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Everything posted by lightisbright

  1. :chuckle:


    :( Oh sorry, love.

  2. I haven't left. Yet. :D


    Awwww. I will.

  3. And to see how long it would take you to notice I had. :chuckle:

  4. I was curious to see what it was. :p

  5. Then carry on. :D



    There. Fixed. :p

  6. No need to overwork yourself for me. Strive = one of my favourite words.


    Hey, I like to experiment with my grammar. :p:LOL:

  7. Oh? How much more better?



  8. Why try when you already do? :p

  9. Mhmmm. :D You always do.

  10. You've just added another tool to the belt of seduction. Whip out a couple of sultry allusions, and you've got me hooked. :yesey:

  11. Well, I love allusions! :awesome:

  12. I was thinking that as well. :LOL:

  13. Yay for neutrality. :awesome:


    Ohhhhhhh :p That's because you are you.

  14. I call it a draw. :awesome: I won't concur, you won't suuuuuurrender. :p

  15. who are we?

    where are we?

    when are we?

    why are we?

    who are we?

    where are we?

    why, why, why?


    I can't forgive you

    and I can't forget

  16. Whooooooo are weeee? Wherrrreee areeee weeee? whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy whyyy whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy???!:awesome:



  17. Read my lips. Oh, wait. You cannot. :phu:


    No. I will not let you try to sway my opinion. :p

  18. Ha!


    I won't cede.

  19. Oooo that was effective.


    NOT. You spelled absolute wrong, therefore I am not convinced.



  20. N





    I love USoE, but it's not THE best.

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