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Everything posted by Vader

  1. Don't worry, I get it. I think you started talking to Zürischnurre too, my messge probably got buried. It's no biggie :) Like the song too.


    I'm so excited, Muse are coming here this summer! :awesome:

  2. I talk, but you don't answer :(

  3. I get sunburnt every year, I hate it too but I've got used to it.


    I think purply red sounds cooler, but I've always preferred red colours and dark red would is my second choice after dark brown for hair colour.

    I'll probably do it with a demi-permanent dye.

    :LOL: How did you end up dyeing half your hair?


    Innit? Everything sounds better when it's loud :yesey:

  4. You really shouldn't.


    When summer comes I walk around with higher SPF than anyone else and still end up completely red :LOL: I think I'm going to try to tan a little bit this summer, if only to go outside some more.

    I think I'm going to dye my hair next autumn, might go for a lighter brown though, to start with anyway. I hope the sun will bleach my hair this summer :awesome:


    I always listen to music to loud :LOL: Blasting is just a lot more fun.


    It's not actually after school, it's just after the other's in my class have finished.

    What are you planning to do?

  5. What? You lost me :LOL:


    Purply-red sounds cool :awesome: I wish I could dye my hair some cool dark brown, because I love that kind of colour with pale skin. I think my skin is just a bit too pale, I'd look like a ghost if I did.


    I didn't really like the Snoop Dogg one, and I'm not sure if I have actually listened to the whole thing yet. I'll listen some more some other day.


    I had an all right day. Not too bad. Most of the people in my class didn't have any maths and got to finish early, but I had to stay in school :indiff: And our maths lesson is after theirs anyway, on normal days we get a free period while they have maths, so even on those days we have to stay longer.

    I saw that you had bought a cow skull :awesome:

  6. Maths is my favourite subject. I'm actually in the advanced class, cause I'm a nerd like that, and I have the best teacher ever :happy: I hate the Tuesday lesson though, it's the last of the day and I always get a headache :noey:

  7. Wow, that sounds A LOT more fun. Physics are so god damn boring, I much prefer maths :happy:

  8. I'm in Sweden, the land of blondes and IKEA... or something.

    Yep, I am 16, I'll be 17 in August. I can't believe it's less than one and a half year until I'm 18 :stunned:

  9. Ooo, good for you. I've never had a boyfriend myself.

    I had my "spring break" a few weeks ago. Now I'm just waiting for Easter :LOL: I've had at least one test a week from that break until now. This week it's English and physics.

  10. Ah, not much. I've been and am busy with school, and I'm too lazy to do much else :LOL:


    Have you done anything fun this last week?

  11. So, what's up?

  12. Noo, why do you think that? :(

    You look awesome :yesey: I love your haircolour.


    I have now listened some more to Plastic Beach, and from what I've heard I quite like it.

  13. Yah, and that's one of the best kinds of hot :yesey:


    This particular pastry is so yummy too. It's a bun with the top part gut off. It is then filled with almond paste and whipped cream, before you put the "lid" back on :happy:

    On the subject of fat etc. I really don't think you have to worry. You looked great on your Facebook pic.


    I have added it to my Spotify playlist, but I haven't properly listened to it yet. But I do love Stylo :happy:

  14. TV is so shitty right now, I rarely find anything worth watching.


    True, both things. It took me a while before I realised how hot Zachary Quinto is :eyebrows:


    I have been having two test a week ever since the holidays, hopefully it'll be calmer after Easter.

    I had one of those acupressure "bracelet" thingys once. Can't remember if it helped or not.


    I am not usually that unhealthy, so when I got to my second glass of coke I went "What the hell am I doing?". I forgot I also had a lovely pastry, that I basically had to force down my throat :LOL:

  15. I loved Lost, but I think that got progressively worse too :( I finally stopped watching it when Charlie died, he was my favourite. I am going to watch the last season though, they'll start showing it the 31st. My friend is super excited, she's obsessed with Lost.


    Yeah, like in the first season where he died and then the last scene you find out that he in fact did not. He's a pretty good villain though, it wouldn't be the same without him.


    Yeah, but I feel a bit sick. Today I've had half a bag of crisps, some leftover sweets, about 150 grams of (absolutely amazing) chocolate and a few glasses of soda, and regular food of course.

    And I have tests to study for :( We found out during our last physics lesson that we're having a test the next one :noey:

  16. Yeah, it's such a shame. It was my favourite TV show and then it turned shite :(

    I can't stop watching either, I want to know what'll happen to them.

    It feels like in order to not repeat what happened in the previous season they've had to come up with stranger and stranger things, and it just doesn't work :(

  17. :LOL: There has never been talk of that here in Sweden.


    I can't even remember what happened in the third season. It just doesn't catch my attention as much any more :(

  18. Election year here too. I really don't know who I'd prefer win. All parties are bland and boring :LOL: And a lot seems the same.


    He's adorable :happy: And that's true, he never seems fake.

    I think they've shown three seasons here. I loved the first one, but after that it's gotten worse for each season.

  19. I certainly think so. Although we have the "right-wing" party governing right now. Not a fan :noey:


    Heroes :awesome: I absolutely adore Hiro.

    Night (maybe)

  20. I think I might be more firm in my opinions than my parents. I've always loved American politics for some reason, Swedish politics are the most boring in the world.


    I check what time it is at maybe 1 and then do something really quickly, glance at the clock and it's suddenly 3.30 :LOL:


    Nah, your typing is fine

  21. For some reason I've always been really opinionated, since quite a young ago. I do just agree with my parents though.


    My problem is usually having too much fun on here to go to bed :LOL:

  22. Yeah, I'm a left-wing atheist, and the majority of Americans are right-wing Christians, and patriots at that, something I wouldn't say that I am.


    I sleep far too little during the weeks, I really notice that Friday afternoons. I sometimes even feel like taking a nap when I get home. Unfortunately I go from my dad to my mum and vice versa on Fridays so I have to clean my room and pack my bags.

  23. I'm more British anything > American anything :LOL: I feel like a lot of people here in Sweden are really in love with the US and I really never have been, I love debates/discussions about religion and politics and my ideas are pretty much opposite the American.


    Weekend :dance: The best part of the week. And I have plans with a friend tomorrow :happy:

    I did :LOL:

  24. The only things I'm interested in watching are foreign programs, so if I can find it online, I usually watch it, cause otherwise I have to wait a while for it to get here.


    I'm fine, not great, but not bad either. At least I have the day off on Monday :D

    How are you?


    I saw, congrats! That's awesome.

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