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Citizen Erased

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Status Updates posted by Citizen Erased

  1. Hey, I'm good, absolutely shattered, but good, how about you?

  2. Hey hey :) I'm good! Yourself? Sorry for the delayed reply :LOL:

  3. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you :awesome: I can't wait for it, I keep looking at my tickets and either grinning like a fool, or crying :LOL:

  4. The artwork is :awesome: It's my first actual pwoper gig, in the past I've only gone to concerts of bands I didn't really like...but I'm FINALLY going to see my all time favourite...plus, with my best friend, so it's gonna be even better. And we're going like 6 hours early, and staying for a few hours at the end in the hope of meeting them :awesome:

  5. :LOL: Yes, I LOVE Uprising. United States of Eurasia is still growing on me, but I'm loving it more and more now. XD I'm so psyched for the new album and my first ever Muse gig :awesome:
  6. Hey, welcome to the boards then :LOL:


    I'm good, yourself?

  7. Had an injection in my mouth D: Two teeth pulled out :LOL:

  8. I can't sing at all at the moment :LOL: My mouth is numb and I can't talk properly XD


    Don't focus on my singing D:


    But then there's my Muse thank you Project Eurasia thins (exclude the beginning because I fail at singing low, and I didn't know where the hell I was meant to sing when it came to 'BE OOOONLY ONE!'



  10. Tarraa, I'll send you the link later :LOL:

  11. XD I love all Muse songs except Pink Ego Box. I mean...wtf? XD


    I'm not a terrible singer, I just gotta learn how to use my chest voice a bit more. I'd send you the video of our cover of TIRO, but I'm scared you'd think it's shite (mainly my voice) :LOL: But I got my 'Thank you Muse Eurasia Project' video on youtube too XD

  12. XD The first song me and my band covered was TIRO...but I was so nervous and and I could barely hear myself sing because the drums were too close and they hadn't mixed it properly, so my singing was atrocious. And we had to shorten the song to two minutes the day before we were performing so we only had a day to learn that version, so we mucked up a bit. But still it was our first performance and I don't think we did too bad considering the circumstances.


    I do wish we could do it again, the full song, so I can move about a bit :LOL:

  13. I wanna learn to play the Hysteria solo well enough so I can do Matt's little dance with it :awesome: I can already do the Glasto TIRO dance :D

  14. It's an exceptionally fun instrument. At the moment I'm getting used to moving about and dancing with it :awesome:

  15. :awesome: Just get enough practising in and you'll be brill in no time
  16. Do eeet! Get a cheap Ibanez starter kit and start! :awesome:

  17. Not because I force myself to do it, but because I absolutely love it, time flies for me when I'm guitar XD

  18. :( I use Matt as my inspiration. I used to play guitar like 10 minutes every few days, but then I thought t myself, 'this is getting me nowhere' and started playing like...4 or 5 hours a day, and I've progressed so much more compared to the 10 minutes every few days I was doing. I get lessons, but they're only there to ask any questions or learn the stuff Matt probably doesn't know (like how to read music pwoperly)
  19. He only started guitar at 14. I feel quite confident seeing as I started guitar a year before him...:LOL: I base all my ambitions on Muse XD

  20. Matt's like...my motivation for playing guitar and piano XD I cry because I'm scared I'll never be anywhere near as good XD

  21. Because they're so damn epic. :LOL:

  22. :(:(


    I only just watched the Absolution Tour the other day, I physically can't watch any more for another couple of months though, because I end up crying :LOL: It's sad I know, but I can't XD

  23. Win! :awesome: I wanna watch Hullabaloo now :LOL:

  24. Ooooh...hard to say. In Rainbows. :p




    Origin of Symmetry is probably my favourite as I love more songs on that album, but my favourite all time song is in Abso, (Butterflies and Hurricanes).


    What about yours?

  25. :LOL: Well, I guess that's what happens in conversations :LOL:
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