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Posts posted by Hat

  1. One of the things I’m most happy about on this album, how it’s bookended:


    - best opener since TAB and 4th best opener overall

    - best closer since Meg and 3rd best closer overall

    - possibly 2nd best combined bookend, just behind New Born and Meg


    And they even sound weirdly linked, despite no direct lyrical ties. One can easily flow right out of the other and restart the album again. So satisfying, really makes the album feel like an even tighter package.

    They definitely share some vocal melodies imo.
  2. Feels like the A4s and Bb4s in GUAF would be the exact thing that Tove Lo would be asked to sing. But I guess it most go even higher later?? Or is it actually her voice? But yeah it’s on those Bb4s that he sounds super unnatural. But maybe he has simply started sacrificing his thick tone for higher notes? Brendon Urie for example does it all the time, basically thinning out as he eats higher to squeeze out those high notes by Matt has never really let go of that thick tone but instead made it THICKER with his hero voice.

  3. Blockades sounds like Muse by numbers, just like I thought. The snippet basically sounds like a “how to sound like Muse” parody.


    Also think that the alternative versions of Algorithm and The Void will stand the test of time much better. Their album counterparts sound cool but also VERY much like the retrowave fad.


    Also GUAF sounds really bad to me. Much more excited about BITM.

  4. To be honest, though, that review is quite biased, because the reviewer doesn't hide the fact they're an ex-fan of the band.

    That doesn't make it very objective to me; it's like the opposite case in which a fanboy fawns over his favourite band's new opus and deems it "da best mastapiece evahh!!1".


    EDIT: Also, I know they make a good amount of positive points in favour of the album, but still, when you're attached to a certain, ideal image you have of a band that is attuned with your personal tastes is difficult to be the most objective as you can.

    All reviews are biased. They’re opinions.
  5. Having noticed that there is some debate on whether to believe the algorithm squad or not on several occasion, try to err on the side of caution. Be clear about where information comes from - that avoids needless debate.


    Rather than saying: TOMORROW WE GET CLUB DATES, say: "Source x mentioned a band is announcing a club tour tomorrow; could it be Muse?"


    If a fan claims they have gotten information from Matt, the same thing applies: "Fan claims to have this information from source, what do you think?".



    We like discussion/speculation, but would at the same time prefer to avoid banning topics in the way other forums have done.

    Well your reasoning was that we should avoid speculation based on sources that aren't official, and that's never really been an issue before. Of course we should see these things for what they are though.
  6. They've also been pretty harsh on every Muse album except OoS and Showbiz (7/10). They gave Abso and BHR same score as this one so doesn't really say anything.


    What did they say about Break It To Me?

    Different reviewers each time though.


    Don't get why people think that every reviewer represents the overall opinion of an entire site/magazine.

  7. I kind of agree with him. What makes these songs epic is their sound and they would be pretty generic or boring if you took away the electric guitar, synth etc. We like acoustic renditions but that's partly (I would say mostly) because we already like the song in itself, I'm pretty sure that if we had heard the acoustic version first we wouldn't have cared for it much.


    For instance, I love piano Cave, but if I'm honest it's mostly because I just love Cave and I have it somewhere in my head when I hear the piano version. I think if I'd heard the piano version first I wouldn't have given it a second listen.


    And yeah, PIB would simply not be PIB without the fuzz and the power it has as it is. Same with New Born, Bliss, etc. I can't even imagine what Micro Cuts or Showbiz would sound like.

    Well they're only playing the acoustic versions to people who already know them. It's not like they have to release them as singles. Pretty much all artists who do acoustic versions have to sacrifice detail, and that's pretty much the point. Acoustic versions are MEANT to be stripped down. And I wouldn't say that Muse are only epic because they use synths and electric instruments. Personally I love their melodies but hey, maybe that's just me


    Oh and

    I can't even imagine what Micro Cuts or Showbiz would sound like.




  8. Maybe, but I also feel like Matt has always been very aware of what he can do live. T2L is really the only album where he went all out and didn't seem to care about how he would do it live. I don't think that many will be lowered personally, but maybe one or two. I think it's more likely that he won't sing very high even in the studio.


    Morgan is hiding the best range of them all and you know it

  9. It's most definitely not in the 6th octave. Matt can't get that high on command even when screaming. Consistently sung chest A4s and Bb4s are enough for Matt to tap out. And I doubt the plan was ever to have him try and sing in Micro Cuts like pitches. Feels like they would just lower it an octave if that was the case.


    And yes Matt has technically "reached" the 6th octave by yelping. But even that's not screaming to a specific melody. Very different to go "WOOOH" than to actually recreate melodies and actual words.

  10. so the "boxset" is basically a big ass book that houses all of the content? interesting.



    on another note (pardon the pun, as you'll see), Tove Lo had to sing "extremely high notes" on GUAF b/c matt couldn't get that high? i did not know this. wtf kind of notes might they be?

    Don't think it it ever said "extremely" high note or that Matt couldn't get that high. He said that he couldn't get that high without screaming, which was why he wanted someone with a higher placed voice to do it. Could be anything between A4 up to A5 I guess, but probably not above like F5 or so.
  11. "I think some of the music that we do now sound better to be performed in acoustic, not like the music we were doing during the Showbiz and Origin of Symmetry era"


    Muscle Museum, Falling Down, Sunburn, Hate This & I'll Love You, Unintended and Cave all work great acoustic, wtf you on about Chris

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