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Status Updates posted by a-muse-ing.alanna

  1. Hahahaahaha this is funny

  2. ahaha I know you know ;)

    one of these days I think I'm just gonna disappear and not tell ANYONE. and see what happens XD not like running away though that's just ridikalous

  3. Thanks. :)

    I would be so excited if I were you, lol. You'll have to tell me all about it! :happy:

    have you gone on any trips anywhere else before?

  4. no. not with the wolves like last time.

    This time *deep breath* me Matt Dom Chris went on a road trip then we got lost cause Matt lost the maps out the car window when we were driving but didn't tell us then we went to the middle of no where and our cell phones didn't work so we had no flippin' idea where to go but eventually we found our way back to civilization then I made my way home.

    now I'm here.

  5. For our L.A. class we had to pick a song and find meanings within the lyrics and poetic devices as well. Our projects were kinda the same cause I picked Glorious and talked about God and shit too, almost like yours about how everyone wants their own God and they truly want to believe he's there ("Don't close the door on what you adore") I dunno I could go more in depth but I don't want to. :chuckle:

    But all-in-all it was a great, cause I got to play it for the class. :D and 2 other people did Muse songs too. :awesome:

  6. I got my marks and they weren't that bad. My parents weren't upset with me either :D

    traveling is one of my favourite things to do! :happy: so I'm glad I can go to Ontario, although going to France would be the greatest! are you excited for that?

  7. hooray! :awesome: and the day keeps getting closer! :yesey:

    I would definitely use that as an excuse to buy new converse XD haha

  8. They might get a little upset but I got my report card and everything went fine. :happy:

    that sounds like fun! you get to travel a lot!

    I'm just gonna be relaxing most of the time. For a week and a bit I'm going to London, Ontario, which will be kinda exciting.

  9. oh well. XD

    they're always gonna be coming over to our house now. I'm gonna try and scare them away for good.

  10. eww it's hot? I hate hot weather too ...

    beaches are sweet :awesome: and you're nice XD haha

    well I'll have to visit someday, then I'll judge. :happy:

  11. that's so great though! what colour converse do you have?

    oh ... HOW MANY MORE DAYS!? :chuckle:

    :LOL: it probably does look badass. *thumbs-up*

  12. well NOW I know he has a girlfriend, I wasn't positive before.

    and HAHAHA a security blanket XD maybe he's just hiding the truth ... cause I WANT THE TROOOF! (woo)

    but we refer to her as Arubooboo. In case you didn't know.

  13. Hello!

    it's kind of a 7-way tie between Hysteria/Bliss/Glorious/Map of the Problematique/Citizen Erased/United States of Eurasia/Exogenesis Symphony Part 3! :LOL:

    I'm trying to pick one but I can't! D=

    what bout yourself? :happy:

  14. I hope that my average stays up! I really don't care that much if it drops a lil' but my parents are more concerned about my marks than me. XD

    any plans for the summer?

  15. at first glance I thought she was Pipi Longstocking ... :facepalm: but that's cause of the hair. XD

    that'll look fantastic! OOH and you get to wear converse! :awesome: tell me how everything turns out!

    I need to think of what I'm being for Halloween this year ... hmm

  16. WOOHOO to biking, guitar, and college XD

    oh yeaa :awesome: definitely write about Matt!

    for me, not really. going on some trip to London, Ontario come August but other than that I'm just going to take it easy. :happy:

  17. really?

    but isn't it, nice? at all?

    me and a friend were planning on heading out there when we're like 20 to see Muse/RA play at BDO, but now I think you've turned me off of Australia. :(:chuckle:

  18. I don't know the grades that I got on them, I'll find out in a few weeks.

    welcome to summer! :D

    oh that's great news! glad you did really good on them! *high5's*

    I think my average might be going down ... :erm: but I hope not :chuckle:

  19. :LOL: I don't watch doctor who but I'm sure the characters are pretty ... out there, and I'm sure you guys will look amazing :happy:

    I need more coloured pants! *cough* DOM TOO *gags* (still doesn't care at all ...) XD

  20. Summer's here! :awesome:

    took it long enough, haha.

    any major fun/exciting plans for ya?

  21. I've always wanted to visit Australia! :awesome: I don't know why but I just do. XD

    is it neat-o? :chuckle:

  22. Haha Pauliina you're such a champ. XD

  23. Haha, deals! XD

    it's hard keeping track of this boy though.

    WAIT I HAVE ... urm I was gonna say prove but it's not proof. it's not evidence either.

    ok well just last night actually the doorbell rang as we were eating supper and then he answered the door and THERE WERE 2 GIRLS AT THE DOOR *gasp* he told them he had to study but not even 5 minutes later he was asking my parents if he could go on a bike ride with ... damn what're their names ... Katie and someone else. so ... that was exhibit A. :LOL:

  24. we'll just have to wait and see. haha.

    teal pants! I WANT! :LOL:

    I have purple skinnies but that's only cause I was Dom for Halloween :D that's right, I brought the house down that night. ;) XD

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