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Status Updates posted by Cheersaholic

  1. I'm leaving any minutes (struggling to give up museboard already :facepalm:)

    I'm going to miss you :supersad: :'(

    As soon as I get back, I'll message you.

    This is going to be one long week :chuckle:


  2. Long story! I'll PM you, dont want it public :chuckle::$


  3. :chuckle: Dom in just short :eek::pope:

    My day was ok, ended up getting really freaked out by this guy though :erm: How was your day?


  4. :chuckle: JEALOUS.OF.MATT.BELLAMY I mean he see's dom all the times :LOL:


  5. :LOL: I was thinking "he's not that hairy" :erm:



  6. His poor trousers :LOL:

    I know :eek:

    OMG BACK IN BLACK....Dom talking/drumming/sweating= uhh- :stongue:


  7. :kiss: His knees :'(

    I leave tomorrow at 12am :supersad:


  8. Where are you? There are bare back photos :eek::D

  9. Yeah, Tom Kirk is a hottie :p:chuckle:

    :eek: nearly time for the snowboard trip :erm: :'(


  10. Awww :'( I dont like scawy people. Tom Kirk is scawy! :yesey::p


  11. I think you should ask him, but only if you want to (guessing you do)


  12. :noey:

    Yeah I remember who you are talking about, still no change on that?


  13. :LOL: There have been loads of slut comment on Twitter :p:chuckle:

    My day was good, so tired though :sleepy: How was your day?


  14. :chuckle: them interviews were so amusing! :LOL:

    Yeah, have you seen his arm :chuckle:


  15. I wanna be the interviewer/fan who got a hug from dom :eek: OMG

    thank you very much, that was very nice right I'm off to bed! :LOL:


  16. :'( you should retrace matts footsteps and happen to come here when lostprophets are here :yesey:


  17. Who ever plays at Glastonbury. Some local gigs, Nothing to exciting. Lostprophets are playing like down the road from my house :p


  18. :'( that sucks. Stupid radio 1 :p


  19. :chuckle: awesome. Yeah I tend to love my mum when she does something like that :p


  20. There was a tweet saying

    ready for downtime? #musers
    and before something like
    sorry doris is down tonight!


  21. Board is about to go down! :'( do you have twitter?


    My day was good! You?

    :kiss: Sorry trying to be quick

  22. :'( I'm sure you wont stop liking them :chuckle: they are to amazing to stop liking :LOL:


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