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Everything posted by lightisbright

  1. Ehh, it's really okay. I can't wait until it's drive-in season. :D


    Mhmmm. :awesome: This one has the guy that is very ... nice looking working the BN Starbucks. He has very deep blue eyes and dark brown hair and a northern accent. :happy:


    Yes it is. :happy:

  2. My parents decided not to go. :( Too wet.


    But, we shopped at B&N for a bit instead. And went to Cracker Barrell. :awesome:

    I <3 Cracker Barrell. :yesey:

  3. So tell me what's going on anyway. :p

  4. :LOL: I do. But it worries me that you won't even tell me anymore.
  5. Ahh. Why angry/depressed?

  6. What were all the deleted messages about?

  7. That's what I said wasn't it? :(



  8. :eek: You .... you said a curse word! :eek:



    :facepalm: to you sir.

    I Am Not Yours. :D

  9. It's you are. Or you're. Not your. :phu::phu:


    So HA! Grammatically speaking, I am not yours. :phu:




    I just quoted that choral song you heard my choir sing. :nerd:

  10. Who says?

    It's my soup. :phu:



  11. Or soup apparently.

  12. Not enough Brie in his diet. :noey:

  13. :LOL: But you are correct.
  14. HEY. Dom is not a skank. Rather, he is simply a womanizer. Also known as, a rockstar. :phu:

  15. I see. :LOL:


    I loved how Mel tagged me in that ridiculous photo of Dom in a hot tub with some broads. :LOL: I was apparently under his elbow. :eyebrows:

  16. PS

    I like your Mother's profile picture on Facebook. :LOL:

  17. :happy: You really don't have to though. I'll gladly listen, but if it's too hard for you to relive all of that ... then I will understand, my dear. :kiss:
  18. Yes, but I mean I want to hear your story in person. :D

  19. Oh don't be. :D I just couldn't understand it. :chuckle:


    I would just like to hear you. :D

  20. I want to hear your whole story in person as well, if you don't mind. :happy:

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