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Status Updates posted by Zdarlight

  1. ...sure.

    I wouldn't blame you if you did.


    Fuggit,I'm so weird :'(

  2. ''Giver of Advice''?Wow.Your name is Arabic,right?

    I don't know what my name means,it's Persian,but I think it's along the lines of 'splendor'.I don't know.:LOL:

    How long have you been a Muser?:p

  3. 's okay!Christmas cheer is for everyone!:awesome:

    *hugs* Awww,I hope your day suddenly gets a lot better!

    2009 was literally NOTHING.It went by so quickly,yeah?

    :chuckle: I will!

  4. 'S okay.I'm usually in a dumbass-sort of mood around this time of the day.

    Au Revoir,godchild!:LOL:

  5. (I'm a bit mental,sorry)

    I'm lost,I don't know where I am,can you help?:D

  6. (lol that doesn't make sense)

    Me:Hello Matt.Do you realize this girl is just 13/14 years old?

    Matt:Yesh,but she's pwoper lovely*holds Juney*

    Me::facepalm:MATT!FOR GOD'S SAKE!YOU'RE 31!!

    Matrt:Oh,look,a conspiracy theory.....*walks off*

  7. (nope.you're you and I'm me)



  8. (sorry,electricity went)


    Oh no please don't! It increases your chances of winning,and besides



    I already voted :supersad:



    Haha awww you too Jon! 2010 was quite an annoying year for the most part!

  9. (the treasure hunt is a maddening bunch of clues Matt left on a new website.)

    HII JUNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*hugs*

  10. (wait Juneh I've to go now.Lunch.We'll continue this!!Byes!!)

    To be continued....

  11. (Yeseys)


    No!!!!!!!!!!JUNEY!!!!I'M LOST!!!!

  12. [edited because I decided to do so]


    Did you get together with anyone somewhere in between?

  13. @DJ:40 degrees got us another week of vacation,hoorays and stuff!

    @Kuje:Yeah!It's awesome :yesey:

    Btw-you look WIN in your profile picture^ :happy:



  14. @DJ:Surprise ruined!!!!

    @Kuje: DJ is plotting to arrest you and throw you in a cavern when you're not looking.Oh,and after which I will receive Noppa.

  15. @Meian:You have been message spammed,haha!

    @Kuje:How are yoooo tooodayyyy?How's Nopppppaaaaaaaa????

    (I'm sorry,I have this scary obssession with your dog now)

  16. *busy throwing paint on walls*

    What?Sorry,I didn't hear you.

  17. *cough*What birthday?:phu:


    HUA!*hugs back*Yes,it will indeed come on again.I hope.But we have one RJ here who seriously hates Muse,she does the show tomorrow morning so I have to wait another day :supersad::awesome:! RJs are so prejudiced :yesey:

    No,unfortunately,I haven't found the amount of solace and peace required for the song,but we have a week of holidays coming up(:dance:) and I WILL listen to it!Things are too hectic in the land where nothing happens at the moment!And this band called Royksopp is seriously distracting me.Whenever I'm scrolling down to Muse on my iPod,my thumb automatically scrolls down further and I end up listening to them :noey: I don't even like them that much!:(

  18. *hugs*

    Well,I'm off to lunch now.Au Revoir!

    Maybe I'll try to break down all your houses afterwards.


  19. *I meant monster sorry*

    *Matt picks up Dom*(monster voice)''DOMMY!''

    Oh,no,Juneh!Try something else!The water won't work!

  20. *looks at post below*


  21. *magic trick goes horribly wrong*

    *general dies*

    Onoes Juney,you has caused me to die!!

  22. *runs madly after ice-cream guy*


    *runs up and purchases all his Myooz tickets*

    *returns to you*There.You cost me my life's savings,but I got aaaalll the Muse tickets for you.Fweinds?

  23. *shakes head* Still can't see them!

    Could you post it here by any chance?Maybe in a pm?...

  24. *squee*

    This calls for a celebration!

    *wrecks your room*

  25. *supermassive hug*Yays!

    Yar,things are fairly alright in the ole land of fail,school's pretty tough,and I can't concentrate!:awesome:How's the land down under?!

    Yes,I have inddeeeeddd heard EXO,and I HAVE NOT HEARD ANYTHING MORE EPIC IN MY LIFE!!!!!Redemption is my definite favourite,yours?

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