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Everything posted by Vader

  1. :yesey: Most British accents are better than American ones


    Guys suck :mad::p


    What I like about Ikea are all the rooms they build :happy: I still get excited when we go there :chuckle:


    Nah, it's not that strange that you thought it meant monkey. They might have had that in mind when they named the shop.


    I shouldn't be here either, I had been planning on getting to bed half an hour ago. I need to try to change my sleeping habits back to normal since school starts, well, I guess it's tomorrow now :(

    Toodles! :D

  2. Aw, thanks. He's my favourite too :)

  3. Ah, I see :)

    Abs. Don't have those myself :LOL:

    I'm gonna go to bed soon. Good night! :happy:

  4. 4 pack, like abs?

    Are they calling you a geek in a mean way, or is it a joke?

  5. Forgy! :kiss: Haven't seen you in ages :D

    I've been good. Haven't done much, school still hasn't started again for me. I've been staying up too late and sleeping for too long :LOL:

    How have you been?

  6. I listen mostly to British bands as well. You have the best music.


    I think guys age a lot better as well. Assholes :fear::LOL:


    I love IKEA, I used to want to be an interior designer when I was younger. Plus they have such yummy meatballs :happy:

    No, monkey is apa. Monkis are these made up animals that kind of are their logo. They're super cute :happy:


    I'm gonna get to bed too, and hopefully I'll be able to get up at around ten tomorrow. Wish me luck, I'll need it :LOL:

  7. Yeah, and it seems like Wembley is the holy grail of upcoming gigs :LOL: It's so annyoing that most of my favourite bands aren't Swedish. I have a friend who only listens to Swedish music and she can go see them all the time. I have to wait for my favourite bands to play one gig here every other year :facepalm:


    They do, don't they? Lucky bastards... :LOL:


    :chuckle: Yeah, I've been to H&M plenty of times. You do know that H&M is Swedish, right?

    I love it too :happy:


    I wear jeans 80-90 percent of the time, eventhough I really prefer skirts and dresses. Mine are from a Swedish shop called Monki. They have the most awesome clothes ever :awesome:

  8. I kinda wanted to see them in Teignmouth too :chuckle:


    I think most girls could do that. We are never satisfied :LOL:


    I just want a simple, black cardigan, but it's fucking impossible to find one! It's driving me nuts.

    I have two pairs of jeans, but one of those are all trashed and patched. They look cool, but don't go with most of my tops, which means I have one pair of jeans :chuckle:

  9. The closest one so far is Roskilde festival in Denmark. But my parents would never EVER let me go there :LOL: I'm hoping they'll come to one of the festivals here in Sweden but I don't think it's that likely :(


    Not when you're all flabby, it ain't :LOL:


    I need to find myself a new cardigan. I've only got one, and since I need it everyday, I have to wash it all the time.

  10. I'm hoping I'll be able to see them this year. It's not looking that good though :(


    I have thin flabby arms with no muscle at all :LOL: Don't always look good in t-shirts either, when the sleeves are wide.


    Ah, I basically just cut my fringe, it had gotten ridiculously long. But it flat ironed for a change, that looks pretty awesome :LOL:

    I have a sufficient amount of clothes, but I wouldn't mind having some more ;)

  11. Oh, you didn't go to any gig this tour? I went to the Stockholm one, at a tiny arena called Hovet.


    Yeah, I've got a tiny bone structure so gaining a lot of weight in fat probably wouldn't be very good, but I'm too lazy to work out :chuckle: At the moment I'm feeling too lazy to do anything about my weight. If I'm lucky it'll sort itself out anyway.


    I really must shower tomorrow :noey: My hair is clean though cause I got a haircut yesterday :awesome:

    I always forget to put my clothes in the laundry and after about a month I have absolutely nothing to wear, and I have to wash all my clothes in one weekend. And then the same thing happens again :facepalm:

  12. Mmm, now I get why people were annoyed. But I still loved it when I was at the gig.

    Wembley :( I'm immensely jealous.


    :LOL: The most annoying thing is when people are like Why are you complaining? You're thin and is it really that hard to gain weight? Because it is! But I'm starting to some to terms with the way I look, which is good.


    I'm not that girly in mind and behaviour. It's just the outside :chuckle:

    During the holidays I've been pretty... disgusting really :LOL: I couldn't be arsed to get dressed every day and I showered a lot less than I usually do :vomit: I just lose all sense of routine when I'm not in school :noey:


    I'll have to think about this...

  13. :LOL: I see.

    I actually didn't spend much time in the setlist thread. It was while I was still rather fangirly and all the angriness made me annoyed and sad.


    I wish I was shorter so I wouldn't be as skinny :( Ah well, I've gained a couple of pounds this last year at least. Look a lot better now :D


    Pics :awesome:



    I think the sandals are actually comfier than the boots, there's something weird about them.

    I don't think I'm that girly, but I love clothes, make up and shoes :erm:

  14. That's actually an awesome name. Why do you have it?


    I'm about 5 foot 9, which means I'm usually the tallest even if the other's are wearing heels :LOL:


    But the sandals are so nice! :( But they were higher than the boots :unsure: Aaah, the pressure!

  15. :LOL: And what if you get tired of the song/band member/whatever in your username? Sure, you can change it, but personally I'm really bad at coming up with that kind of stuff.


    It was still on the inside, but I had this small lump in my mouth.

    And it doesn't really, but if I search in Swedish I can change it to English afterwards :awesome:


    I felt like a giant when I wore them in London last year :chuckle: How tall are you?

    Who knows, I might get a pair :shifty: Don't know if I should go for the ankle boots or the sandals though.

  16. I like your username, it sounds cool, but I'll call you Amy if that's what you want :) Mine's alright, I'm quite glad I didn't pick anything Muse related.


    I had to get braces because one of my canines was in my palate. Plus my incisors were a few millimetres apart (did some serious Wikipedia translating there, and it's probably not correct now :LOL:)


    I don't like to wear heels because I'm tall, and they make my legs look sooo long and skinny :noey: It looks scary

    I also have one pair of heels that I really like, I wore them to my formal. I've only wore them once after that, when I went to London last summer.

    Right now I'm in love with two pairs, but it'd be a bit expensive to buy them both. And I don't now when I'd wear them :(


    I'm going to go to bed too. I was actually planning on going to bed earlier, at like 12.30, but I was just gonna check the board one last time and I had a notification :LOL: I don't blame you for keeping me up or anything though. It's entirely my own fault.

    Early night for me too, it's only 3am here. Yay!


    Another essay from me :awesome:

  17. Mmm, if you write comments about everything they have to reply at one point :chuckle:

    Nah, I've only told like four people my name. I don't want to do it early and seem weird. I like telling them though, cause I'm afraid that people will think I'm a guy :LOL:


    I don't get why anyone would want them, if you haven't got really bad teeth of course. Hopefully I'll get to take mine out soon. I've had them for roughly a year and a half and my teeth now look lovely :D


    I wore Converse last winter and the winter before that. This year I got some proper boots that look well nice :cool:

    I wish I could buy more shoes, especially heels :(


    Love it, keep 'em coming :LOL:

  18. I think it's better when there aren't too many peeps there. And I don't enter if there are a lot of YMT veterans there.

    Mmm, name sharing is good. I did that with you :LOL: Don't do it very often, I don't want to seem "clingy" and "stalker-ish".


    Braces suck. They hurt sometimes and everything gets stuck in them :noey:


    Well, they plough the roads, streets and paths, so there's usually just snow on the "grass". And there are rules that you have to have studded tyres during certain periods if it's snowy and/or icy.

    And to me half a meter doesn't feel like that much :chuckle: We don't get that much snow that often, but really, it's just knee-deep. Ah, maybe I'm just to used to living in the cold northern parts of Europe :LOL:


    And long replies are always nice, and much easier to reply than just one sentence ;)

  19. Excactly :LOL: The only conversations that have lasted more than three posts are the ones I've had with you. It feels like people answer you most of the time anyway. But I am of course n00bier. And not that well known at all here. I feel like I'm everywhere, but I never post, so no one knows I'm everywhere.


    I got lots of stuff :awesome: I got a t-shirt, some soap and stuff, Hullabaloo, a candle, a magnet and looots of sweets. I'm chewing some of the bubble gum right now, but it keeps getting stuck in my braces. I'm not actually allowed to, but they looked too good.


    I just wrote in the Snow day thread that your ability to handle snow makes me LOL. I've been to school when there's like half a metre of snow and 10 or 15 degrees below zero. Everybody drives their cars as usual and the only thing that happens to the buses is that might be a bit late

  20. I'm good, althoguh a bit bored. I hung out in the new YMT during the day (I was even top poster for a short while with my 10 post :LOL:) but after I came back from dinner I was ignored as usual :LOL: After that I've been sneaky lurking and doing nothing. Tried to clean my room, but I couldn't focus.

    But I got my Secret Santa gift today :awesome: That was pretty great.


    Aww, sorry :chuckle: I'm still a bit jealous though. The only days that my school's closed are the days it's supposed to be closed on :LOL:

  21. Nope :LOL: Next tuesday :( I didn't sleep till 2 thoguh, put an alarm for 12, so I got up at 12.30.


    How have you been? Did you have school or not?

  22. I love them, thank you so much! And don't worry about it being late, I got it in the end :D

  23. Compliments are always nice :D English is really the only extra language that I study that I feel I'll actually need. Don't know what I'll do with Spanish, but it might give me some extra points for when I'm applying for Uni.


    Good night :D I had been planning on an early night. 3.30, yeah, that's really early :facepalm: I'll probably sleep until 2pm again :chuckle:

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