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Status Updates posted by brutal

  1. I highly doubt it is even a little bit of a challenge for me to get into your pants :rolleyes:

  2. haha because I only catch you online like once a month now

  3. living in a different time zone than you sucks :supersad:

  4. i'd congratulate you on being yet another creepy board member but that's not really something to encourage

  5. no he actually didn't


    and yes. yes I did report it.

  6. lol it was open book thank god or i would have le failed

  7. alkeeeeeeeeenes. oh yes. we're doing Sn1 and Sn2 mechanisms. oh and I have a quiz. i had 3.5 hours of sleeps. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY


    my av makes me giggle soooooo much

  8. there should totally be a :superbad: smiley. kevin will have to get right on that.


    and organic chemistry lab. do not want :supersad:



    hi rawra i have lab in 6 hours

  10. brutal

    only you would consider poop and dead fish lovely things :awesome:

  11. brutal

    you smell

  12. haha oh yea i get presents and shit don't i? i was so focused on the drinking i totally forgot


    i don't think i even know what i want :p

  13. i played melodie that have a wank song


    she extra doesn't like you now


    but watching her face while she listened to it was priceless :LOL:

  14. I just wanted to make sure you saw this


    ta ta

  15. boo the cheapest tickets I could get and be there long enough to bother are like 80 quid. fail.

  16. you and me both.


    until i start doing tequila shots that is. then i'll probably say something stupid like "lets go bowling!" and will then roll a game of 35.

  17. I have not a clue what I'm getting myself into. but I suppose worse comes to worse I just sit in a corner and cry at the train station until my train home comes along.

  18. haha yea me too. one on one i'm usually ok. big crowds not so much. oh the awkwardness. liquid courage will be needed.

  19. pffft well I will just get a ticket and try to arrive around the same time as you and you can laugh at the silly american who knows fuck all about public transportation. srsly.deal?

  20. what time will you get there? I might come if we can both be shit scared together. Never been to london. or been on a train. I'm going to need someone to hold my hand until I can put a beer in it.

  21. what station are you arriving at? I think all the trains from el Hull go to Kings Cross.

  22. yes maybe quite possibly......

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