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Status Updates posted by bubblesarah

  1. Great to have you back :D

  2. Lol I told you what to do evidently my instructions weren't clear enough lol either that or pride got the better of you!

  3. hey hope your alright merry christmas! don't get to lost in Amsterdam! :)

  4. best of lucks for your results :D

  5. hey hows uni and that painting coming along?

  6. thats so crap aaaww there are more beautiful shoes waiting for you to discover them!

  7. I know the feeling i think we are about the same build and have similar taste in clothes!

  8. a v happy birthday hun

  9. the dog is cute!

  10. get the shoes next size up and put in an inner sole in the shoe

  11. Sorry to hear about your day I really do hope everything gets better! :) x

  12. finished my degree in fine art paing and drawing last year so am a tad into art yep lol :)

  13. hello saw th@ your an artist aswell i love the photography!

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