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Everything posted by Vader

  1. It's really great, I'm listening right now.


    I think I might cry more easily, but I'm not entirely sure if that's really the reason.


    I also get money for staying in school :awesome: But I get the same amount as before, it's just the name that's changed (can't come up with a good description of the system)


    Me, and my sister wanted to get a cat when we were younger, but my dad is against all pets except for fish :rolleyes:

  2. You can listen to anything basically, for free and legally, with an ad after every few songs. I like it, it's really easy to find lots of music.


    :( I can get a bit pissy, but I haven't noticed getting sad or anything.


    Expensive stuff is annoying. You want it so bad but you can't buy it. I keep thinking about stuff I want too, I can't get over it.

    :dance: I don't know what I'd do without H&M


    :supersad: Poor thing. I wish I had a pet.

  3. There's one station that's all right, but I rarely listen to the radio. I listen to Spotify instead :awesome:


    :noey: It's really not nice, I don't really get bad PMS but I could do without the cramps.


    I was like Whoah! It was totally awesome. I saw some cool necklaces but they were like £35 each. Then I went to H&M and got TWO necklaces for £9 total :awesome:

  4. :chuckle:


    Yeah, they won Best British Band.

    The quality is great, it's the coverage that's shit. It's NME radio and yet they talk about the awards about 5% of the time, and the rest is music, not even good music. They don't say who's won either.


    :( Womanhood can be a bitch.


    Nothing wrong really, it was just sort of boring, didn't find much and having to stand around in the cold waiting for the delayed train didn't make it better. But Urban Outfitters must have the best store ever. It's in this old ballroom or something, and they have to huuuge chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Far too expensive though.

  5. I suppose everything that's not your home country seems a bit more exotic and exciting.


    Definitely. Madonna means Madonna to me, not Mary. I'm not really sure what her last name is either, something Italian I think.


    I'm fine, but I feel like I'm getting a massive headache, and I'm trying to follow the NME awards but the radio is fucking shite. You?


    Meh, shopping in Stockholm was a huge disappointment.

  6. I've never understood why people would want to go to Sweden, to me it seems so boring :LOL:

    I wish I was rich too :( I'd travel everywhere.



    The name Adolf always makes me think of Hitler. Not many names are like that. Joseph doen't make me think of Stalin for example.


    A-Hit :LOL:

    Good night

  7. Stockholm is a lot smaller than London, I think London has about as many inhabitants as the whole of Sweden. But it's like most cities I suppose. My favourite part is Gamla Stan (Old Town), it's really nice and picturesque.


    It's really silly, the whole L-Bo thing, they've written it on the viaduct you have to walk under to get to Lyckebo. There's another part called Adolfsberg where you also have to walk under a viaduct and someone has written A-Bo on that one :LOL:


    RPattz is a horrible abbreviation, but I must say KStew might be even worse.

  8. :noey: I'm so fucking tired of winter right now. There's a lot of trouble with the trains, so I just hope it won't affect the trip to Stockholm.


    :chuckle: I guess we have something similar here in Sweden, dunno if there's a name for it though. Some kids walk around thinking they're proper gangsta. Even though I live in a small town there's a part called Lyckebo that's sort of "the hood" :LOL: That's where all the "chavs" live/hang out and they call it L-Bo :facepalm: I'm a bit scared of walking there at night.

  9. Yeah, doesn't sound too fun.


    I hate snow. Unfortunately it doesn't show any signs of going away yet, it just keeps snowing more. We haven't had this much snow in years.


    :unsure: A troublesome and disobedient young person, committing petty crimes and getting pregnant as a teen.

  10. Okay, what kind of studies and theories is it?


    My mother's house is really quite far from my dad's house and you have to walk up a massive hill.

    Hopefully it'll get warmer here too soon. I'm sick of the cold and the snow.


    I've learnt about it here and I think a bit on Misfits as well. I might be completely wrong though :LOL:

  11. What do you do?


    I decided to take a walk today, from mum's house to dad's :facepalm: I got soo tired and I lost my mittens a while back so my hands were freezing.

    Chavs :LOL: I think I finally get what it means

  12. Maybe... It is an interesting subject.

    Psychology? *Jealous*



    Where I live there really is nothing, the town where I live has about 10000 inhabitants, and I don't know anyone in the nearby city.

    :chuckle: I've already showered. Now I'm off to bed though.

  13. :LOL: Might be that.

    There was this great miniseries about a year ago, one of the few great Swedish productions. One of the story lines involved two Christian boys during the 70's or 80's who were in love, but the other didn't know. It ended with them sleeping in the same bed, and one of the guys taking the other guys hand. It was probably the cutest thing I have ever seen on TV :happy: That's when my love for gay guys started.



    The tests are in history and maths. I've been neglecting maths for weeks, can't be arsed to do the homework, and my history teacher is hopeless, so I'll have to learn everything by reading the book :indiff:

    I usually don't go out during holidays, mostly cause there's nothing to do.


    Now I have to go take a shower :( I hate showering

  14. It seems like a lot of people find two members of the opposite sex kissing hot, why is that? :erm:


    Yeah, you look at the clock and there's just 5 minutes left and you've got one more question. I go FFFFUUUUUUUU-

    I have to study a lot, I've got 2 tests the week after the holidays. Hopefully I'll be able to squeeze in a day of shopping in Stockholm.

  15. Gay kiss? :eyebrows: Hot


    No, nothing fun. Had a chemistry test today, could have gone better. I ran out of time at the end :(

    At least I don't have school next week :awesome:

  16. New avatar, I see :awesome:


    Been up to anything fun this week?

  17. Since I desperately want people to like me I'm always very nice.


    My hands got so cold when I was untying my skates last Friday. I couldn't feel a thing.


    It was really painful :( It reminded me of when they first put them in.

    I've actually never had a problem with the dentist. I've only ever had one cavity. I was supposed to get a new filling a few months after the first one, but when I get there the tooth had fallen out, without me noticing.

  18. I don't think I have the ability to be mean :chuckle: I'm too shy to be mean


    Sounds pretty cool, if it hadn't been for the fact that you had to get up at five. I love photography, but I can't take good photos myself :(

    Did you have fun?


    One of the brackets in my braces came off today. It turned 90 degrees and kept pressing against the tooth. It hurt soo bad :( Luckily my dad managed to put it back in the right position, but I need to call the dentist on Monday.

  19. It was really sweet of them to do that :happy:


    I sometimes see the bad side of things. But I always see the good in people, which I'm rather proud of.


    Oh, what are you going to do in Yorkshire?

    Doing school stuff with people you don't know sucks. I get that all the time, cause my friends are in the first half of the class and I'm in the second.


    Ah, I see. My favourite technique! :LOL:

  20. :LOL: I think the Keeper thread was locked as well. Only Lynzi kept her keeps


    I don't know if I'm cynical, I've never truly gotten what it means.


    Yeah, it is. I used to be alright, I could even do some sort-of pirouette.

    I'm sorry :( And five?! :eek: Why in the world do you have to get up at five? And why are you still up (no offense)?

  21. It seems like word that's easy to spell wrong :LOL:


    I removed my keeps from my sig, cause I think I read Kuutar saying that all keeps were off or something.

    In real life I'm always ironic and sarcastic, that's the kind of humour I have (Great thing that I have a best friend who doesn't understand irony :chuckle:), but I never seem to get it when I'm on here.


    I am good, managed not to fall this time skating :awesome: A bit tired.

    How are you?

  22. I ha to look up what coccyx meant, but it really does hurt.


    Yeah, some of them really were terrible. I really didn't see how people could find it funny.

    I have no wit, I can't come up with funny responses, and I have lots of trouble understanding ninternet sarcasm/jokes.


    :( FML

  23. Yep. I loved it as a kid, now I've forgotten how to. We did it last week too, and within five minutes I fell and banged my elbows pretty badly. Hurt like hell the whole evening.

    Yeah, bleach blonde does not look good. My hair is a slightly darker shade, sometimes it looks sort of strawberry blonde.


    I must say, the Lolz thread has gotten quite shitty, it wasn't that bad when we were there, was it? :stunned: And last time I checked it, I didn't recognise a single person. All the inspiration has gone for me too.

    You seem to have managed to, at least somewhat, make your way into the YMT. I just get ignored :(


    I feel the same (I think). I'm constantly thinking about how my life has not turned out the way I thought it would and I wish it wasn't the way it is. I don't even know what I want, I just want something else.

  24. We're supposed to skate tomorrow in PE. My toes are likely to DIE. I'll miss at least half the lesson though :awesome:

    I want to dye my hair a really dark brown, but I think if I did I'd end up looking like a ghost. I'll probably stick to my wishy-washy blonde colour :indiff:


    I'm neutral :LOL: I was reading some of my old Lolz posts earlier. The reactions to my pics made me smile, but I miss the posting. Ever since I lost my fangirlishness I don't know where I should go. The natural progression would be banter, but I don't really feel welcome, and I don't want to intrude :( Shitty shit.

    Why are you unhappy?

  25. Yeah, and then you can't feel anything. And I hate when your fingers and toes get cold too, that's almost worse.


    I look pale all year. I am really pale and can't tan, I just get sunburn. It doesn't matter that much to me that I don't tan, but it hurts and itches :(

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