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Everything posted by lightisbright

  1. :supersad: Goodniiight. I love you too, my dear. :happy:
  2. :erm: You've posted on your on profile again. :chuckle:


    Inorite? :chuckle:

  3. Good. I want you to as well, but I want you to be in good health. :erm:


    Oh! I was going through some baby/toddler pictures of me to contribute to the 'Then And Now Thread,' and I came across a picture of me one Christmas morning wearing this sweater my recently passed Grandmother gave me at the age of four. And it made me reminisce, but I lol'ed when I read what the jumper said. It had a kitten on it, and it stated: "My Purrrfect Angel." :LOL: I think I am the only one who sees the irony in it. :happy:

  4. Okay. :supersad: Why don't you go ahead and get some sleep, darling?

  5. Really well. ...Okay, not exactly everything about you. Yet. :p

  6. I know you rather well, believe it or not. :happy:

  7. :LOL: I knew you'd say that. In fact, I had a personal bet you would. :chuckle:


    I was just thinking to myself, really.

  8. Really? Well it makes absolute sense.

  9. Ahhhh, yes! I know exactly what you mean.

  10. Actually that's quite close. :happy: It definitely provokes the thought of that.

  11. And it's not because it's your favourite or anything. :rolleyes: But because there's always been something about it I just ... love. :happy:

  12. ......





    We have a winner!! :awesome:

  13. No. :chuckle:

    Hmmm.....It recently had a sequel.

  14. Type of movie? Hmmmm action.

  15. Ha! I want to make it a game. :awesome:

    Once you've guessed it correctly, you may get a reward. :p

  16. ...No. :awesome:


    I like having you guess. It's quite obvious, really. :chuckle: Or maybe not.

  17. Hmmmm, if I did it would be too easy. *pouts* :supersad:


    But, fine.

    It's the intro to a movie's theme song. :awesome:

  18. Ooo, but you have to guess. :awesome::p

  19. You'll never guess what ringtone I got today as well. :awesome:!

  20. Oooo, are we a grammar loving couple? :awesome:?

  21. :chuckle: Ooops. Sorry for doing my random rambling (<--alliteration! :awesome:) again. :happy:
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