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Status Updates posted by a-muse-ing.alanna

  1. this'll just give me another excuse to threaten people who're like "OMG did you see that fabtastic twilight video with Edward and Bella making out and Lautner uhh what a babe but the song was lame"


  2. OHMYGOD HE WANTS GAIA BACK WHAT WHAT where'd you hear that from!? Uh ahem *cough cough* I mean I don't care at all ... :p

    He wrote it for her? Never knew that either! well then. I learn something new everyday. XD

    :LOL: I know huh? Cheesy relationship would have something to say for "and if we die, we die together." haha

  3. Awesome mental images of ... beaches, floating around in an inner tube, or me swimming half naked in a puddle of cold water?

    ... :stunned:

    just jokes. :LOL:

  4. OMM I KNOW!

    I got so excited to watch it, next thing you know there's these fags on my computer screen making out and what not and my heart just dropped ... :noey:

  5. true statement right there: Matt in general > Sex XD

    well ya, the style is just too ... bland? I guess you could say. Not musey enough! Like they didn't add enough talent or anything. But I heard they were doing that just cause it's for Twilight. We'll never know. :ninja:

    my favourite part is right when the first chorus comes in and the drumming starts and near the end where its just piano and Matt's moaning XD

    DAMN I'm talking a lot today. :LOL: I apologize.

  6. I KNOW! :dance:

    except we have exams and they're coming closer ... :erm: hopefully they won't be too much trouble for me. XD

    do you have any exams to stress out about? :chuckle:

  7. hahaha FRUITY WATER! ;)

    well my goal for this summer is to figure out his true identity :LOL:

  8. That's awesome! *high-5's*

    I don't usually try to interpret them and when I do it's sort of a fail ... XD

    But ya, you're excellent at interpreting them (from what I know) :p

  9. hairdressers!? when I get my haircut everyone is getting theirs at the same time in some big open place lol we don't go into seperate rooms ...

    awkward much :erm::LOL:

  10. I find swimming half naked in a giant puddle of cold water enjoyable! :LOL:

    Inner tubes are awesome! :yesey: There's just something about swimming that I adore, I'm not sure what it is though ... haha XD

    but beaches are better than pools! :awesome:

  11. yessum!

    but the video ... :mad:

    I almost threw a fit at my monitor. :$:chuckle:

  12. really!?

    I kinda grew a lil more aggresive towards it after watching the video ... :fear:

    but I love Matt's voice in it. :D

  13. Thanks for doing the interpretation on Glorious that you did a while back. I ended up using that song for my project and it helped me so much. The teacher loved it too. XD

    Made it much easier for me and I got myself a 96%! :D

  14. Happy birthday, :)

    May birthdays ftw! :dance:

  15. :chuckle: that's what I did ... it was awkward. I had to go into the room, ALONE, and she spoke her insightful words.

    The whole time I was like "... :erm: ya, I get it ... *has no clue what she said* ..." XD

  16. We only have 17 days of school left, not including weekends! :D

    Summer; aah I can't wait for it to finally get here.

    I'm sure Portugal is beautiful! :happy:

  17. :LOL: that's what I thought it was too! it took me a few listens to figure out what he was actually saying but now I know what it is and it's all good. XD

    it's a great song! :happy:

  18. GOOD! The weather's been surprisingly beautiful and it's great to play baseball! I wanna go swimming though; no one has their pool open yet.

    and school's almost done for! :dance:

  19. Ya, more like Resistance II than IBTY II.

    But I still love it. :awesome:

  20. I've never been to Portugal and I don't know what part my friends are from. XD

    CANADA! :D

    Spring is here too :) it's amazing weather that is perfect for playing baseball and swimming!

    I'll start a countdown for number of days left of school. :p

  21. :D

    anyways how're things? :happy:

  22. TOMORROW! :dance:

    I know, it's pretty fantastic but the lyrics ... :erm: haha cheez lyrics is right! XD

    "Love, is forever! and we'll die; DIE TOGETHERRRR!" :p

  23. :LOL: this lady wasn't allowed to tell me when I was gonna pass on ...

    But they're not like "YOU'RE GONNA DIE IN A FREAK ACCIDENT!" lol it's more like "ahh, yes, ... mhm, well, I can tell that *insert nonsense here*, you know? Hmm ..." XD

  24. Hey,

    Just read your post in the "How Muse saved my life thread"

    If I could give you a hug, I would. When people share stories like that it really gets me and it makes me reflect on my own life.

    I'm so glad that Muse has been able to help you through harsh times and I sorta know what you've been through. I'm sorry if I brought this up and you didn't really wanna talk about it but just letting you know that your story really helped me with my own self! :)

    Life IS a blessing, and trust me, at times we all want it to be over with, but it's really worth it.

    Do what you want and say what you feel because people who mind don't matter, and people who matter don't mind.


    (definitely stole that quote, but that's what I live by so shh. :chuckle:)

    Take care! :D

  25. Ooh, Portugal? :awesome: my friends are from there!

    it's finally gotten warmer here! :) hopefully the beautiful weather will last!

    SAME! only another month of school then it's SUMMER! :D

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