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Status Updates posted by Ahkmed

  1. Happy birfday my dear Luke. :kiss: You are amazing, wonderful, lovely, sweet, and so on...I don't want to get TOO cheesy. Have a wonderful day and a wonderful year! Eat lots of cake and watch lots of Dr Who and House. <3 Love you xxxxx :kiss:

  2. Are you okay? :supersad: <3

  3. You okay? I might be leaving in a bit but I want to make sure you're okay.. <3

  4. thanks for your help... I've been struggling lately..I just needed someone to talk to but I can't trust him anymore. :(

  5. AWW YEAH :LOL: Your name is so cute. haha

  6. Get on chat, silly! :)

  7. Okies! Have a good night. :) Nice talking to you.

  8. Yeah it's mostly people's attitudes over here. And our education system is horrible. We have the worst rankings. :LOL: But yes, I'm very lucky..there are many people that don't even have a home! History is my favourite. :happy:

  9. Oh no it's kind of hard to explain..I DO appreciate what I have a lot! What bother me mostly is the "america is the best" expressions here. people are so nationalistic that if you try and mention another country being good people get extremely angry. But I mean I'm very grateful for living here though.

  10. Yeah I suppose...I would do it mostly for the experience. I don't like the government here and the nationalism....sounds gay but I just don't care for it. But I mean I'm grateful that I live in a nice place though!

  11. Haha..I don't like being an american tbh. Well..I just don't like it much here...I love traveling too and I love culture so I would love to go anywhere really.

  12. Oh cool! No, not at all. :LOL: I would love to go there. I honestly want to go anywhere that's not in the USA.

  13. pfft..then why try? :p

  14. Yeah exactly! :) She's been through a lot of stuff that I'm going through so it helps a lot. So..where do you live? :happy:

  15. Definitely!


    Actually she was originally friends with my brother but I got to know her more and she's really awesome :happy: We don't hang a LOT but she helps me with some of my problems.

  16. Yeah, I actually understand things better when I try to get the idea rather than teachers explaining it to me..depends on the teacher of course though!


    Yes! One of my best friends is 27 :LOL:

  17. Yeah definitely...I spent a lot of time in school just sitting around cause I had already done the work and stuff :LOL:


    Hmm..maybe :$ All of my friends are older too. :shifty:

  18. Cos we were having some trouble with our own school..the teachers were very unattentive. I take classes through an online private school now. I think it's a lot better. :) I'm graduating early so I can go to college soon as well and maybe get my pre reqs done!


    Haha thanks. :) And yeah, I thought that was a bit of a stretch. Most people think I'm older irl too.

  19. :LOL: yep. I've only been homeschooling for a lil bit. I skipped a lot of grades in public school :$

    Everyone says that haha. One person thought I was 20. :stunned: they also asked me if I was married yet.

  20. Ooo nice. I'm homeschooled..about to graduate though! :)

    I'm almost 15. ;)

  21. yes there was! What have you been up to? :)

  22. ohh! :LOL: yes. It was very fun. :happy: I love disneyworld!

  23. I'm good thanks. :happy: Fun? Where? :LOL:

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