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Everything posted by Hat

  1. Haha, these days? 1 pm. Study from home. And by my activity on this board, I think you can guess how that goes. I posted in the oldies thread once. I think they liked me :happy:

  2. pff, I have been a Banter-ist for a long time. Just not the specific Banter thread. I am the top poster in almost every Young Muser Thread :phu:

  3. :LOL:


    Have been up to 4-5 am every night for a while now. But tomorrow is Saturday! :happy:


    How come I am talking to a....MAIN MUSER?

  4. Very true. I am actually quite happy with my life at the moment though. I have accepted that my life won't be perfect, that my friends aren't perfect, and especially that I'm not. My life doesn't end because of bad choices. How come it took Matt 23 years to realize this? Angsty teen into his mid twenties :noey:

  5. All my lyrics are written from personal experience. It's usually very depressive since I see writing as a way of letting out feelings. It can also be a good way of saving those good feelings that I might have.


    "I really need to see someone I think

    You, someone, maybe a fucking shrink

    Really hate the way you look me in the eyes and say

    "Yes, I would really like to meet you someday"

    Because I know it's all just a bunch of fucking lies"


    I am such a happy little chap.

  6. Hmm, I might have the lyrics to one of my songs online. wait.




    I realized I had nothing new on there, so that's a old one when I was just getting started. Emo <3

  7. US is great live. MK Ultra is a good song. But really, I barely listen to anything from The Re...wait a minute. I barely listen to MUSE anymore. That might explain it.

  8. And yes I do. But I mostly have wasted lyrics that were never used. :LOL:

  9. Exogenesis is good, really good at times.


    The rest is okay.

  10. I only play my own stuff, without learning chords or anything. Same thing on piano. I just do it for fun.

  11. (I do mean that)


    Awesome! I'm sure you will. I got a guitar 3 years ago, soon I might be able to play a song...


  12. So is The Resistance.

  13. You are just asking me to drop a bomb of links, aren't you?


  14. inorite? his face is made of awesome :awesome:


    And people think Sweden is all ABBA :noey:
  15. I thought you might like this :awesome:
  16. Hat

    it made a lot of sense :phu:

  17. What was I really thinking?

    I mean, I's not like I was drinking


    You deserve a lovely poem about love and stuff

    Shame I can only give you this silly guff


    Well, I want you to know that I haven't forgotten about you

    Because like the Beatles song says, I love you too


    Now, I'm no genius or master of words

    But I think this was as beautiful as the sound of birds...


    or something

  18. cool :awesome.


    Well yeah, you could say that. :p So, how are things today?

  19. No problem darling <3

  20. I have been rhyming all fucking day

    sending messages so goddamn gay


    I hope you enjoy your little poem from me

    otherwise I might kick you in the knee


    Congrats on the award you silly twat

    Not that I know what would rhyme with that


    See you soon in Banter or boobs thread

    Seriously, who is this fucking Ted?

  21. Because most people don't deserve my nice side. But tbh, I doubt anyone really cried. But I won favorite muser, so there has to be more. it's not easy, living like a whore.

  22. Haha, that is just awesome :happy: Continue like that and you will soon blossom! Ehm, I really should stop this now. I need a rhyme...ehm...cow. Tbh I am actually closer to rhyming on the board too, than I am to stop this poo.

  23. Oh, and how did that go? :awesome: Tbh, I'm not really that good, I just go with the flow. I didn't even realize the weekend started today, my life is so gay :( I'm home alone all the time, no wonder my muser status is in it's prime...meh

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