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Everything posted by Vader

  1. I'm so happy that people in Sweden are quite good at English, I think we actually get some ads in English :awesome: No dubbing needed.

    Definitely. Dubbing is only okay in animated films. I still prefer the originals though. Pixar, for example, often have big-name actors playing their characters, whereas in the Swedish version they've just got boring people.


    I'm quite good, at least I'm not swamped with schoolwork at the moment. A bit tired though, as always, I really need to start getting to bed earlier.


  2. Fabulous facial expression, I must say :LOL:


    I mostly hate the fact that the lips and sound ARE NOT IN SYNC. Oh my god, I hate it so much, I don't even know.

    I don't understand how anyone could prefer dubbed over subtitles :noey: It's not that hard to read them, seriously.

  3. I've never watched The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, so the only thing I know of Carlton is having seen this


    used in various places :LOL:


    I haven't actually seen it in person. I should probably go check it out before they leave, if they haven't already.

    Another horrible thing I've experienced in the world of TV is cooperating with a broadcasting company from a different country, having actors from both countries speaking different languages during filming and then dubbing the ones who are speaking the wrong one :noey: I'm so used to subtitles, I absolutely loathe dubbed things.

  4. Yeah. I sometimes notice that when I watch sitcoms or other comedy stuff on TV, because they can't translate the jokes.


    I watched a bit of the old pilot... :noey: The only redeeming factor was Richard Ayoade. I was wondering who they'd cast as Moss, because I just don't see how anyone could play him better. Obviously they thought the same thing.

    Maybe I'm just too used to the original version.

    The parts that they are filming are supposed to take place in the 60s so they've put up all these old-looking signs on one street. All in Swedish though, which I find weird. It was the same with the Wallander remake that the BBC made. If you remake something, do it properly and don't set it in Sweden with all the characters speaking English.

  5. Maybe they'll tour after they've released their album :awesome:


    For me it's the other way around, I watched the original without subtitles,and will probably watch the remake with.

    There's an American version of the IT Crowd? For real?

    Why do Americans always feel the need to make their own version when they find something they like? They're currently filming the Hollywood version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo in the city where I live.

  6. They were the support at the other Scandinavian gigs :supersad: That's the second time I've missed out on an opportunity to see them live.

    I didn't use to like her, but Body Talk Pt. 1 and 2 are awesome. I hope number 3 will be as good.


    It is :awesome: But I actually found he book a lot creepier, because sequences that were only a couple of seconds in the film were like one page descriptions in the book. They're going to release the English remake next week, but I doubt that one will be as good :phu: I will probably watch it though :LOL:

  7. Sorry for being super late with my answer, I read it and then forgot about it :facepalm:

    I really want the last Robyn - Body Talk album, but I think she only just started recording it. I'm also really looking forward to the new White Lies album. Hopefully it'll be as awesome as the first one.


    How are you?

  8. My dad ages well as well. Crossing my fingers here.

    :LOL: I don't really care for English/British footballers, I don't watch the premier league (though David Beckham plays in the MLS nowadays)


    Hopefully, but we'll see. It wouldn't be the end of the world if I didn't.

  9. :LOL: I will just let whatever will happen to my face happen. My mum's ages quite nicely I think so I hope I've inherited her genes.

    Some seem like real douches, but as I've been assimilated into fandom I've found some who seem super nice. Some I don't know much about at all, they're just hot.

    [Hidden=Huge Collection of UNF-y footballer that I drool over in between games]yoann-gourcuff-20090527-511655.jpg





    And my favourite footballer pic at the moment. His face...


    Among others. I fully understand if you didn't look at all of them.


    I think it was the last nail in the coffin in a way. I do think that I would start listening to them again if there was a concert though.

  10. While women's faces just get saggy :(

    Oh my god, I found Matt hot once. Why, why, why? Kill me now


    Since I've started watching a bit of football lately, I currently have the hots for about a gazillion footballers. Even though I'm usually not into muscle I must say some of them have great bodies, and their faces, and they're just... unf.


    I was pretty devastated when I found out. I saw it in the news section here, and I just started crying. I think that gig made me cling to the last shreds of my fanism (I had no idea what word to put there :LOL:), and the cancellation just killed it. But I'm over it now.

  11. I only find older celebrities hot. In part I guess it's because there basically aren't any celebrities our age that aren't associated with Disney, but I think I just prefer my men older :LOL: The oldest I've found hot have been up to 40 years old.


    They didn't give an explanation, but some think they had problems with the organisers. Oh well, hopefully I'll somehow get the chance to see them live again. I'm not as huge a fan any more, but it'd still be nice.

  12. I think he's getting one though, I think I saw some stubble on his chin the other day.

    Yeah, it's worse when you have real unrequited feelings :/ It's easier to just drool over hot people.


    The set seemed awesome, way better than the other night. I heard that Matt apparently said you were the real fans, did he?

    All this made me bummed out again over the cancelled gig. I hope they'll make up for it, but I doubt it.

  13. No, no beard unfortunately :LOL:

    I don't really get celebrity crushes. I might find them hot, or think that they seem like nice/cool/interesting people, but actual crushes? No.


    No worries :LOL: Did you go Saturday?

  14. Luckily only half the class could see it Tuesday and the other half was supposed to go yesterday. But it got cancelled and everything was postponed :awesome:


    I hate the fluffy beards. People who keep them make me go :noey:

    In other news, I've recently developed this huge crush on a guy in my class. He has a girlfriend and everything but I can't help it. I haven't had a proper crush on someone in a while.


    Wembley coming up, are you excited?

  15. I have to write this thing about a play we saw this Tuesday and hand it in before next Tuesday. I have no idea what I'm going to write about :S


    I need more music as well. A while back I found new music all the time but lately I rarely ever find new music, let alone full albums that I like.


    I'm fascinated now that some guys in my class start getting stubble. Though I doubt anyone of them will (or even can) grow a full beard I still want to see where this will go. In the absence of a full beard some stubble will be fine :yesey:

  16. School is so much worse now! I have so much to do at the moment that I don't know how I'm going to manage. Usually I can't wait for the weekend, but this week I don't because I'll need to do so much work.


    Like you see, I'm pretty stressed out at the moment, but I'm also having a lot of fun in school at the moment. And I'm listening to Robyn's latest album. It's amazing!

    Beards are hot. More guys should have them.

  17. For me it's the other way around :LOL: We used to have them after school, but now they have all of them in one day, and since all teachers are busy you can't have class :awesome:

    I don't now, nothing? For some reason you just need to include it. Sucks for people who want to be doctors.

    How are you?

  18. Even more fail are the performance review thingys we have once every term. They are supposed to be half an hour but they usually go something like 'Well, you're doing great Emma' 'Yeah' 'Is there something you'd like to talk about?' 'No' and then I leave :LOL: But we get the rest of the day off so :awesome:

    Yeah. I don't think it works the same way here, but we do have something very similar.

    Definitely. Before you got to not include your PE grade when you applied for Uni but since last year you have to.

  19. Yeah, same. I really don't know what to say when they say you're doing well. I can't really say 'I know', can I? :LOL:

    I think I will too. It ruins my GPA as well :indiff: Another thing to hate about it

  20. I think they're a bit awkward because I never know what to say. The best one's are with my maths teacher, because they're just hilarious. I'm in an advanced maths class so we're all quite good and when we get tests back he always wants to talk to us one on one. And all he does is shower you with praise and tell you how impressed he is. I'm like "...yeah...". He's the best though, really nice and a great teacher. My physics teacher quit so we have him in physics too now :awesome: He's the best teacher I've ever had.

    Novel :LOL:


    I think this is my last year of PE. I will celebrate when it's over, I hate it so much. It will probably be really bad for my health though, but whatever.

    I need to start working out.

  21. My Swedish and English teacher knows I get really nervous, and it's gotten a lot better this last year, so she told me that she's noticed. That felt good, because she usually talks to me about when we get to have one-on-one's with her.


    I don't know what I would have changed it to anyway. At least I get another month to come up with something now.


    I'm good, but I have lots of work this weekend, and I'm exhausted after last week. But I'll have to do it, because I already put it off once.

    But the cold isn't completely gone yet, so I might get out of PE one more week :awesome:

  22. It was actually quite nice, a bit cold but pretty fun. The work wasn't too fun though, we had to do a presentation and my group's was the worst.

    I'm really not looking forward to autumn either. Autumn sucks, the darkness gets to me.

    Oh crap. Since I was away I couldn't change mine. Now I'll have to have Birthday Girl for another month.

  23. The ones I buy are just ordinary noodles and broth :LOL: Very nutritious :yesey:


    I have a cold at the moment, so I'm not feeling too good. No fever yet, but I feel like it's coming. Unfortunately we're going to a lake with the class to study biology on Wednesday, and we're staying the night, so I really don't want it to get worse. You?

  24. If you alternate with noodles you might be able to afford it anyway, noodles are so cheap, at least here. 50p for one portion :awesome:

    I eat them all the time, they're delicious as well.

  25. Sushi is lovely :happy: It's a shame it's so expensive, I don't get to eat it that often.

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