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Everything posted by lightisbright

  1. Well now you have. :LOL:


    I love that most of all.

  2. I do. You're a bad boy, so naturally you attract me. ;):awesome:

  3. Don't act allllll innocent. Because, you sir, are not. :p

  4. You always say that you are. :happy:

    Oooooooooooo I'll keep that offer in mind.

  5. Awww. I cannot wait for that then. :happy: Don't laugh if I get all emotional though. :supersad:

    Yes! :awesome:

  6. Oy! You've got to. :D

    Mmmmmmmhmmm. :awesome: I'll bring the chocolate and ice cream. :p

  7. But after today it will become ...... the TITANIC! :awesome:! I love that film. :yesey: Makes me cry every time, but well worth it.

  8. Nope. It had reason...it made me happier. :happy:

    I was just stating the facts of my sad failboat. :LOL:

  9. Nahhhh it would sink under all that pressure. :LOL:

  10. :awesome: Dance party on my fail boat? :awesome:
  11. Luckily, it doesn't all happen at once! :LOL: I wouldn't be able to handle it with my AP courses. :noey:

  12. Secretary of the Spanish Club, Varsity Acappella choir, Choir Council, various book clubs, clean earth club, Schools For Schools, Common Ground, etc.

  13. Our high school is quite good at it, but I am definitely not in it. I've never really been fond of agriculture education, to be honest. :erm: But I commend the people who raise and show their animals. :awesome:

  14. Ahhhh Brenham. I've driven through it once. :happy: Oh neat, you were in the FFA? :awesome:

  15. :awesome::party:!!!!!!!


    My best friend and I are going. Ooooo where do you guys live? :happy:

  16. Ooooo double postage. :awesome:!


    Well you need not try too hard, I give it freely.

  17. Yes, I admit defeat. You win the game. :p


    I know. :D Every time you say something sweet like that or call me endearments and such I blush and a wave of butteflies overtakes me.

    And of course make me feel faint.

  18. :LOL: Okay, this is too hard. I cannot fight you.




  19. I said you were perfect, but I don't recall saying that it would make you always right.


    But then again, I am imperfect and always wrong and completely NOT amazing. Unlike you.

  20. I never would have thought you'd pull that card.

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