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Everything posted by lightisbright

  1. It all depends on the state, I think. :erm:

  2. Ooo I love weddings! I'd love to come to it. :happy: I think that's the minimum age. :erm:

  3. Ooo I've got a fire pit too! :awesome:


    Aww I hope you guys wouldn't either! :(

  4. Sorry. :$ I am strange.

    I'll shut up now.



    It's an odd experience, witnessing a fire. :eek:

  5. Ohhhh my Wolsty! He was w-wearing a tunic thingy and he had those :awesome: ears, and he was wielding a light saber and woah! :awesome:




    I once was in a building with a fire. But it was a kitchen fire. In a school. :stunned:

  6. :eek: Y-Yoda?

    Ryannnn, Yoda was just HERE. :awesome:


    :eek: Damn. That's crazy.

  7. You should be Yoda. :yesey:


    I am 109. Well minus 92 years.

  8. It is. :indiff: *looong sigh*


    Ehhh sort of. I've never really gone in depth with it though. I believe in fate and stuff though.

  9. :LOL: Kids seem to be rightly calm around me. :p


    Oooo I like poets. :D:happy:


    Good night, Adam! ;)

  10. It's funny, my school is exactly like that. :facepalm: I got in trouble for wearing a dress that they didn't even know if it was in or out of dress code. But it went down to right above my knees! :mad:

    So I was thrown into ISS. :indiff:


  11. Oooo how could I forget them! :rolleyes:

  12. Did they kidnap and torture you and cast you under their spell of adorable-ness? :awesome::p



  13. Heh. Same here. :happy:


    There are soooo many douche bags/perverts/assholes/punks in the town of which I unfortunately live. :noey:


    Luckily, I do not associate with them.

  14. :LOL: Ohh noes. What happened?!?
  15. I looooove children. Love them. :D:p

  16. Oops. :erm:


    I love school sometimes. But not always. :noey: There are times where I feel like just getting up and walking out.

    HOMEWORK NEEDS TO GO. :mad: I was just thinking that exact same thing just now. Whoever invented it needs to get a fucking life. :fear::LOL: Seriously.

  17. Primary school education. :D:happy:

  18. OF MIIIICE AND MEEEEN. :'( Poor Lennie. :noey:


    I know! Some things we learn are utterly POINTLESS.

  19. Ohh yeah. I plan on it, for sure. :yesey:

  20. You are ... correct! :D

  21. Ehhh. It could be better. It's on hold for abit. I need to improve in maths/physics AP before I can do any hardcore gaming. :LOL:

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