hold to money for that long.

    Sometimes I find it hard to spend money when I have more than usual, because there are suddenly more possibilities.


    That could actually be kind of cool.


    New avatar! :awesome:

  24. I've always liked her clothes and her style but haven't really cared about her music. The singles aren't the best songs.


    Any this week, or any at all? :eek: If you haven't spent any of it you must have a loooot of money.


    Yeah, they're pretty boring, they're more like a decoration than a pet.

  25. I could probably like most kinds of music if it's well made, and I do occasionally listen to different kinds of rap. Never proper hip hop though. I like the Gorillaz songs I've heard, Dare is my favourite :happy:

    Recently I've started to get into Lady Gaga.


    Nope, no euro, not yet anyway, still got the good old kronor. I get about £90 a month. £40 will have been spent on clothes within a week :LOL:


    They can be nice to look at for a while but that's about it.

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