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Status Updates posted by Cheersaholic

  1. yes it was goodish :LOL: Went punting and fell in :facepalm:

    How was your day?


  2. yay :dance: facebook rocks....after here obviously :LOL:


  3. haha glad we had that heart to heart conversation about Charlie :LOL::facepalm:


  4. I can't wait :D

    Me and a mate are going to see them in San Diego :party: and oxegen because its on my birthday :happy:

    accepted :dance:


  5. Tell me about it! :LOL:

    good good! :happy: I'm good loads of college work and job work to be doing! :D

    Yes thats fine :kiss:

  6. :O did anything kinky happen with the pope? :awesome: >>>>>>>>>:pope:

  7. :( im not sure then :supersad:
  8. just think about it as you fall asleep :D

  9. :D i can't wait for my dreams tonight :happy:
  10. OOOO i like that sound of that :yesey::eyebrows:

  11. :LOL: i'd be laughing my head of, Dom would be the one getting all of me :chuckle:
  12. Nah, not chris, he's a married man!

    Tom, :kiss: he's awesome! :happy:

  13. i'd never turn down a threesome with them :chuckle: or a foursome :D

  14. :yesey: he logged on as me then approved of the mattification on your wall because he wants a threesome with you and maffoo :p:awesome:
  15. :shifty: that wasnt me, :erm: it was dom :yesey:
  16. :LOL: I love what you did to stef's wall :p:chuckle:




    glittery toothpaste :awesome:

  18. :erm: ok I thought I was just going mental for a moment!
  19. :confused: I might be a bit blind, but i dont see the undertitle box!? and it's midnight :erm: I might not be looking in the right place but I swear i am.
  20. it's not to bad, take binoculars, we did and everyone in the block were looking through them:p

  21. :LOL: your in the block I was in last time muse played Wembley :chuckle: ....dont worry, you can't see a thing :p
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