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Status Updates posted by a-muse-ing.alanna

  1. so far i've managed to keep clean :LOL: but we'll see how long that goes for.

    ooh the one with the resistance design? :awesome: I got the other grey one 3 to the right of that!

    and the program too!

    and the poster with the resistance cover! :D

  2. nope, but almost 16!! :dance: whoo

    oh i forgot to ask, what'd you end up getting for merch at the concert?

  3. Sheldon ftw. :D

    God I love that show!

  4. get me one too XD haha just kidding.

    god, I love going on the messageboard at school :LOL:

  5. TOM FTW!! :LOL:

    I actually just watched Plug In Baby and the SMBH vid. Both are golden. *thumbs up*

    I'll save up from what's left in my bank account from this concert, THEN make it to a few dates. :happy:

  6. They're making a DVD!? Thatta be sweet!

    I'll make sure I check out your videos ASAP :)

    and Fall Tour, here I come! :D


    same with the people in them. :p

    but wow you're still so lucky to be that close to them.

    ... my camera died halfway through the concert, :mad:

  8. :yesey: I converted pretty much all of them!

    :supersad::supersad::supersad: IT'S OVER!!!

    but it was a terrific show! It was unbelievable! :)

    How was floor?

  9. :( I'll be terribly sad ...

    but I'll also look on the bright side.

    I got to see Muse. :) and none of my friends did. :happy:

  10. :awesome: how could I forget about the towers!?

    this is gonna be one heck of a show. :D

  11. ... mine sat on my dresser. XD

    don't they play on a 360 stage of some sort or do I have this completely wrong? :p

  12. I'll definately have a great time seeing them and I'll tell you all about it. :)

  13. Haha I love how I didn't even keep them in a safe :eek::LOL:

    oh then that's good then :) thanx for lettin' me know, cause I really had NO idea what they were gonna be like.

  14. *runs and finds tickets hidden in a secret spot where no one can access them*

    section 226 ... is that good? :confused::p

  15. epic fail!! :LOL:

    but steal of a deal for me eh :D

  16. woo hoo tv advertised camera :p

    it definately was a deal! they were clearing them out and lowered the price a ton, so the store only made a pathetic $4 from me. :LOL:

  17. :eek: TOO LUCKY.

    It's the Samsung ST500 ... super cool. It's touch screen and also takes HD videos. :D

    plus it's got all this other camera stuff packed into it lol like 12.2 mega pixels and 4.6x zoom! whoo! there's also a screen on the front of the camera if I really wanted to make sure I take a smashing picture of myself. ;):rolleyes:

  18. likewise to you! :D

    so how good are your seats for the concert? ... unless you've got floor. then i'll be jealous! :p

  19. awe well then put it back!

  20. :LOL: good. don't think anyone on the forum wants to see it anyways. XD
  21. I finally got a new camera!! :D

    I took your advice and talked to a salesguy at a camera store downtown and he helped me find the best one. :) only $250 too!

    can't wait to take pictures of the boys on the 30th. :happy:

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