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Citizen Erased

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Status Updates posted by Citizen Erased

  1. Well, I used to just have black hair, and she did, but now I've gone purple and my friend is going back to her natural colour so our hair doesn't look too similar anymore

  2. Oh me and my friend get mistaken for twins :LOL:

  3. My hair's pretty thin, but it's not fly away or damaged. My hair's pretty healthy but it soaks up the heat really well :LOL:

  4. :LOL: I have ginger hair :$ but I've dyed it black and purple (favourite colours ftw). When I was ginger someone once put a lighter to my hair D: Nothing bad happened, it was just scary :LOL:
  5. It's not curly, it's just very wavy and all over the place if I don't straighten it, and the way it is naturally doesn't really go with my hairstyle :LOL:

  6. XD Thank you :LOL: Brb, just straightening mah hair :D

  7. XD They're my first tries :LOL: They're nothing special XD

  8. Hey :D I'm good, only just emerged from my room though :LOL: Yourself?

  9. We're living off BBQs, microwave food and eating at other peoples' houses :LOL:

  10. Hey hey! I'm having a BBQ cos my kitchen is out of order :awesome:

  11. I'm going to be laying a kitchen floor in a bit. We're having a new kitchen put in and it looks a right mess at the moment :LOL: My uncle's plastering the ceiling so it looks a bit better though

  12. Listening to music and playing guitar really loud because I have no neighbours for 2 weeks :awesome: You?

  13. Hey! I'm good, yourself?

  14. I got a nice cheap one to start me off, an Ibanez starter pack. Comes with everything and it was only about £65. Bought another a few months ago, bit more expensive this time, £190, then a few days ago, I inherited an acoustic electric off my aunt. I also inherited her piano, but I already had it in the house :awesome:

  15. I play piano, guitar and I sing :awesome: Yourself?

  16. I'm hoping to go to Austria sometime soon. I've not been since I was about 3 or 4, but from what I remember of it, I absolutely loved it

  17. Gah, well, I'm happy enough in England :LOL:

  18. I prefer German weather. It's not too hot but it doesn't rain all the time :D

  19. Ooh, I love Germany! :awesome: You on a holiday?

  20. West Yorkshire, England, yourself?

  21. Hey, I'm alright, yourself?

  22. I see. I just realised. Damn it, I don't either, I have it on the computer, but not an actual CD :(


    *goes on Play.com*

  23. Ooo I seeee


    So you have the DVD, like the extras AND the live concert, just not the soundtrack one?


    *is confuzzled*

  24. That's unfair :( There is the Hullabaloo extras on Youtube...4 parts I think. Have you watched them?

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