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Everything posted by JessicaSarahS

  1. Thanks! The shows were great!! You're going to have a blast. I can't wait for Voodoo. I think I'm going through Muse withdrawls, hahahaha! And it'll be my first time visiting NOLA. I've always wanted to go.

  2. I saw that on twitter! :'( I'm so sorry! That's one of the reasons why I don't wait outside after shows anymore. I've been pretty lucky with it so far, not with Muse, but other bands. But I don't want to push that luck and have that "damn, only 15 minutes longer and I could've met them?!" feeling.
  3. Hehehe! I think Dom was tired of my face: Here's some more from Anaheim: Full set here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jessicasarahs/sets/72157625050844928/with/5036571446/
  4. I'm glad I'm not the only one that felt that way! I had to suppress my inner fangirl, which would have spewed something embarrassing like "OMFGYOULIKEZELDATOO?!METOO!OMG! YOU SHOULD TOTALLY DRESS UP AS LINK FOR HALLOWEEN@VOODOO!!!!!" (&I'll be Zelda. ) (Although, truth be told, Dom would make the perfect Link. )
  5. Thanks!! I like yours too! :D

  6. Don't you have an urgent care/walk-in type place? Tell them what you are experiencing first, then tell them about the confetti after. Medical personnel have heard so many crazier stories than yours, believe it or not. So I highly doubt you are making the true, honest efforts to seek medical attention. Call poison control and get a referral if necessary. If people can get help for shoving odd, poisonous things up their ass, I'm sure you can get help for stupidly putting something poisonous in your mouth.
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