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Citizen Erased

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Status Updates posted by Citizen Erased

  1. I didn't know you could use it as a verb :awesome: Learn something new everyday :3

  2. Never heard floccinaucinihilipilificate used in that way before, in fact...don't think I've EVER heard it used :LOL:

  3. :chuckle: Cheers :p So, depending on where abouts in Australia you are time it is for you I've been 15 for...at least 5 hours? :awesome: I'm coming to live in Australia to be 15 early XD Well...a minute early :LOL:
  4. XD I've got 5 minutes to go, I reckon I can accept your 'happy birthday' now :p

  5. Hi! Thank you! I still have half an hour to go before it's my birthday though :LOL:

  6. JOEY



  7. I had seating, and although I was a bit miffed about that (I had the chance to have standing but my mum wouldn't let me -_-) when I got there I was feeling ill, so it was nice to sit down and enjoy the show from above without having to worry about being thrown about whilst feeling queasy :LOL:

  8. Apparently we're getting more snow towards the end of this week :eek:


    But! Exams are over for a few weeks :D

  9. England...It's Sunday night for me...been back at school for 2 weeks, but had about 6 snow days :LOL:

  10. It was my first Muse gig too :3 Ooh, awesome birthday present :D You will be blown away by just the lighting, never mind the music! Seriously, so much effort is put into those gigs...wow.

  11. Brilliant! One of the best nights of my life :awesome:

  12. Yeah :( It was a 3 hour science revision session, we have an exam tomorrow :( And a history one :eek:

  13. :LOL: It's morning for me! I've already slept, but had to get up early for a revision session...in school...on a Saturday. :(
  14. Oh the majority of my male friends are like that! My drummer hates them because of Matt's breathing, and all the rest just say 'Muse, oh they suck' I have some male friends who love them though, so it's all good :yesey:

  15. No actually...she's a friend who doesn't actually like Muse much (or doesn't admit it :p) so I'm always really happy when she does stuff like that, or tells me she listened to a certain Muse song :LOL:

  16. Oh, she's not a hard core Muser, but one of my closest friends is. She's like me :p

  17. Yep, she's a Muser too :awesome: So are my two geography teachers, my two singing teachers, music tech teacher, my guitar teacher :awesome: I went to parents evening one night with a Muse tee on and I walked into my science teacher's class room and she said 'Ah, Muse, good band' :awesome:

  18. 'Problem' :chuckle: We had a music quiz in science before Christmas, and one of them was 'Glaciers melting in the dead of night and the superstars sucked into the supermassive' and I almost threw a fit :facepalm: Did the same for 'no one's going to take me alive, the time has come to make things right,' oh and 'you float like a feather in a beautiful world, I wish I was special' :LOL:

  19. :eek: You try to keep it discreet? It's not really possible for me...pretty much everyone knows I'm a Muser. But it's not like I mention it...they just know some how. And I don't go round showing my phone to people, everyone just seems to know I like Muse :LOL: Might have something to do with the large number of facebook updates to do with Myooze...
  20. There's too many to choose from :eek: I'm just going to keep it as it is for the moment :LOL:

  21. I just find them interesting :LOL: *weirdo*


    I don't know what to do when it comes to sizes for phone wallpapers though, so I have to rely on photos being the right size :LOL:

  22. His cheekbones just fascinate me though. :LOL: And it was the only photo that had the right dimensions for my phone :facepalm:

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