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Everything posted by lightisbright

  1. Happy Biiiirthday! :awesome:

  2. You are welcome! :happy:


    Hope it went well! :D

  3. Happy Biiiirthday! :awesome::dance::party:

  4. But yes I've been to Ohio.

  5. Good night, Ryan. I have to go now. :happy:

  6. Unfortunately. :LOL:

    Ohio, ehh?

  7. :LOL: Meh, I don't really care about basketball. They're my "home" team though. :rolleyes:

    Even though I hate the Dallas Cowboys and the Texas Rangers. :noey: They suck.

  8. PATRIOTS! :awesome:

    Boston RED SOX! :awesome:


  9. Oh yes. Softball and Volleyball. :D

  10. I WON'T. :phu:


    Plus, I told Seth I wanted to wait until after I was married (to him). He completely understood and respected it. :happy:

  11. You mean...



    *whispers* sex?


  12. Hmmm?

    You've slightly confused me..

  13. Move to England! I think it's 16 there... I think.

  14. Type it into to google or something.

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