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Status Updates posted by Cheersaholic

  1. It says


    :facepalm: I'm so far away!! :'(

  2. Err :erm: where do you check?

  3. :$ I just read through all our posts, Where are you sitting for wembley?


  4. Although there is this one picture of matt that drives me insane. :$...and I mean as insane as sweaty dom pictures :p

  5. but I always win, because Dom is the hotter one :p:chuckle:

  6. Yeah when ever me and my sister argue over who is hotter she says Dom because she knows my sister can take it and i can't :facepalm:, She told me Chris was hot when I was 11 (i think it was) It was horrific, she always talks about how nice he looks and stuff :noey:

  7. :$ it wasnt like that, it was more "mum isnt dom hot?" and then my sister was like "err no, matt is" :LOL:
  8. :stunned: that is not young, It's only 2 years younger than me. I thought dom was the hottest man alive when I was 10 :chuckle::facepalm: I still do :p

  9. 3rd is my fav/lucky number so :awesome: (it has nothing to do with there being 3 members of muse :chuckle:) 1 friend an hour?

    Good night :kiss:

  10. Hola :D Yay I'm your 3rd friend :happy:

  11. Damn snow melted :chuckle:

    I was getting worried there :p

    Stupid Dior site doesn't have links :supersad: I'm getting some all saints shoes instead because they are cheaper :LOL:


  12. Uhh should have got a Mattmobile to get you home :p

    Is it snowing with you? It's randmoly started snowing again today :confused::p

    HAHA when I read "I thought you said my dad was okay for a minute there" I went :O and quickly checked, then I though I wrote My dad. :facepalm:

    They are dior :'( thats why I can't buy them, they cost soooo much,


  13. :LOL: today this guy that always says "porque es" in a really enthusiastic way, got on the bus and this old granny was on the bus he sat next to her and goes "PORQUE ES" to this old woman and she was like "AHHH get away from me pervert" so for a whole hour I had to sit next to him :mad::LOL:

    That is a very very long time for 2 fellow P_Ters to not talk :p

    Aww no, why was it crap? :supersad: My day was ok, fell inlove with a pair of shoes that I wont be buying for a million years. :'(


  14. Hola!!! :D

    Long time no see (speak :p)

    Ok it's been like 3 days but still :chuckle:

    How is things on the matt side of the obsessiveness :p (not sure how much sense I am making :chuckle:)


  15. Dom's sex is on fire! :chuckle:

  16. He'd be a catholic Priest wouldnt he :chuckle: Sexy times are allowed! :LOL:

  17. Oh that one :p:chuckle:

    I'm an atheist, but hell i'd be on the front row of church, even try and get the job thingy next to the priest :facepalm:

  18. :eek: what post was that :pope: If dom was my priest, I'd go to church everyday :chuckle:
  19. My day was good, went shopping :awesome:

    How was your day?


  20. Yeah, but I'd have £0 if I didnt buy it :chuckle:

    Dom has to win! He is soooo Hot :stongue:

    Matt has to win worst dressed :chuckle:

  21. :'( hope your bruises get better soon! The only cool thing about it is I can say "I broke my rib snowboarding and so did dom." :chuckle:

    Dont really know much about the guy thing, PM you about it soon. :D

    How was your week?


  22. :party: WOOOOO I'm back!!!

    Yeah, it was pretty fun, Hurt my back/stomach/legs though :supersad: I got stopped by security just because the police wanted to talk muse with me :chuckle:


  23. :ninja: Dom has a ball :stongue:

    It feels amazing!
    :chuckle: Sorry I just had to :p

    :chuckle: just for the crew hey! :p

    Ummmm it's very sweaty! *day dreams*

    :chuckle: I love dom moving his head back and forward to the music. :LOL:


    I am really tempted to place a bid for his kit :ninja::erm:

    Time to get voting Dom for Sex On Fire!

  24. I'm back :kiss: that was a really long week.


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